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USB组合设备 Interface Association Descriptor (IAD)

2015-08-07 23:56 525 查看
Communication Device Class,简称CDC
USB Compound Device,USB复合设备
USB Composite Device,USB组合设备

USB复合设备 Compound Device内嵌Hub和多个Function,每个Function都相当于一个独立的USB外设,有自己的PID/VID。
USB组合设备Composite Device内只有一个Function,只有一套PID/VID,通过将不同的interface定义为不同的类来实现多个功能的组合。


Compound Device内嵌Hub和多个Function,每个Function都相当于一个独立的USB外设,有自己的PID/VID。
Composite Device内只有一个Function,只有一套PID/VID,通过将不同的interface定义为不同的类来实现多个功能的组合。

虽然USB Compound Device和USB Composite Device都会被百度翻译为USB复合设备。

一种是Compound Device,就是复合设备;
另一种是Composite Device,就是组合设备。

When multiple functions are combined with a hub in a single package, they are referred to as a compound device.
A device that has multiple interfaces controlled independently of each other is referred to as a composite device.

所以,复合设备其实就是几个设备通过一个USB Hub形成的单一设备;
显然,如果是想同样的功能的话,组合设备的方法要简单很多(可以去看一下USB2.0协议中,USB2.0 Hub的复杂度)。

参见 USB Descriptors

USB复合设备一般用Interface Association Descriptor(IAD)实现,就是在要合并的接口前加上IAD描述符。


typedef struct _USBInterfaceAssociationDescriptor {
BYTE  bLength:                  0x08        //描述符大小
BYTE  bDescriptorType:          0x0B        //IAD描述符类型
BYTE  bFirstInterface:          0x00        //起始接口
BYTE  bInterfaceCount:          0x02        //接口数
BYTE  bFunctionClass:           0x0E        //类型代码
BYTE  bFunctionSubClass:        0x03        //子类型代码
BYTE  bFunctionProtocol:        0x00        //协议代码
BYTE  iFunction:                0x04        //描述字符串索引

The bFirstInterface field of the IAD indicates the number of the first interface in the function.
The bInterfaceCount field of the IAD indicates how many interfaces are in the interface collection.
Interfaces in an IAD interface collection must be contiguous (there can be no gaps in the list of interface numbers),
and so a count with a first interface number is sufficient to specify all of the interfaces in the collection.

< First First+1 .. Frist+Count-1 >


USB Interface Association Descriptor Device Class code ans Use Model

USB Interface Association Descriptor Example

The following illustrates a descriptor layout for a composite USB device.
The example device has two functions:

Function 1: Video Class
This function is defined by an interface association descriptor (IAD)
and contains two interfaces: interface zero (0) and interface one (1).
The system generates hardware and compatible identifiers (IDs) for the function,
as described in Enumeration of Interface Collections on USB Devices with IADs.
After matching the appropriate INF file, the system loads the Video Class driver stack.

Function 2: Human Input Device
This function contains only one interface: interface two (2).
The system generates hardware and compatible IDs for the function,
as described in Enumeration of Interfaces on USB Composite Devices.
After matching the appropriate INF file, the system loads the Human Input Device (HID) class driver.

Device Descriptor:
BYTE  bLength             0x12
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x01
WORD  bcdUSB              0x0200
BYTE  bDeviceClass        0xEF
BYTE  bDeviceSubClass     0x02
BYTE  bDeviceProtocol     0x01
BYTE  bMaxPacketSize0     0x40
WORD  idVendor            0x045E
WORD  idProduct           0xFFFF
WORD  bcdDevice           0x0100
BYTE  iManufacturer       0x01
WORD  iProduct            0x02
WORD  iSerialNumber       0x03
BYTE  bNumConfigurations  0x01

Configuration Descriptor:
BYTE  bLength             0x09
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x02
WORD  wTotalLength        0x....
BYTE  bNumInterfaces      0x03    < Interface 0, 1, 2 >
BYTE  bConfigurationValue 0x01
BYTE  iConfiguration      0x01
BYTE  bmAttributes        0x80 (BUS Powered)
BYTE  bMaxPower           0xFA (500 mA)

Interface Association Descriptor:
BYTE  bLength             0x08
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x0B
BYTE  bFirstInterface     0x00    < Interface 0 >
BYTE  bInterfaceCount     0x02    < Interface 1 >
BYTE  bFunctionClass      0x0E
BYTE  bFunctionSubClass   0x03
BYTE  bFunctionProtocol   0x00
BYTE  iFunction           0x04

Interface Descriptor (Video Control):
BYTE  bLength             0x09
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x04
BYTE  bInterfaceNumber    0x00    < Interface 0 >
BYTE  bAlternateSetting   0x00
BYTE  bNumEndpoints       0x01
BYTE  bInterfaceClass     0x0E
BYTE  bInterfaceSubClass  0x01
BYTE  bInterfaceProtocol  0x00
BYTE  iInterface          0x05

Class Specific Descriptor(s):
Endpoint Descriptor(s):

Interface Descriptor (Video Streaming):
BYTE  bLength             0x09
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x04
BYTE  bInterfaceNumber    0x01    < Interface 1 >
BYTE  bAlternateSetting   0x00
BYTE  bNumEndpoints       0x01
BYTE  bInterfaceClass     0x0E
BYTE  bInterfaceSubClass  0x02
BYTE  bInterfaceProtocol  0x00
BYTE  iInterface          0x06

Class Specific Descriptor(s):
Endpoint Descriptor(s):

Interface Descriptor (Human Input Devices):
BYTE  bLength             0x09
BYTE  bDescriptorType     0x04
BYTE  bInterfaceNumber    0x02    < Interface 2 >
BYTE  bAlternateSetting   0x00
BYTE  bNumEndpoints       0x01
BYTE  bInterfaceClass     0x03
BYTE  bInterfaceSubClass  0x01
BYTE  bInterfaceProtocol  0x01
BYTE  iInterface          0x07

Class Specific Descriptor(s):
Endpoint Descriptor(s):

USB Interface Association Descriptor (IAD)
IAD是Interface Association Descriptor,功能是把多个接口定义为一个类设备。
USB interface association descriptor allows the device to group interfaces that belong to a function.
The Universal Serial Bus Specification, revision 2.0, does not support grouping more than one interface
of a composite device within a single function.

However, the USB Device Working Group (DWG) created USB device classes that allow for functions with multiple interfaces,
and the USB Implementor's Forum issued an Engineering Change Notification (ECN) that defines a mechanism for grouping interfaces.

