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2015-08-14 19:24 295 查看


Core Animation provides an expressive set of animation classes you can use in your application:

CAAnimation is the abstract class that all animations subclass. CAAnimation adopts the CAMediaTiming protocol which provides the simple duration, speed, and repeat count for an animation. CAAnimation also adopts the CAActionprotocol. This protocol provides a stanardized means for starting an animation in response to an action triggered by a layer.


The CAAnimation class also defines an animation’s timing as an instance of CAMediaTimingFunction. The timing function describes the pacing of the animation as a simple Bezier curve. A linear timing function specifies that the animation’s pace is even across its duration, while an ease-in timing function causes an animation to speed up as it nears its duration.


CAPropertyAnimation is an abstract subclass of CAAnimation that provides support for animating a layer property specified by a key path.


CABasicAnimation is a subclass of CAPropertyAnimation that provides

simple interpolation for a layer property.

CABasicAnimation 是CAPropertyAnimation的子类,提供了改变层属性的动画

CAKeyframeAnimation (a subclass of CAPropertyAnimation) provides

support for key frame animation. You specify the key path of the

layer property to be animated, an array of values that represent the

value at each stage of the animation, as well as arrays of key frame

times and timing functions. As the animation runs, each value is set

in turn using the specified interpolation.


CATransition provides a transition effect that affects the entire

layer’s content. It fades, pushes, or reveals layer content when

animating. On OS X, the stock transition effects can be extended by

providing your own custom Core Image filters.

CATransition 提供了过渡效果,其会影响整个layer层的内容。可以fades、push或者reveal

layer内容动画。在OS X中 常用的过渡效果可以通过自己定辩解的CoreImage filters来扩展

CAAnimationGroup allows an array of animation objects to be grouped

together and run concurrently.

CAAnimationGroup 允许一组动画同时执行。

Figure 1 shows the animation class hierarchy, and also summarizes the properties available through inheritance.(下表展示了动画类的继承关系,也总结了一些可用属性)

Figure 1 Core Animation classes and protocol

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