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U-boot-2014.04移植到MINI2440(2) Readme翻译分析

2015-08-21 15:26 274 查看

1. 总结(summary)

首先看看开发者对U-BOOT的定义:a boot loader for Embedded boards based onPowerPC, ARM, MIPS and several other processors, which can be installed in aboot ROM and used to initialize and test the hardware or to download
and run applicationcode.这段话的意思是:U-BOOT是一个专门为例如PowerPC,ARM,MIPS等嵌入式主板设计的引导加载程序,它可以被安装在rom中被用来初始化和测试硬件或者下载运行应用代码。我像这段话很清晰的说明了U-BOOT的主要功能。



这部分说的是U-BOOT中已经存在的板级配置选项都被测试可用,使用了值得玩味的“working”这个词,很多已经用于实际生产系统。下一段有一句话很重要:In case of problems see the CHANGELOG and CREDITSfiles to find out

who contributedthe specific port. The boards.cfg file lists board maintainers.是说boards.cfg文件列出了各个板子的维护者,也就是我们配置开发板的时候要在这个文件下。再往下我们可以忽略,讲的命名,版本,源码获得方法等,直接跳过。




这部分就是为什么我们在U-BOOT里面总是看到“CONFIG_”“CONFIG_SYS_”这样的宏,是因为防止dead code,采用的这种C语言宏定义预处理。后面说增加了一个配置工具,但是还需要做手工的配置,需要我们自己添加链接和编辑一些配置文件。

5.选择处理器架构和开发板类型(Selectionof Processor Architecture and Board Type)

顾名思义,这部分解释了为什么我们在make前要执行makemini2440_config这个指令,文档中解释如下:For all supported boards thereare ready-to-use default

configurationsavailable; just type "make <board_name>_config".意思就是你要配置哪个开发板就执行"make<board_name>_config"。




Active arm arm920t s3c24x0 mini2440 - mini2440

后面还有很多,例如ARMoptions ,时钟配置,与LINUX内核的交互配置,网络,串口,IO,LCD,USB等等,每一项都讲了需要配置的话要注意些什么,我想有时候我们在配置U-BOOT出错的时候,可以再这里找找答案。


-ARM options

Select high exception vectors of the ARM core, e.g.,do not clear the V bit of the c1 register of CP15.


- CPU timer options

The frequency of the timer returned by get_timer().get_timer()must operate in milliseconds and this CONFIG option must be set to 1000.


- Boot Delay: CONFIG_BOOTDELAY- in seconds

Delay before automatically booting the default image;



This can be used to pass arguments to the bootmcommand. The value of CONFIG_BOOTARGS goes into the environment value"bootargs".



Define a default value for the IP address to use for thedefault Ethernet interface, in case this is not determined through e.g. bootp.



BE CAREFUL! Any changes to the flash layout, and somechanges to the

source code willmake it necessary to adapt <board>/u-boot.lds*accordingly!



Building the Software:


Building U-Boot has been tested in several nativebuild environments

and in many different cross environments. Of course wecannot support

all possibly existing versions of cross developmenttools in all

(potentially obsolete) versions. In case of tool chainproblems we

recommend to use the ELDK (seehttp://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/ELDK)

which is extensively used to build and test U-Boot.

If you are not using a native environment, it isassumed that you

have GNU cross compiling tools available in your path.In this case,

you must set the environment variable CROSS_COMPILE inyour shell.

Note that no changes to the Makefile or any othersource files are

necessary. For example using the ELDK on a 4xx CPU,please enter:






$ CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-


U-Boot is intended to be simple to build. Afterinstalling the

sources you must configure U-Boot for one specificboard type. This

is done by typing:


where "NAME_config" is the name of one of theexisting configu-

rations; see boards.cfg for supported names.

上面这段话说的是U-BOOT的趋势是支持更加简单的配置过程,例如你要配置一个开发板,就输入make NAME_config,这些具体的板子名称在boards.cfg下,我们打开看到boards里面是已经支持的板子。


Finally, type "make all", and you should getsome working U-Boot

images ready for download to / installation on yoursystem:

- "u-boot.bin" is a raw binary image

- "u-boot" is an image in ELF binary format

- "u-boot.srec" is in Motorola S-Recordformat



If the system board that you have is notlisted, then you will need

to port U-Boot toyour hardware platform. To do this, follow these


1. Add a new configuration option for your boardto the toplevel

"boards.cfg" file, using theexisting entries as examples.

Follow the instructions there to keep theboards in order.

2. Create a new directory to hold your boardspecific code. Add any

files you need. In your board directory,you will need at least

the "Makefile", a"<board>.c", "flash.c" and "u-boot.lds".