The ECN specifies a USB descriptor, called the Interface Association Descriptor (IAD), that allows hardware manufacturers to define groupings of interfaces.
The device classes that are most likely to use IADs include:

USB Video Class Specification (Class Code - 0x0E)
USB Audio Class Specification (Class Code - 0x01)
USB Bluetooth Class Specification (Class Code - 0xE0)

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) support IADs.

Manufacturers of composite devices typically assign a value of zero ( 0x00 ) in the device descriptor, as specified by the Universal Serial Bus Specification.

bDeviceClass      0x00 - defined at Interface level
bDeviceSubClass    0x00 - Unknown
bDeviceProtocol    0x00 - Unknown

This allows the manufacturer to associate each individual interface with a different device class and protocol.

The USB-IF core team has devised a special class and protocol code set that notifies the operating system that one or more IADs are present in device firmware.
A device's device descriptor must have the values that appear in the following table
or else the operating system will not detect the device's IADs or group the device's interfaces properly.
These code values also alert versions of Windows that do not support IADs to install a special-purpose bus driver that correctly enumerates the device.
Without these codes in the device descriptor, the system might fail to enumerate the device, or the device might not work properly.

bDeviceClass      0xEF
bDeviceSubClass    0x02
bDeviceProtocol    0x01

IAD是Interface Association Descriptor,功能是把多个接口定义为一个类设备。这个描述符是最新更新的,基本在书上是看不到的。



最近试了2种在一个USB接口上实现多个设备的方法,也成功的用这2种方式在偶的JTAGICE mkII上增加了一个CDC串口。
偶的JTAGICE mkII还扩展了usb_to_xxx和vsllink的支持,usb_to_xxx和vsllink的USB底层是libusb。
驱动安装完后,CDC串口和JTAGICE mkII(上位机用AVRStudio)都可以正常工作。



const u8 USB_ConfigDescriptor[USB_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE] =
/* Configuation Descriptor */
0x09,               /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,  /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
USB_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE, 0x00,     /* wTotalLength:no of returned bytes */
0x03,               /* bNumInterfaces: 3 interfaces */
0x01,               /* bConfigurationValue: Configuration value */
0x00,               /* iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration */
0x80,               /* bmAttributes: self powered */
0x32,               /* MaxPower 100 mA */

/* JTAGICE mkII */

/* Interface Association Descriptor */
0x08,               /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
  0x00,               /* bFirstInterface */
0x01,               /* bInterfaceCount */
0xFF,               /* bFunctionClass */
0x00,               /* bFunctionSubClass */
0x00,               /* bFunctionProtocol */
0x02,               /* iFunction */

/* Interface Descriptor */
0x09,               /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,    /* bDescriptorType: Interface */
  0x00,               /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
0x00,               /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
0x02,               /* bNumEndpoints: Two endpoints used */
0xFF,               /* bInterfaceClass */
0x00,               /* bInterfaceSubClass */
0x00,               /* bInterfaceProtocol */
0x00,               /* iInterface: */

/* Endpoint IN2 Descriptor */
0x07,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
0x82,               /* bEndpointAddress: (IN2) */
0x02,               /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
SNAIL_DATA_SIZE, 0x00,        /* wMaxPacketSize: 0x0040 */
0x0A,               /* bInterval: 10 */

/* Endpoint OUT2 Descriptor */
0x07,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
0x02,               /* bEndpointAddress: (OUT2) */
0x02,               /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
SNAIL_DATA_SIZE, 0x00,        /* wMaxPacketSize */
0x0A,               /* bInterval */

/* USB-CDC      */

  /* Interface Association Descriptor */
0x08,               /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
  0x01,               /* bFirstInterface */
0x02,               /* bInterfaceCount */
0x02,               /* bFunctionClass */
0x02,               /* bFunctionSubClass */
0x01,               /* bFunctionProtocol */
0x04,               /* iFunction */

/* Interface Descriptor */
0x09,               /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,    /* bDescriptorType: Interface */
0x01,               /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
0x00,               /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
0x01,               /* bNumEndpoints: One endpoints used */
0x02,               /* bInterfaceClass: Communication Interface Class */
0x02,               /* bInterfaceSubClass: Abstract Control Model */
0x01,               /* bInterfaceProtocol: Common AT commands */
0x00,               /* iInterface */

/* Header Functional Descriptor */
0x05,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
0x24,               /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
0x00,               /* bDescriptorSubtype: Header Func Desc */
0x10, 0x01,             /* bcdCDC: spec release number */

/* Call Managment Functional Descriptor */
0x05,               /* bFunctionLength */
0x24,               /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
0x01,               /* bDescriptorSubtype: Call Management Func Desc */
0x00,               /* bmCapabilities: D0+D1 */
0x02,               /* bDataInterface: 1 */

/* ACM Functional Descriptor */
0x04,               /* bFunctionLength */
0x24,               /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
0x02,               /* bDescriptorSubtype: Abstract Control Management desc */
0x02,               /* bmCapabilities */

/* Union Functional Descriptor */
0x05,               /* bFunctionLength */
0x24,               /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
0x06,               /* bDescriptorSubtype: Union func desc */
0x01,               /* bMasterInterface: Communication class interface */
0x02,               /* bSlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface */

/* Endpoint IN1 Descriptor */
0x07,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
0x81,               /* bEndpointAddress: (IN1) */
0x03,               /* bmAttributes: Interrupt */
0x10, 0x00,             /* wMaxPacketSize: */
0xFF,               /* bInterval: */

/* Data class interface descriptor */
0x09,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,    /* bDescriptorType: */
  0x02,               /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
0x00,               /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
0x02,               /* bNumEndpoints: Two endpoints used */
0x0A,               /* bInterfaceClass: CDC */
0x00,               /* bInterfaceSubClass: */
0x00,               /* bInterfaceProtocol: */
0x00,               /* iInterface */

/* Endpoint IN3 Descriptor */
0x07,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
0x83,               /* bEndpointAddress: (IN3) */
0x02,               /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
VCOM_DATA_SIZE, 0x00,       /* wMaxPacketSize: */
0x00,               /* bInterval */

/* Endpoint OUT3 Descriptor */
0x07,               /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
0x03,               /* bEndpointAddress: (OUT3) */
0x02,               /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
VCOM_DATA_SIZE, 0x00,       /* wMaxPacketSize */
0x00                /* bInterval: ignore for Bulk transfer */

