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iPhone启动图片Launch Image能玩出的花儿

2015-09-01 11:24 260 查看
Naming Your Launch Image Files

The name of each launch image conveys its purpose and how it is used. It is recommended that you use the following format for launch image filenames:


The portion of the filename is the string that you specify using the UILaunchImageFile key. (If you do not specify the key, iOS uses the string Default for the launch image name.) To the base name, you can add several different types of modifiers:

High-resolution image modifier—Use the
modifier to identify images that are intended for Retina displays.

Platform-specific modifiers—Use the modifiers
to specify images targeting a specific size of device.

Orientation-specific modifiers—Use the strings
-Landscape, -Portrait, -LandscapeLeft, -LandscapeRight, or -PortraitUpsideDown
to specify launch images when the device is in a specific orientation. More specific orientation modifiers take precedence over less-specific orientation modifiers. For example, an image with the -LandscapeLeft modifier takes precedence over an image with the -Landscape modifier when the device is in the correct orientation.

iPhone 5 modifier—Use the string
to specify a launch image intended for devices whose screen is 568 points high. Because such devices also have Retina displays, you should also include the @2x modifier in the image name.

URL scheme modifiers—Include the name of your app’s custom URL scheme in launch image names if you want those launch images displayed when your app is launched to open a URL of the specified type. The format of a scheme modifier is
where < url_scheme > is your custom scheme name. For example, if your app opens URLs of the form myscheme://example.com, you would include -myscheme in your launch image names.

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