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Installation of NVIDIA GPU Driver and CUDA Toolkit

2015-08-30 13:43 405 查看

Installation of NVIDIA GPU Driver and CUDA Toolkit

Disable default driver

by adding following commond at the end of the file:
blacklist nouveau

file by adding
rdblacklist=nouveau nouveau.modeset=0

Install NVIDIA GPU Driver

to tty and log in.

shut down lightdm
sudo service lightdm stop

add source
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

install driver. Note that the version of the driver must be correspondent to the GPU card. One can find the correct version in NVIDIA official website. For example, my GPU is GTX970M, then I should use the following commend:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-352
sudo apt-get install nvidia-352-uvm


Install CUDA Toolkit

download CUDA 7.0 .run file from NVIDIA website. Note that the CUDA version should be correspendent to gcc version and driver version.

change .run file mode by
chmod +x *.run

install CUDA by
sudo ./*.run
. Note to skip the installation of driver.

add necessary environment path by
and export the paths. Alternatively, one can modify /etc/profile to set the environment paths. Add
export PATH="/path/to/cuda/bin:$PATH"
and in commond line type
source /etc/profile

verify the installation. Change directory to CUDA sample and make the samples. Run a sample
sudo ./deviceQuery
to verify the installation.
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标签:  gpu cuda