Mass Storage和CDC复合设备的描述符:

const uint8_t MSDCDC_ConfigDescriptor[] =
0x09,   /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
0x02,   /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
0x03,   /* bNumInterfaces:3 interface */
0x01,   /* bConfigurationValue: Configuration value */
0x00,   /* iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration */
0xC0,   /* bmAttributes: bus powered */
0x32,   /* MaxPower 100 mA */

/******************** Descriptor of Mass Storage interface ********************/
0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
0x04,   /* bDescriptorType: Interface descriptor type */
0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
0x02,   /* bNumEndpoints*/
0x08,   /* bInterfaceClass: MASS STORAGE Class */
0x06,   /* bInterfaceSubClass : SCSI transparent*/
0x50,   /* nInterfaceProtocol */
0x00,          /* iInterface: */
// Endpoint 5 Descriptor
0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7*/
0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
0x85,   /*Endpoint address (IN, address 1) */
0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
0x40,   /*Maximum packet size (64 bytes) */
0x00,   /*Polling interval in milliseconds */
// Endpoint 4 Descriptor
0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7 */
0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
0x04,   /*Endpoint address (OUT, address 2) */
0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
0x40,   /*Maximum packet size (64 bytes) */
0x00,     /*Polling interval in milliseconds*/

/******************** IAD ********************/
0x08,        // bLength: Interface Descriptor size
0x0B,        // bDescriptorType: IAD
    0x01,        // bFirstInterface
0x02,        // bInterfaceCount
0x02,        // bFunctionClass: CDC
0x02,        // bFunctionSubClass
0x01,        // bFunctionProtocol
0x04,        //!! string descriptor for this interface

/******************** Descriptor of cdc interface ********************/
0x09,   // bLength: Interface Descriptor size
0x04,   // bDescriptorType: Interface
    0x01,   // bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface
0x00,   // bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting
0x01,   // bNumEndpoints: 3 endpoints used
0x02,   // bInterfaceClass: Communication Interface Class
0x02,   // bInterfaceSubClass: Abstract Control Model
0x01,   // bInterfaceProtocol: Common AT commands
0x00,   // iInterface:
//Header Functional Descriptor
0x04,   // bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size
0x24,   // bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE
0x00,   // bDescriptorSubtype: Header Func Desc
0x10,   // bcdCDC: spec release number
//Call Managment Functional Descriptor
0x05,   // bFunctionLength
0x24,   // bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE
0x01,   // bDescriptorSubtype: Call Management Func Desc
0x00,   // bmCapabilities: D0+D1
0x02,   // bDataInterface: 1+1
//ACM Functional Descriptor
0x04,   // bFunctionLength
0x24,   // bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE
0x02,   // bDescriptorSubtype: Abstract Control Management desc
0x02,   // bmCapabilities
//Union Functional Descriptor
0x05,   // bFunctionLength
0x24,   // bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE
0x06,   // bDescriptorSubtype: Union func desc
0x01,   //!! bMasterInterface: Communication class interface
0x02,   //!! bSlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface
//Endpoint 2 Descriptor
0x07,   // bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size
0x05,    // bDescriptorType: Endpoint
0x82,   // bEndpointAddress: (IN2)
0x03,   // bmAttributes: Interrupt
0x08,   // wMaxPacketSize:
0xFF,   // bInterval:

//Data class interface descriptor
0x09,   // bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size
0x04,          // bDescriptorType:
    0x02,   // bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface 
0x00,   // bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting
0x02,   // bNumEndpoints: Two endpoints used
0x0A,   // bInterfaceClass: CDC
0x00,   // bInterfaceSubClass:
0x00,   // bInterfaceProtocol:
0x00,   // iInterface:
//Endpoint 3 Descriptor
0x07,   // bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size
0x05,   // bDescriptorType: Endpoint
0x03,   // bEndpointAddress: (OUT3)
0x02,   // bmAttributes: Bulk
0x40,   // wMaxPacketSize:
0x00,   // bInterval: ignore for Bulk transfer
//Endpoint 1 Descriptor
0x07,   // bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size
0x05,   // bDescriptorType: Endpoint
0x81,   // bEndpointAddress: (IN3)
0x02,   // bmAttributes: Bulk
0x40,   // wMaxPacketSize:
0x00    // bInterval

USB CDC + HID + IAD interface

The descriptor belove, generated from MCP2200 device board. MCP2200 is programmed PIC18F14k50.
And it look like composite device(IAD, HID +CDC). I have test it by pickit2 programmer.
I know Windows xp sp3 or higher versions needed for IAD devices.
Anyway, I need smilar descriptor and working PDS project . This descriptor may useful or not. I'm not sure.

USB Composite Device

Connection StatusDevice connected
Current Configuration1
Device Address1
Number Of Open Pipes5
Device Descriptor MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator

2bcdUSB20200hUSB Spec 2.0
5bDeviceSubClass102hCommon Class
6bDeviceProtocol101hInterface Association Descriptor
7bMaxPacketSize0108h8 bytes
8idVendor204D8hMicrochip Technology, Inc.
14iManufacturer101h"Microchip Technology Inc."
15iProduct102h"MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator"
Configuration Descriptor 1 Bus Powered, 100 mA

7bmAttributes180hBus Powered
4..0: Reserved...00000
5: Remote Wakeup..0.....No
6: Self Powered.0......No, Bus Powered
7: Reserved (set to one) (bus-powered for 1.0)1.......
8bMaxPower132h100 mA
Interface Association Descriptor Abstract Control Model

1bDescriptorType10BhInterface Association
4bFunctionClass102hCDC Control
5bFunctionSubClass102hAbstract Control Model
6bFunctionProtocol101hAT Commands: V.250 etc
Interface Descriptor 0/0 CDC Control, 1 Endpoint

5bInterfaceClass102hCDC Control
6bInterfaceSubClass102hAbstract Control Model
7bInterfaceProtocol101hAT Commands: V.250 etc
Header Functional Descriptor

1bDescriptorType124hCS Interface
Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor

1bDescriptorType124hCS Interface
2bDescriptorSubtype102hAbstract Control Management
7..4: Reserved0000....
3: Connection....0...
2: Send Break.....1..Send Break request supported
1: Line Coding......1.Line Coding requests and Serial State notification supported
0: Comm Features.......0
Union Functional Descriptor

