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Torch7 Serialization

2015-08-19 17:26 483 查看
LINK: https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/serialization.md
Torch provides 4 high-level methods of serialize/deserialize arbitrary Lua/Torch objects. These functions are just abstractions over the File object, and were created for convenience (these are very common routines).

The first two functions are useful to serialize/deserialize data to/from files:

torch.save(filename, object [, format])
[object] torch.load(filename [, format])

The format can be set to ascii or binary (default is binary).

The next two functions are useful to serialize/deserialize data to/from strings:

[str] torch.serialize(object)
[object] torch.deserialize(str)
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标签:  torch