3. Create a new configuration file"include/configs/<board>.h" for

your board

3. If you're porting U-Boot to a new CPU, thenalso create a new

directory to hold your CPU specific code.Add any files you need.

4. Run "make <board>_config"with your new name.

5. Type "make", and you should get aworking "u-boot.srec" file

to be installed on your target system.

6. Debug and solve any problems that mightarise.

[Of course, this last step is much harderthan it sounds.]










Monitor Commands - Overview:


go - startapplication at address 'addr'

run - runcommands in an environment variable

bootm - bootapplication image from memory

bootp - bootimage via network using BootP/TFTP protocol

bootz - bootzImage from memory

tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol

and env variables "ipaddr" and"serverip"

(and eventually "gatewayip")

tftpput - upload a file via network using TFTPprotocol

rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTPprotocol

diskboot- boot from IDE devicebootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'

loads - loadS-Record file over serial line

loadb - loadbinary file over serial line (kermit mode)

md - memorydisplay

mm - memorymodify (auto-incrementing)

nm - memorymodify (constant address)

mw - memorywrite (fill)

cp - memory copy

cmp - memorycompare

crc32 -checksum calculation

i2c - I2Csub-system

sspi - SPIutility commands

base - printor set address offset

printenv- print environment variables

setenv - setenvironment variables

saveenv - save environment variables to persistentstorage

protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection

erase - eraseFLASH memory

flinfo - printFLASH memory information

nand - NANDmemory operations (see doc/README.nand)

bdinfo - printBoard Info structure

iminfo - printheader information for application image

coninfo - print console devices and informations

ide - IDEsub-system

loop -infinite loop on address range

loopw -infinite write loop on address range

mtest - simpleRAM test

icache - enableor disable instruction cache

dcache - enable ordisable data cache

reset -Perform RESET of the CPU

echo - echoargs to console

version - print monitor version

help - printonline help

? - alias for'help'



Environment Variables:


U-Boot supports user configuration using EnvironmentVariables which

can be made persistent by saving to Flash memory.


Environment Variables are set using"setenv", printed using

"printenv", and saved to Flash using"saveenv". Using "setenv"

without a value can be used to delete a variable fromthe

environment. As long as you don't save the environmentyou are

working with an in-memory copy. In case the Flash areacontaining the

environment is erased by accident, a defaultenvironment is provided.


Some configuration options can be set usingEnvironment Variables.

List of environment variables (most likely notcomplete):

baudrate - see CONFIG_BAUDRATE

bootdelay - see CONFIG_BOOTDELAY


bootargs - Boot arguments when booting an RTOS image

bootfile - Name of the image to load with TFTP

ipaddr - IP address; needed for tftpboot command

loadaddr - Default load address for commands like"bootp",

"rarpboot", "tftpboot","loadb" or "diskboot"

loads_echo - see CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO

serverip - TFTP server IP address; needed fortftpboot command

bootretry - see CONFIG_BOOT_RETRY_TIME

bootdelaykey - see CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_DELAY_STR

bootstopkey - see CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_STOP_STR



* packagecompressed binary image for U-Boot:

mkimage -A ppc -O linux -T kernel -C gzip\

-a 0 -e 0 -n "Linux Kernel Image"\

-d linux.bin.gz uImage

The"mkimage" tool can also be used to create ramdisk images for use

with U-Boot,either separated from the Linux kernel image, or

combined into onefile. "mkimage" encapsulates the images with a 64

byte headercontaining information about target architecture,

operating system,image type, compression method, entry points, time

stamp, CRC32checksums, etc.

"mkimage"can be called in two ways: to verify existing images and

print the headerinformation, or to build new images.

In the first form(with "-l" option) mkimage lists the information

contained in theheader of an existing U-Boot image; this includes


tools/mkimage -l image

-l ==> list image header information

The second form(with "-d" option) is used to build a U-Boot image

from a "datafile" which is used as image payload:

tools/mkimage -A arch -O os -T type -Ccomp -a addr -e ep \

-n name -d data_file image

-A ==> set architecture to 'arch'

-O ==> set operating system to 'os'

-T ==> set image type to 'type'

-C ==> set compression type 'comp'

-a ==> set load address to 'addr' (hex)

-e ==> set entry point to 'ep' (hex)

-n ==> set image name to 'name'

-d ==> use image data from 'datafile'



Boot Linux:

The "bootm" command is used to boot anapplication that is stored in

memory (RAM or Flash). In case of a Linux kernelimage, the contents

of the "bootargs" environment variable ispassed to the kernel as

parameters. You can check and modify this variableusing the

"printenv" and "setenv" commands


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