1bDescriptorType124hCS Interface
4bSubordinateInterface0101hCDC Data
Call Management Functional Descriptor

1bDescriptorType124hCS Interface
2bDescriptorSubtype101hCall Management
7..2: Reserved000000..
1: Data Ifc Usage......0.Call management only over Comm Ifc
0: Call Management.......0Does not handle call management itself
Endpoint Descriptor 82 2 In, Interrupt, 2 ms

2bEndpointAddress182h2 In
1..0: Transfer Type......11Interrupt
7..2: Reserved000000..
4wMaxPacketSize20008h8 bytes
6bInterval102h2 ms
Interface Descriptor 1/0 CDC Data, 2 Endpoints

5bInterfaceClass10AhCDC Data
Endpoint Descriptor 03 3 Out, Bulk, 32 bytes

2bEndpointAddress103h3 Out
1..0: Transfer Type......10Bulk
7..2: Reserved000000..
4wMaxPacketSize20020h32 bytes
Endpoint Descriptor 83 3 In, Bulk, 64 bytes

2bEndpointAddress183h3 In
1..0: Transfer Type......10Bulk
7..2: Reserved000000..
4wMaxPacketSize20040h64 bytes
Interface Descriptor 2/0 HID, 2 Endpoints

HID Descriptor

7wDescriptorLength2001Dh29 bytes
Endpoint Descriptor 81 1 In, Interrupt, 1 ms

2bEndpointAddress181h1 In
1..0: Transfer Type......11Interrupt
7..2: Reserved000000..
4wMaxPacketSize20010h16 bytes
6bInterval101h1 ms
Endpoint Descriptor 01 1 Out, Interrupt, 1 ms

2bEndpointAddress101h1 Out
1..0: Transfer Type......11Interrupt
7..2: Reserved000000..
4wMaxPacketSize20010h16 bytes
6bInterval101h1 ms
Interface 2 HID Report Descriptor Vendor-Defined 1

Usage Page (Vendor-Defined 1)06 00 FF
Usage (Vendor-Defined 1)09 01
Collection (Application)A1 01
Usage Minimum (Vendor-Defined 1)19 01
Usage Maximum (Vendor-Defined 16)29 10
Logical Minimum (0)15 00
Logical Maximum (255)26 FF 00
Report Size (8)75 08
Report Count (16)95 10
Input (Data,Ary,Abs)81 00
Usage Minimum (Vendor-Defined 1)19 01
Usage Maximum (Vendor-Defined 16)29 10
Output (Data,Ary,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,NVol,Bit)91 00
End CollectionC0

As I understood from all googling about composite devices, two interfaces usually mean that in Windows device manager

we will see composite device and two other devices that corespond to each interface.

If you need one device, then most likely you will need to use device class 0xEF and USB Interface Association Descriptor,

but I'm not sure if it will do what you need.



usbccgp.sys hangs Windows to death when a descriptor is malformed?

Yes, it's true. Even for full-speed and low-speed devices. So double-check your descriptors:

The first Configuration Descriptor has ID #1

The first Interface Descriptor has ID #0 and are contiguous numbered.
The Interface count in Configuration Descriptor must be set correctly.

The first Alternate Setting has ID #0 and are contiguous numbered

Problems arise when you change your single-interface USB device into a multi-interface (multi-function) while keeping your USB VID+PID pair!

Even when your change or add some more USB interface with the same VID+PID pair, problems occur.

The Windows behaviour of assigning a driver is as follows:

If the VID+PID is already known, Windows loads the known driver regardless whether it's a multi-function device or not.
(I.e. when you loaded a driver before for the non-multifunction device with PnP ID e.g. USB\VID_16C0&PID_06B3, that driver is always used.)
As a consequence, your driver will fail (typically with a blue screen) when it is surprisingly bound to the - now - multifunction USB device.

If VID+PID is not known, Windows tries to load a Class Driver.
This is "usbccgp.sys" for the top of multifunction devices which is a very special class (not USB\Class_00).

Windows remembers the Class-Driver-To-VID+PID(+MI)-binding for the next plug-in event persistently, probably for performance purposes.
Therefore, when you swap your Interfaces keeping VID+PID, you earn errors.
But you can get rid easily by uninstalling your device in Device Manager. This will remove the memorized bindings.

"usbccgp.sys" itself retries the enumeration process for the child devices in the same way,
i.e. preferes VID+PID+MI bindings over USB Class bindings.

In case of no match, no driver is loaded, and the entry is marked in Device Manager.

So you may conclude:

VID+PID, and MI numbers (like USB\VID_16C0&PID_06B3&REV_4621&MI_00) have precedence,
allowing manufacturers to deliver their own multifunction device drivers (replacing "usbccgp.sys")

USB CLASS bindings (like USB\Class_07) have less precedence, allowing manufacturers
to deliver their own specialized device driver replacing one of the system-supplied class drivers (like "usbprint.sys")

REV numbers don't matter Windows, so manufacturers are free to (mis)use this entry,
and there is no option to get more possible USB device bindings "for free" using the REVnumber as an extra binding criterion

An example:

This INF file snippet is wrong because you have no control whether your driver is bound to the Interface #0
or the entire USB device (except your driver is very smart and can handle this):


(Windows will work as expected most of the time, but users are able to bind multi-function devices to entire devices,
and produce overwhelming trouble with your support.)

As a result:

If you change your single-interface USB device to multi-interface and vice versa keeping VID+PID,
make sure that you cleaned your Device Manager entries beforehand.
Or at least before you plug your changed device.

Google for devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices and devmgr_show_details to get a clue.

Better you change VID+PID too, providing you have a free pair available.

If you are in doubt offering a single-interface or multi-interface USB device,

simply decide to multi-interface at the first step,

and implement an extra HID or CDC interface to make usbccgp.sys happy.

It's useful for debugging purposes later. At least two childs are needed.

Note that CDC interface (which is itself a composite USB device by design and handled in a special way by usbccgp.sys)

will not run properly in elsewhere-multifunction devices on Windows 2000 and earlier.

USB Composite Device

USB composite device



This example implements a composite device of CDC (with IAD) and HID

The CDC interface is based on the code of USB CDC implementation for 'F32x and 'F34x In either interface, CDC and HID, the device loops back the OUT transfer to IN.

