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JSF 2 button and commandButton example

2015-08-28 07:37 627 查看
In JSF 2.0, both
<h:button />
<h:commandButton />
tags are used to render HTML input element of type button, with different mechanism to handle the navigation.

1. JSF

The “
” tag is released since JSF 1.x, you can declare the bean, which return the navigation outcome in the “
” attribute. If browser’s with JavaScript disabled, the navigation is still working, because the navigation is handled via form post.

1. Submit button

<h:commandButton value="submit" type="submit" action="#{user.goLoginPage}" />

//HTML output
<input type="submit" name="xxx" value="submit" />

2. Reset button

<h:commandButton value="reset" type="reset" />

//HTML output
<input type="reset" name="xxx" value="reset" />

3. Normal button

<h:commandButton value="button" type="button" />

//HTML output
<input type="button" name="xxx" value="button" />

4. Normal button with onclick event

<h:commandButton value="Click Me" type="button" onclick="alert('h:commandButton');" />

//HTML output
<input type="button" name="xxx" value="Click Me" onclick="alert('h:commandButton');" />

2. JSF h:button example

The “
” is a new tag in JSF 2.0, you can declared the navigation outcome directly in the “
” attribute, no need to call a bean to return an outcome like “
” above. But, if browser’s with JavaScript disabled, the navigation will failed, because the “
” tag is generate an “
” event to handle the navigation via “
”. See examples :

1. Normal button without outcome

<h:button value="buton" />

//HTML output
<input type="button"
onclick="window.location.href='/JavaServerFaces/faces/currentpage.xhtml; return false;"
value="buton" />

P.S if the outcome attribute is omitted, the current page URL will treat as the outcome.

2. Normal button with an outcome

<h:button value="buton" outcome="login" />

//HTML output
<input type="button"
onclick="window.location.href='/JavaServerFaces/faces/login.xhtml; return false;"
value="buton" />

3. Normal button with JavaScript.

<h:button value="Click Me" onclick="alert('h:button');" />

//HTML output
<input type="button"
onclick="alert('h:button');window.location.href='/JavaServerFaces/faces/page.xhtml;return false;"
value="Click Me" />

My thought…

No really sure why JSF 2.0 released this “
” tag, the JavaScript redirection is not practical, especially in JavaScript disabled browser. The best is integrate the “outcome” attribute into the “
” tag, hope it can be done in future release.
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