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package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 行为特质
* Created by ctao on 2015/8/31.
trait Action

* 方向特质
trait Direction

* 向上实现方向特质
object Up extends Direction

* 向下实现方向特质
object Down extends Direction

* 向左实现方向特质
object Left extends Direction

* 向右实现方向特质
object Right extends Direction

* run实现行为特质
object Run extends Action

* move实现行为特质
object Move extends Action

* then实现行为特质
object Then extends Action

* robot up move length 1 and right run length 3
* @param x x坐标
* @param y y坐标
class Robot(var x: Int = 0, var y: Int = 0) {
* 行为
private var actions: String = null
* 方向
private var directions: Direction = null
* 记录方向
private var tag: String = null

* 向上
* @param action 行为
* @return 自身类型
def up(action: Action): this.type = {
action match {
case Run => actions = "快速移动"
case Move => actions = "移动"
directions = Up

* 向下
* @param action 行为
* @return 自身类型
def down(action: Action): this.type = {
action match {
case Run => actions = "快速移动"
case Move => actions = "移动"
directions = Down

* 向左
* @param action 行为
* @return 自身类型
def left(action: Action): this.type = {
action match {
case Run => actions = "快速移动"
case Move => actions = "移动"
directions = Left

* 向右
* @param action 行为
* @return 自身类型
def right(action: Action): this.type = {
action match {
case Run => actions = "快速移动"
case Move => actions = "移动"
directions = Right

* 长度设置
* @param length 长度
* @return 自身类型
* @return 自身类型
def length(length: Int): this.type = {
directions match {
case Up => y += length; tag = "向上"
case Down => y -= length; tag = "向下"
case Left => x -= length; tag = "向左"
case Right => x += length; tag = "向右"
println(s"机器人$tag$actions :$length ,此时的位置为x坐标:$x,y坐标:$y")

* and方法用于过度
* @param word Then
* @return 自身类型
def and(word: Then.type) = this


package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 测试客户端
* Created by ctao on 2015/8/31.
object ClientRobot extends App {
val robot = new Robot
robot up Run length 10 and Then left Move length 5 and Then right Run length 3 and Then down Move length 8

package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 展示
object Show

* 然后
object ThenBug

* 回头
object Around

* bug类
* @param pos 坐标
* @param dir 初始方向
class Bug(var pos: Int = 0, var dir: Int = 1) {
def move(length: Int) = {
pos += length * dir

def turn(word: Around.type = null) = {
dir = -dir

def show() = {

def and(word: ThenBug.type) = this

def and(word: Show.type) = this.show()


package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 测试客户端,流利接口,类似解释器模式
* Created by ctao on 2015/8/31.
object ClientBug extends App {
val robot = new Bug(1)
robot move 4 and Show and ThenBug move 6 and Show turn Around move 5 and Show

package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 参数
* Created by ctao on 2015/8/31.
trait Prop

* 标题
object Title extends Prop

* 作者
object Author extends Prop

class Book(var author: String = "", var title: String = "") {
private var useArgs: Any = null

def set(obj: Prop): this.type = {
useArgs = obj; this

def to(args: String): this.type = useArgs match {
case Title => title = args; this
case Author => author = args; this
package com.linewell.modeldesgin.interpreter

* 测试客户端
* Created by ctao on 2015/8/31.
object ClientBook extends App {
val book = new Book
book set Author to "chen" set Title to "scala"
println("author:"+book.author+" and title:"+book.title)
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