Passed USBCV R1.3.1, the ch9 and HID test
Tested on these Windows version,
- Windows Vista SP1
- WinXP SP3 (usbser.sys: 5.1.2600.5508, usbccgp.sys: 5.1.2600.5512)

On the original WinXP SP2 (usbser.sys, usbccgp.sys: 5.1.2600.2180),
the HID interface of the device works well, but CDC causes BSOD when a test app opens the VCP.


This example implements three HID interfaces to SiLabs 'F320/'F340 DK.
Each interface has an interrupt IN EP and an interrupt OUT EP.
The firmware loops back the data sent to the OUT EP to the IN EP, on each interface.

Passed the USB compliance test, USBCV 1.3, ch9 and HID test.
Tested on HClient host app example on WinDDK.


This is a demonstration which shows a composite device combined SiLabs USB_HID\MouseExample and USB_Interrupt (USB_INT)

When you are asked a device driver, specify the INF folder attached to this zip file.

USB_Interrupt host application and device driver works with this implementation without any change.

1. What is composite device

Composite device is defined in the USB spec as follows (usb_20.pdf 5.2.3),
A device that has multiple interfaces controlled independently of each other is referred to as a composite device.
Using composite device, multiple functions are combined into a single device.
- Keyboard + Mouse
- Video + USB Hard disk
- I/O device (HID + USB_bulk)

Another advantage of composite device is that it eases the device driver development.
OS assigns a separate device driver to each Interface of the composite device as follows.
Therefore, a dedicated monolithic driver is not required for newly designed device;
you can realize it using existing drivers.


+----------------------------+      +----------------------
| Composite Device           |      | Host PC
|                            |      |
|  Function 0 -- Interface 0 --------- Device driver A <--->
|                            |      |
|  Function 1 -- Interface 1 --------- Device driver B <--->
+----------------------------+      +-----------------------

When OS has some required drivers as built-in, they are available for the composite device.

These OS built-in device drivers are called as USB class driver.
Approved Class Specification Documents from USB.org

Windows have these built-in class drivers.
USB FAQ: Introductory Level - USB Class Drivers from MS WHDC

Please note, available drivers for a composite device are not limited only to class drivers.

Any driver can be applied, as long as it doesn't require a device class (class defined in device descriptor).

For example, SiLabs USB_INT and USB_bulk drivers are also applicable for composite devices.

2. How Windows handles a composite device

When a device satisfies these three requirement, Windows system recognizes the device as a composite device.

The class field of the device descriptor equals to zero: (bDeviceClass) = (0x00)

Single Configuration

Multiple Interfaces

WinXP SP2, Win2k3 SP1 and Vista supports this alternative requirement.
1'. The class, subclass and protocol fields of the device are that of Interface Association Descriptor:
(bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, bDeviceProtocol) = (0xEF, 0x02, 0x01)

When an USB device is plugged in to a PC, the system reads out the device descriptor of the device and makes these Device ID.

(vvvv, pppp, rrrr: four digit hex number for the VID, PID, device release number.
Matches to idVendor/ idProduct/ bcdDevice, defined in the device descriptor)

The system searches device database on the registry, installed by INF files.
When the system finds the Device ID in a device record, it assigns the device driver specified by the record.
However, when it cannot find any matched record, and the device Configuration satisfies above criteria,
the generic composite parent driver is loaded.
This parent driver parses the Configuration of the device, and assigns this Device ID to each Interfaces.

(mm: Interface number of the corresponding function, two digit hex number)

As of the Interface which specifies a class, the system also assigns this Compatible ID.

(cc/ ss / pp: two digits hex number. bInterfaceClass/ bInterfaceSubClass/ bInterfaceProtocol, from the Interface descriptor)

The system searches these Device ID and Compatible ID in the device database again.
When it finds a matched record, it assigns the specified device driver to the Interface.
However, when it cannot find any matched record, it shows 'New Hardware Wizard' to users and asks them to install the device driver.

Enumeration of the Composite Parent Device from MSDN

3. Implementation

On USB application, firmware, device driver and host application are closely related.
It is desirable to make separate prototypes of firmwares and host applications for each Interface first.
After confirming them to work properly, combine them together.

3.1 Device firmware

When the source code is well organized, modification of the firmware is easy.
Based on one of the prototypes, copy a part of code from other prototypes and insert it to corresponding part of the base source code.
In other word, the source codes should be organized considering to make it a composite device.
When these parameters are defined by #define macro or enum instead of direct number in each prototype,
the combination of prototypes is done smoothly.

Interface number

Endpoint address

Endpoint status (IDLE / HALT)

3.1.1 Descriptors Device descriptor

bDeviceClass: Must be assigned to zero

idVendor, idProduct: VID/PID must be unique, to avoid conflict to other devices. Configuration descriptor

wTotalLength: The total number of bytes of Configuration set, includes all of Interface sets

bNumInterfaces: Number of Interfaces included in this Configuration

Configuration set means these descriptors, for example.

Configuration descriptor
- Interface descriptor (0)
- - accessory descriptor, such as HID class descriptor, if any
- - Endpoint descriptors
- Interface descriptor (1)
- - accessory descriptor, such as HID class descriptor, if any
- - Endpoint descriptors

HID report descriptor and String descriptors are not included in the Configuration set. Interface descriptors

bInterfaceNumber: Index of Interfaces, starting from zero

bInterfaceClass: Specify class code for this Interface

If any specific class code is not assigned to the Interface, set bInterfaceClass to 0xFF (Vendor specific). 0x00 (Reserved) would work, but 0xFF is better. Endpoint descriptors

bEndpointAddress: must be unique on each Endpoint descriptor

Any duplicated Endpoint across Interfaces is not allowed in a composite device.

3.1.2 Standard requests Additional Descriptor handling
Get_Descriptor must support additional descriptors asked by the host.

Configuration descriptor: return full Configuration set (see

Class-specific descriptors:

When the descriptor type in request (MSB of wValue) is not Device(1), Configuration(2) or String(3),
the request may be for class-specific descriptor (in full-speed devices).
In this case, wIndex field of the Setup data shows the Interface number in question.
According to the class specified by the Interface (wIndex),
Get_Descriptor must return the class-specific descriptor specified by the MSB of wValue.
When the class supports Set_Descriptor request, it must be handled similarly to Get_Descriptor.
Interface and Endpoint descriptors cannot be directly accessed with Get_Descriptor or Set_Descriptor.
Therefore, Get_Descriptor and Set_Descriptor have no need to support them. Additional Interfaces handling
wIndex field of the Setup data shows the Interface number in question.
When this Interface number matches to the additional Interfaces, handle the requests as follows.

