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* fatal.h
* Header file for print error message.
#ifndef _FATAL_H
#define _FATAL_H


#define Error(str) FatalError(str)
#define FatalError(str) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str), exit(-1)

#endif /* _FATAL_H */

* stack.h
#ifndef _STACK_H
#define _STACK_H

#define _STACK_ARRAY_

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)

typedef int ElementType;

#ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_
struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
typedef PtrToNode Stack;
#else /* ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_ */
struct StackRecord;
typedef struct StackRecord *Stack;
#endif /* ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_ */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int IsEmpty(Stack S);
#ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_
Stack CreateStack();
#else /* _STACK_ARRAY_ */
Stack CreateStack(int MaxElements);
int IsFull(Stack S);
ElementType TopAndPop(Stack S);
#endif /* _STACK_ARRAY_ */
void MakeEmpty(Stack S);
void DisposeStack(Stack S);
void Push(ElementType X, Stack S);
ElementType Top(Stack S);
void Pop(Stack S);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _STACK_H */

* stack.cpp
#include "fatal.h"
#include "stack.h"

#ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_
/* --------------------Linked List Implementation of Stacks------------------- */

struct Node
ElementType Element;
PtrToNode Next;

* Test whether a stack is empty.
int IsEmpty(Stack S)
return S->Next == NULL;

* Create a header node.
* Then, set the next pointer to NULL.
Stack CreateStack()
Stack S;

S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if (S == NULL)
FatalError("Out of memory!");

S->Next = NULL;


return S;

void MakeEmpty(Stack S)
if (S == NULL)
FatalError("Must use CreateStack first");
while (!IsEmpty(S))

void DisposeStack(Stack S)

* The Push is implemented as an insertion into the front of a linked list,
* where the front of the list serves as the top of the stack.
void Push(ElementType X, Stack S)
PtrToNode TmpCell;

TmpCell = (PtrToNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if (TmpCell == NULL)
FatalError("Out of memory!");
TmpCell->Element = X;
TmpCell->Next = S->Next;
S->Next = TmpCell;

* Retrieve the element in the first position of the list.
ElementType Top(Stack S)
if (!IsEmpty(S))
return S->Next->Element;
Error("Empty stack");
return -1;		/* Return value used to avoid warning */

* Delete a cell from the front of the list.
void Pop(Stack S)
PtrToNode FirstCell;

if (IsEmpty(S))
FatalError("Empty stack");
FirstCell = S->Next;
S->Next = S->Next->Next;

#else /* #ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_ */
/* --------------------Array Implementation of Stacks------------------- */
#define EmptyTOS		(-1)
#define MinStackSize	(5)

struct StackRecord
int Capacity;
int TopOfStack;
ElementType *Array;

* Test whether stack is empty.
int IsEmpty(Stack S)
return S->TopOfStack == EmptyTOS;

* Test whether stack is full.
int IsFull(Stack S)
return S->TopOfStack == S->Capacity - 1;

* Create stack.
Stack CreateStack(int MaxElements)
Stack S;

if (MaxElements < MinStackSize)
FatalError("Stack size is too small!");

S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct StackRecord));
if (S == NULL)
FatalError("Out of memory!");

S->Array = (ElementType *)malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements);
if (S->Array == NULL)
FatalError("Out of memory!");

S->Capacity = MaxElements;


return S;

* Make stack empty.
void MakeEmpty(Stack S)
S->TopOfStack = EmptyTOS;

* Free the stack structure.
void DisposeStack(Stack S)
if (S != NULL)

* A Push on a full stack will overflow the array bounds and cause a crash.
void Push(ElementType X, Stack S)
if (IsFull(S))
FatalError("Full stack!");
S->Array[++S->TopOfStack] = X;

* Return top of stack.
ElementType Top(Stack S)
if (IsEmpty(S))
FatalError("Empty stack!");
return 0;		/* Return value used to avoid warning */
return S->Array[S->TopOfStack];

* A Pop on an empty stack will underflow the array bounds and cause a crash.
void Pop(Stack S)
if (IsEmpty(S))
FatalError("Empty stack!");

ElementType TopAndPop(Stack S)
if (IsEmpty(S))
FatalError("Empty stack!");
return 0;		/* Return value used to avoid warning */
return S->Array[S->TopOfStack--];

#endif /* #ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_ */

* teststack.cpp
#include "stack.h"

int main()
Stack S = NULL;
int i;
#ifndef _STACK_ARRAY_
S = CreateStack();
S = CreateStack(12);
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
Push(i, S);

while (!IsEmpty(S))
printf("%d\n", Top(S));


return 0;
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