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Python with MySql in Ubuntu

2015-08-17 22:00 639 查看
1. Install MySQLdb in ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install python-MySQLdb

2. create a new python file

vim mysql_learn.py

3. Edit the file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

import MySQLdb

# mysql user name
userName = 'root'
# mysql user password
password = 'password'


# connect to local mysql
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=userName, passwd=password, port=3306)
cur = conn.cursor()

# create new database 'python_test'
cur.execute('create database if not exists python_test')
# select the database
# create table with name and age.
cur.execute('create table p_test(name varchar(20), age int)')

value=['wangyi1e', 28]
cur.execute('insert into p_test values(%s, %s)',value)
# commit here is very import for mysql to storage the action.

except MySQLdb.Error, e:
print("Call Failure %d:%s"%(e.args[0], e.args[1]))

with mysql with phpmyadmin, we can see that the table has a new row with 'wangyi1e' and 28.

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标签:  Python Mysql ubuntu