Get_Status: return Zero

Get_Interface: return current alternate Interface number

Set_Interface: set current alternate Interface to one specified by the request

When the Interface in question doesn't have any alternate Interface, Get_Interface returns Zero.
And Set_Interface succeeds when the wValue is Zero, otherwise return STALL. Additional Endpoints handling

Get_Status: return HALT condition of the Endpoint

Clear_Feature: recover the Endpoint from HALT

Set_Feature: set the Endpoint to HALT

Set_Configuration: Setup additional Endpoints

When Get_Status, Clear_Feature and Set_Feature are issued to an Endpoint, wIndex field of the Setup data indicates the Endpoint address.
When the Interfaces doesn't have any alternate Interface, set up the Endpoints in Set_Configuration request.
As of the Interface with any alternate Interface, set up the Endpoints belonging to the Interface in Set_Interface.

3.1.3 Class-specific requests

wIndex field of the Setup data of the request indicates the Interface to which this request is issued.
Therefore, dispatch the request by wIndex first, and copy the each handler for class-specific requests from the prototypes under each case.

3.1.4 Endpoint handling

When the Endpoint address and Endpoint status are defined by macro,
modification on this part finishes by copying the Endpoint handler of each prototype to the base one.

3.2 Device driver and host application

OS built-in class drivers are designed to work with composite devices.
In most case, these drivers are applicable to composite devices without any change of default INF file.
However, device drivers provided by vendors are not always designed to work with composite devices.
INF file and host application code should be modified for these drivers.
The device driver itself should work without any change.
Of course, rare exception may exist.

3.2.1 INF file

When the device driver requires an INF file even for single use, the INF file is required as a part of composite device.
The INF file defines the Device ID as follows.


For a composite device, the Interface number must be added to this Device ID.


For example, when you add the USB_Bulk function (Interface with bulk IN/OUT Endpoints)
to your composite device as the Interface number 1, the Device ID in the INF file (SilabsBulk.inf) is modified as follows.

(vvvv, pppp: VID/PID must be unique)

3.2.2 Endpoint address and pipe name / device path name

When two or more devices are combined into a single composite device,
the Endpoint addresses must be often changed to fit to the newly designed device.
Usually, the pipe name and device path name from device drivers are designed to hide the Endpoint address.
Therefore, in most case, Endpoint address reassignment doesn't affect to the host application.

However, there are some drivers which expose the Endpoint address directly to the pipe name.
For these drivers, the host application must be modified to reflect the Endpoint address assignment.
Confirmation for this point is desirable before planning a new device.

OS built-in class drivers hide Endpoint address behind its device path name.

MS WinDDK bulkusb and isousb example driver hide Endpoint address behind the pipe name (a part of device path name).

SiLabs USB_INT and USB_Bulk device drivers hide it behind the pipe name (a part of device path name).

Cypress ezusb.sys driver hides Endpoint address behind its pipe number.

Cypress CyUSB.sys driver exposes Endpoint address directly.
But when the code follows the example of CCyUSBDevice::BulkInEndPt in CyAPI.chm,
the Endpoint address is hidden behind the index of the Endpoint array.

When a device applies the same class to multiple Interfaces, the host application should be modified to distinguish these Interfaces.

Enumeration of USB Composite Devices

When a new USB device is connected to a host machine, the USB bus driver creates a physical device object (PDO)

for the device and generates a PnP event to report the new PDO.
The operating system then queries the bus driver for the hardware IDs associated with the PDO.

For all USB devices, the USB bus driver reports a device ID with the following format:


Note xxxx and yyyy are taken directly from idVendor and idProduct fields of the device descriptor, respectively.
The bus driver also reports a compatible identifier (ID) of
, if the device meets the following requirements:

The device class field of the device descriptor (bDeviceClass) must contain a value of zero,
or the class (bDeviceClass), subclass (bDeviceSubClass), and protocol (bDeviceProtocol) fields
of the device descriptor must have the values 0xEF, 0x02 and 0x01 respectively,
as explained in USB Interface Association Descriptor.

The device must have multiple interfaces.

The device must have a single configuration.

The bus driver also checks the device class (bDeviceClass), subclass (bDeviceSubClass), and protocol (bDeviceProtocol) fields of the device descriptor.

If these fields are zero, the device is a composite device, and the bus driver reports an extra compatible identifier (ID) of USB\COMPOSITE for the PDO.

After retrieving the hardware and compatible IDs for the new PDO, the operating system searches the INF files.

If one of the INF files contains a match for the device ID, Windows loads the driver that is indicated by that INF file
and the generic parent driver does not come into play.

If no INF file contains the device ID, and the PDO has a compatible ID, Windows searches for the compatible ID.

This produces a match in Usb.inf and causes the operating system to load the USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys).

If you want the generic parent driver to manage your device, but your device does not have the characteristics necessary
to ensure that the system will generate a compatible ID of USB\COMPOSITE,
you will have to provide an INF file that loads the generic parent driver.

The INF file should contain a needs/includes section that references Usb.inf.

If your composite device has multiple configurations, the INF file you provide must specify which configuration the generic parent should use in the registry.

The necessary registry keys are described in Configuring Usbccgp.sys to Select a Non-Default USB Configuration.

USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys)

This section describes the Usbccgp.sys driver provided by Microsoft for composite devices.
Many USB devices expose multiple USB interfaces.

In USB terminology, these devices are called composite devices.

Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows 98 operating systems include a generic parent facility in the USB bus driver

(Usbhub.sys) that exposes each interface of the composite device as a separate device.

In Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Me, this facility is streamlined and improved by transferring it

to an independent driver called the USB generic parent driver(Usbccgp.sys).

Using the features of the generic parent driver, device vendors can make selective use of Microsoft-supplied driver support for some interfaces.

The interfaces of some composite device operate independently.

For example, a composite USB keyboard with power buttons might have one interface for the keyboard

and another interface for the power buttons.

The USB generic parent driver enumerates each of these interfaces as a separate device.

The operating system loads the Microsoft-supplied keyboard driver to manage the keyboard interface, a

nd the Microsoft-supplied power keys driver to manage the power keys interface.

If the composite device has an interface that is not supported by native Windows drivers,

the vendor of the device should provide a driver for the interfaces and an INF file.

The INF file should have an INF DDInstall section that matches the device ID of interface. T

he INF file must not match the device ID for the composite device itself, because this prevents the generic parent driver from loading.

