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3 Card Architecture

The GlobalPlatform card architecture is comprised of a number of components that ensure hardware and vendor-neutral interfaces to Applications and
off-card management systems. The following figure shows the components in a sample card configuration which includes one or more applications from the CardIssuer; one or more applicationsfrom
one of the business partners of the Card Issuer, referred to as Application Providers; and one or moreapplications providing global services (e.g.
CVM services) to other applications


All applications shall be implemented in a secure runtime environment that includes a hardware-neutral
Application Programming Interface (API) to support application portability. GlobalPlatform does not mandate a specific runtime environment technology.The Card Manager is the primary GlobalPlatform card
component that acts as thecentral administrator for a GlobalPlatform card. Special key and security management applications called Security Domains are created to ensure complete separation of keys between
the Card Issuer and multiple other Security Domain providers.

所有这些应用必须在一个安全的运行时环境中实现,该运行时环境提供了一套硬件中立的应用编程接口以支持应用的可移植性。 GlobalPlatform并不强制规定运行时环境的实现技术。卡片管理器作为GlobalPlatform架构中的首要组件起到了

3.1 Security Domains

Security Domains act as the on-card representatives of off-card authorities. There are three
main types of

Security Domain, reflecting the three types of off-card authority recognized by a card:

The Issuer Security Domain is the primary, mandatory on-card representative of the Card Administrator, typically the Card Issuer;

• Supplementary Security Domains are additional, optional on-card representatives of Application Providers or the Card Issuer; or their agents (e.g. service bureaus);

Controlling Authority Security Domains are a special type of Supplementary Security Domain.A Controlling Authority may exist whose role is to enforce the security policy on all application code loaded to the card. If
so, the Controlling Authority also uses this type of Security Domain as its on-card representative. There may be more than one such Security Domain.





In the main, all three types are referred to simply as Security Domains in this Specification;

Security Domains support security services such as key handling, encryption, decryption, digital signature generation and verification for their providers' (Card Issuer, Application Provider or Controlling Authority)applications.

Each Security Domain is established on behalf of a Card Issuer, an Application Provider or a Controlling Authority when these off-card entities require the use of keys that are completely isolated from each other.


3.2 Global Services Applications

One or more Global Services Applications may be present on the card to provide services to other

Applications on the card. Examples of such services are Cardholder Verification Method services.

3.2 全局服务应用


3.3 Runtime Environment

The GlobalPlatform is intended to run on top of any secure, multi-application card runtime environment. This runtime environment is responsible for providing a hardware-neutral API for applications as well as a secure storage
and execution space for applications to ensure that each application's code and data can remain separate and secure from other applications on the card. The card's runtime environment is also responsible for providing communication services between the card
and off-card entities. Cards should comply with appropriate standards: ISO/IEC 7816-3, ISO/IEC 7816-4, ISO/IEC 14443-3 and ISO/IEC 14443-4 in terms of announcing options supported in the ATR/ATQ such as the communications protocol, logical channels and command

3.3 运行时环境

GlobalPlatform卡片应该尊循恰当的标准,包括ISO/IEC 7816-3, ISO/IEC 7816-4, ISO/IEC 14443-3 and ISO/IEC 14443-4。

3.4 Trusted Framework

GlobalPlatform cards may contain one or more Trusted Frameworks, which provide inter-application communication services between Applications. Trusted Frameworks are not Applications or Security Domains, but have a special status
in that they are part of or extensions of the card's run-time environment. They should be assessed for security similarly to the runtime environment’s security assessment. See appendix G - Trusted Framework Inter-Application Communication for further details.

3.4 可信任框架


3.5 GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN)

The main responsibilities of the GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN) are to provide an API to applications, command dispatch, Application selection, (optional) logical channel management, and Card Content management. These functions
shall be implemented by the OPEN if the runtime environment does not provide them, or if they are provided by the runtime environment in a way that is not compliant with this Specification.


The OPEN performs the
application code loading and related Card Content management and
memory management. The OPEN also manages the installation of applications loaded to the card. The OPEN is responsible for enforcing security principles defined for Card Content management.


Another important function provided by the OPEN is APDU command dispatching and Application selection. When a SELECT command is successfully processed, the OPEN sets the Application referenced in the SELECT command to be the
selected Application and subsequent Application commands shall be dispatched to the selected Application.

OPEN的另一个重要功能包是APDU命令的转发和应用选择。当OPEN成功处理了SELECT 命令后,命令中指定的应用会被标识为已选择应用,接下来的APDU命令必须都转发给这个已选择应用。

The availability of logical channels introduces an additional dimension to the card’s architecture as multiple Applications may be selected concurrently. The OPEN shall rely on the runtime environment to control whether and when
an individual Application can be selected concurrently with itself or another Application.


When supporting logical channels, the OPEN shall allow for Applications that
have no notion of logical channels as well as those that are multi-selectable. Support of logical channels is optional. Cards may support one or more (up to 19 according to ISO/IEC 7816-4) Supplementary Logical Channels.

如果支持逻辑通道,OPEN必须能同时支持没有逻辑通道概念的应用和能够被并行选择的应用。对逻辑通道的支持是可选的,卡片可以支持一个或多个(根据ISO/IEC 7816-4的规定可以多达19个)补充逻辑通道。

The OPEN owns and uses an internal GlobalPlatform Registry
as an information resource for Card Content management. The GlobalPlatform Registry contains information for
managing the card, Executable Load Files,
Applications, Security Domain associations, and


3.6 GlobalPlatform API

The GlobalPlatform API provides services to
Applications (e.g. Cardholder verification, personalization, or security services). It also provides
Card Content management services (e.g.
card locking or Application Life Cycle State update) to Applications.

For the specification of the Application Programming Interface (API) on a Java Card™, see appendix A.1.

For the specification of the Application Programming Interface (API) on a MULTOS™ card, see appendix


GlobalPlatform API向应用提供各种服务,比如持卡方验证服务、个人化服务、安全服务等。此外还提供了卡片内容管理服务,如卡片锁定或应用生命周期状态更新服务。针对Java
Card™平台的API规范, 参见附录A.1,针对MULTOS™平台的API规范, 参见附录A. 2。

3.7 Card Content


All Card Content, as defined in this specification, is first available on the card in the form of an
Executable Load File. An Executable Load File can either exist in:

• Immutable Persistent Memory in which case it is loaded during the manufacturing stage and

cannot be altered (except being disabled); or

• Mutable Persistent Memory in which case it can be loaded, or removed during Pre-Issuance or





Each Executable Load File may contain one or multiple Executable Modules, being application code. The installation of an Application creates an instance from an Executable Module plus possibly Application data within Mutable
Persistent Memory. Any Application instance and its related data can be removed.


A GlobalPlatform card is intended to support multiple Executable Load Files and multiple ExecutableModules and as such multiple Applications may co-exist on a GlobalPlatform card. Note that the foregoing description assumes that
Executable Modules will be present in the Executable Load File: however, their presence is optional and depends on the requirements of the Runtime Environment.


Figure 3-2 represents the relationship between an Executable Load File, an Executable Module (in the case where Executable Modules are present) and an Application.

图片3-2 描绘了可执行加载文件、可执行模块(如果存在的话)和应用之间的关系。

3.8 Card Manager

The Card Manager, as the central administrator of the card, assumes multiple responsibilities.

The Card Manager can be viewed as three entities:

• The GlobalPlatform Environment (OPEN);

• The Issuer Security Domain; and

• Cardholder Verification Method Services.





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