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The Array |

2015-08-17 21:41 344 查看
HoHo 完成了Tree之章后,决定下一个章节选Array。 Array一直是我的一个软肋,和List的题目一个问题,我经常被index问题搞的头晕脑胀! 希望做这一遍 LeetCode上的66 题能让自己有所提升。与Tree之章不同,我不再会记录所有66道题目,我将只记难想或难做对的题目。

Product of Array Except Self : *

Tricky one. scan twice from left and right respectively. Record all right side product in first ite, record all left side product in second ite. To use constant space, scan from left to right and build solution at the same time.



第一趟正向遍历数组,计算x0 ~ xi-1的乘积

第二趟反向遍历数组,计算xi+1 ~ xn-1的乘积

" --书影

Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array : ***

Tricky one. Cost me a while though it's my second time doing this. Notice, this process uses binary search, but differ from normal binary search. The point is, if we search for 8 in 1~10 use binary search then we can finally end at 8 only because we know
we are looking for 8. But now we are looking for min, we don't know what it is unless we go through all possible candidates. The key point is maintaining min value while binary search. For example [5,6,7, 1 , 2,3,4 ], we find 1 at first split, but we never
know it is the min. And to proceed binary search we MUST either set s = mid -1 or set e = mid + 1, otherwise it is not exhaustive and will not terminate. To understand binary search, keep in mind, the mid-point will always be excluded
in next search.

As a followup, what if containing duplicates. It only asks for a slight modification to keep the same time complexity, but it is really difficult to realize it sometime. Remember this one.

Follow up for "Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array": What if duplicates are allowed? Would this affect the run-time complexity? How and why?

Search in Rotated Sorted Array : **

To fully understand the spirit of this scenario.




"---Coder_Ganker (大神就是大神,Code写的明白,注释也是明白)

Find Peak Element : *

Learn binary search this one. Beyond binary search prototype, BS could be very flexible to work on different requirements. Be aware of what we are looking for, and how to track it or locate it.

Sort Colors : **

Tricky one. For some problems, the thoughts may be easy, but it asks for very specific implementation. Like this one, it is easy to realize we should keep red all to left and keep blue all to right, but another key point of solving this problem is to find
out that while iterating we have " i<=blue_index " and we add to red_index, we don't need to "i--" as we do when add to blue_index.

Spiral Matrix II : *

This one is not difficult, but hard to be right. The thought is clear, spirally build up the matrix.A take away from this problem is that never hard code anything. For example here, the building up process is regulated
by current lvl, at first ite, it appears that every start at 0, but we should write start at l (though l = 0 at first ite), because later in following ites, l is updating, starting point is updating, not 0 anymore!

Search a 2D Matrix : ***

This one takes me a long while. BS is definitely my weakness. Worth summarizing this typical BS problem. I have pointed the prototype of BS previously. Should always keep that in mind, and don't attempt to modify. The thing I want to emphasize here is that
when " r == l " condition meets, after one more iteration, the process will end. And where would it end? In the last iteration, it could be either r = r - 1 or l = l + 1 . We may use BS for different purposes. If we simply want to decide whether array
contains something, then we don't care how " r or l " end. The problem is that there are more times we are not checking existence, we are relying on end condition. We are trying to locate someplace depending on r or l . This is not hard to decide, just remember
the condition of changing r and l, then see in specific case how it ends.

Specifically for this problem, the first BS takes me while to understand, I thought " l = mid " instead of " l = mid + 1" because we can't exclude mid-th row, it is very likely the one we want. But actually even we exclude it at first time, we end up choosing
it after all. To understand this, need to look into specific cases when "r=l". I know I should not talk so much bullshit, for now, keep the fcking BS rule in mind.

Set Matrix Zeroes : *

code_ganker 分析

大神就是大神。 这题既然是经典,记住好了。 我这脑子也不会是创造性选手了

Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array , Remove Duplicates from
Sorted Array II : *
This problem is not hard, the reason to post them here is to standardize the way of skipping indexes when condition met. There are multiple ways of doing this, and for the follow up question, I was trying using a while loop, and argument index when duplicate.
It turns out that is not a easy way to go. The right way of doing this is, skip duplicate automatically, modify manually which means check for modification, not for skipping.

Longest Consecutive Sequence : Your
algorithm should run in O(n)
complexity. 需要排序的问题要求O(n) 就是空间换时间。

Pascal's Triangle
,Pascal's Triangle II
: *
Classic problem. Familiar yourself with Arraylist method.(HashSet, HashMap, HashTable, LinkedList... Java is fcking stupid for
making a mess of those classes unnecessarily.
But bear with it for now.) Remember this one.
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