For an explanation of how the operating system loads the USB generic parent driver, see

Enumeration of USB Composite Devices.

Some devices group interfaces into interface collections that work together to perform a particular function.

When interfaces are grouped in interface collections, the generic parent driver treats each collection,

rather than each individual interfaces, as a device.

For more information on how the generic parent driver manages interface collections,

see Enumeration of Interface Collections on USB Composite Devices.

After the operating system loads the client drivers for the interfaces of a composite device,

the generic parent driver multiplexes the data flow from the client drivers,

combining these separate interactions into a single data stream for the composite device.

The generic parent is power policy owner for the entire composite device and all of its interfaces.

It also manages synchronization and PnP requests.

The generic parent driver can simplify the task for vendors of composite hardware,

if Microsoft-supplied drivers support some interfaces but not others.

Vendors of such devices need only supply drivers for the unsupported interfaces,

because the generic parent driver facilitates the use of Microsoft-supplied drivers for the supported interfaces.

The following sections describe the features and functions of the generic parent driver:

Enumeration of USB Composite Devices

Descriptors on USB Composite Devices

Enumeration of Interfaces on USB Composite Devices

Enumeration of Interface Collections on USB Composite Devices

Content Security Features in Usbccgp.sys

Enumeration of Interface Collections on USB Composite Devices

Interfaces on a composite USB device can be grouped in collections. The USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys) can enumerate interface collections in four ways.
These four methods of enumeration of interface collections are arranged hierarchically in the following manner:

Vendor-supplied callback routines
If the vendor has registered a callback routine with the USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys), the generic parent driver gives precedence to the callback routine, and allows the callback routine to group interfaces rather than using some other method. For more information on the enumeration of interface collection using vendor-supplied callback routines, see Customizing Enumeration of Interface Collections for Composite Devices.

Union Functional Descriptors
. If the vendor has enabled CDC and WMCDC enumeration in the USB generic parent driver, the generic parent driver uses union functional descriptors (UFDs) to group interfaces into collections. When enabled, this method has precedence over all other methods, except for vendor-supplied callback routines. For more information on the enumeration of devices with UFDs, see Support for Wireless Mobile Communications Device Class.

Interface Association Descriptors
If interface association descriptors (IADs) are present, the USB generic parent driver always groups interfaces by using IADs rather than by using legacy methods. Microsoft recommends that vendors use IADs to define interface collections. For more information on the enumeration of devices with IADs, seeEnumeration of Interface Collections on USB Devices with IADs.

Legacy audio method.
The USB generic parent driver is able to enumerate interface collections by using legacy techniques that are reserved for audio functions. The generic parent driver does not use this method if there are any IADs on the device. For more information on the legacy audio method of enumeration, see Enumeration of Interface Collections on Audio Devices without IADs.

Descriptors on USB Composite Devices

As described by the USB specification, every USB device provides a set of hierarchical descriptors that define its functionality. At the top level, each device has one or more USB configuration descriptors, each of which has one or more interface descriptors. For further information about USB configuration descriptors, see USB Configuration Descriptors. Configurations are mutually exclusive, so only one configuration can be selected to operate at a time.
Prior to Windows Vista, Microsoft-supplied drivers only select configuration 1. In Windows Vista and the later versions of Windows, you can set a registry value to specify which configuration the USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys) will use. For more information about selecting the device configuration on composite devices, see How to select a configuration for a USB device.

Within a configuration, interfaces and interface collections are managed independently. Each interface is represented, at the descriptor level, by a unique value in thebInterfaceNumber member of its USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR structure.

The function of an interface is indicated by the bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, and bInterfaceProtocol members of the same structure, along with the class-specific descriptors that might follow it.

For more information on descriptors, see USB Descriptors.

Enumeration of Interfaces on USB Composite Devices

Interfaces on a composite USB device can be grouped in collections or represent one USB function individually.
When the interfaces are not grouped in collections, the generic parent driver creates a PDO
for each interface and generates a set of hardware IDs for each PDO.
The device ID for an interface PDO has the following form:


In these IDs:

v(4) is the four-digit vendor code that the USB standards committee assigns to the vendor.

p(4) is the four-digit product code that the vendor assigns to the device.

z(2) is the interface number that is extracted from the bInterfaceNumber field of the interface descriptor.

The generic parent driver also generates the following compatible IDs by using the information

from the interface descriptor (USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR):




In these IDs:

d(2) is the class code (bInterfaceClass)

s(2) is the subclass code (bInterfaceSubClass)

p(2) is the protocol code (bInterfaceProtocol)

Each of these codes is a four-digit number.

USB common class generic parent driver (Usbccgp.sys)

The USB common class generic parent driver is the Microsoft-provided parent driver for composite devices.

The hub driver enumerates and loads the parent composite driver if deviceClass is 0 or 0xef and numInterfaces is greater than 1 in the device descriptor.

The hub driver generates the compatible ID for the parent composite driver as "USB\COMPOSITE".

Usbccgp.sys uses Windows Driver Model (WDM) routines.

The parent composite driver enumerates all functions in a composite device and creates a PDO for each one.

This causes the appropriate class or client driver to be loaded for each function in the device.

Each function driver (child PDO) sends requests to the parent driver, which submits them to the USB hub driver.

Usbccgp.sys is included with Windows XP with SP1 and later versions of the Windows operating system.

In Windows 8, the driver has been updated to implement function suspend and remote wake-up features as defined in the USB 3.0 specification.

For more information, see USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys).

USB Composite Device Operation

As a new member, let me say thanks to all of you for all of the valuable posts.

Without the help of this forum, it would have taken me much more time to get up to speed.

I'm trying to make a composite USB device based off of the Microchip CDC firmware and the HID firmware.

I believe I've found two ways to do this since the CDC firmware was written to use two interfaces.

1. The first is to group all three endpoints under the first interface by changing CDC_DATA_INTF_ID to point to the first interface.

The device descriptor can then have the class, subclass, and protocol set to 0x00 to allow each interface to specify a different driver.

This works fine with just the CDC class in it.

As soon as a second class (HID) is added to the CDC class that was working alone,

Windows XP recognizes the device as a "Composite Device".

As such, the device hardware ID changes to USB\Vid_xxxx&Pid_yyyy&MI_ww format.

2. The second way I believe is to use the Interface Association Descriptor to group the two interfaces together.

This just became available with Windows XP SP2.

This allows for a generic “Composite Device” class, subclass, and protocol to be used.

The driver can then be assigned at the associated interface level allowing mixed classes in a device.

When using the IAD, the device hardware ID changes to USB\Vid_xxxx&Pid_yyyy&MI_ww format.

When using the first method, the PIC only sometimes gets data from HyperTerminal and never is able to send data to HyperTerminal from the PIC.

Using the second method I am unable to get any communication between the PIC and HyperTerminal to work.

In both cases, after modifying the driver to accept the new hardware ID, the drivers installed fine and appear to be function correctly.

Using a software USB sniffer, the PIC seems to respond to most commands during enumeration, but has issues when it polls the pic to for data.

I suspect I am just not handling the new Composite Device communications correctly or I have not merged the two demos correctly.

Unfortunately, I haven’t found much documentation on either.

I’ve ordered an ICD2 to aid with debugging, but with the fast timeouts on the USB, this may not be as useful as I’d like.

The next thing I am going to try is to combine the Demo code with the HID code

into a composite device as both of them already use a single interface and are already configured

to specify the class, subclass, and protocol at the interface level.

Perhaps this will be easier as I’ve seen some postings on other forums that didn’t think that the CDC driver could easily be part of a composite device.

Has anyone else used composite device firmware for which I could see some example code?

Where do you recommend that I could find more information about how to work with Composite Devices with the PIC?

(USB Complete is already on its way.) I’ve searched the forum, but wasn’t able to find much on Composite Devices or anything on IAD.

Thanks for any pointers you may have!


Windows XP Pro SP2
MPLAB v7.41, C18 v3.02
Homebuilt PICDEM FS USB Demo Board
18F4550 running Microchip’s USB Boot loader

First, thanks to everyone for their posts, as they have been very helpful.

Special thanks to ‘sirnoname’ who pointed me in the right direction with their post.

I am currently developing a USB Composite Device with a Serial Port (CDC) and Mass Storage Device (MSD) target for use with Windows XP.

Let me first say that “theory” would suggest that the right approach is to use the IAD as a way to associate the two interfaces a CDC requires.

However after following all the information in the specs and several examples I simply could not get this to work.

By everything I have read I think it “should” work, but it doesn’t.

I have a current open ticket with Microsoft regarding this issue, but I am not going to hold my breath.

It appears that Windows is either not handling the IAD correctly or the usbser.sys driver was not built to use it.

Either case, it doesn’t work.

I also tried installing the HotFix described at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918365 but this does not help either.

We’ll see if Microsoft comes up with anything.

In any case using the suggestions from ‘sirnoname’ I was able to pull this off however,

but not in a way I would have expected. Below is what I needed to do to get my device to enumerate properly with Windows.

The key was to define the CDC interface as a single interface with 3 Endpoints

(one interrupt endpoint for notification, 1 endpoint for bulk-in and 1 endpoint for bulk-out).

EP0 is always assumed.

This is contrary to what you normally see.

Normally you see examples with a COMMUNICATIONS_CLASS interface with 1 endpoint (notification)

and a second DATA interface with 2 end-points.

So I am not sure why my configuration works, I am just happy that it does.

Perhaps someone can shed some light as to why this works.

Anyway here it goes;

1) Device Descriptor

You must define the device descriptor as so:

Device Descriptor
bLength 0x12
bcdUSB 0x200
bDeviceClass 0x0
bDeviceSubClass 0x0
bDeviceProtocol 0x0
bMaxPacketSize0 0x8
idVendor 0xXXXX
idProduct 0xYYYY
bcdDevice 0x1
iManufacturer 0x1
iProduct 0x2
iSerialNumber 0x3
bNumConfigurations 0x1

By setting the bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, and bDeviceProtocol to zero this indicates the device will describe its functions via the interfaces.

Also Windows picks this up as a “Composite Device” which is good.

Normally with an IAD you would think to use the “Multi-Function” values described in the USB spec.

2) Configuration Descriptor

Pretty much standard stuff you need to fill out for your own device, but the key here is the bNumInterfaces which in this case is 0x2

(1 interface for CDC, 1 interface for MSD). Normally it is 2 interfaces for CDC (1 for COMMUNICATION, second for DATA).

Configuration Descriptor
bLength 0x9
wTotalLength 0x4C
bNumInterfaces 0x2
iConfiguration 0x0
bmAttributes 0xE0 ( Bus_Powered Self_Powered Remote_Wakeup )
MaxPower 0x0

3) CDC Interface and Endpoint Descriptors

This is they key. The CDC Interface Descriptor is a single interface with 3 endpoints.

Interface Descriptor
bLength 0x9
bInterfaceNumber 0x0
bAlternateSetting 0x0
bNumEndpoints 0x3
bInterfaceClass 0x2 (Communications and CDC Control)
bInterfaceSubClass 0x2 (Abstract Control Model)
bInterfaceProtocol 0x0
iInterface 0x0

Endpoint Descriptor
bLength 0x7
bEndpointAddress 0x83 [IN]
wMaxPacketSize 0x8
bInterval 0x10

Endpoint Descriptor
bLength 0x7
bEndpointAddress 0x1 [OUT]
bmAttributes 0x2 (USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK)
wMaxPacketSize 0x40
bInterval 0x0

Endpoint Descriptor
bLength 0x7
bEndpointAddress 0x82 [IN]
bmAttributes 0x2 (USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK)
wMaxPacketSize 0x40
bInterval 0x0

4) CDC Functional Descriptors

The functional descriptors should be included as usual:

Abstract Control Model
Call Management

Notably the Call Management Functional Descriptor has 2 nuances;
a) The bmCapabilities field should have bit D0 clear as this indicates that Device sends/receives call management information only
over the Communication Class interface (interface 0).
b) Per the spec bDataInterface is optional, but probably good to set it to 0.

Also note that I did not include the Union Functional Descriptor as it seems unnecessary anyway with this configuration.

5) MSD Interface and Endpoint Descriptors

Pretty much normal stuff here. Just that this interface is #1

Interface Descriptor
bLength 0x9
bInterfaceNumber 0x1
bAlternateSetting 0x0
bNumEndpoints 0x2
bInterfaceClass 0x8 (Mass Storage)
bInterfaceSubClass 0x6 (SCSI Transparent Command Set)
bInterfaceProtocol 0x50 (Bulk-Only Transport)
iInterface 0x0

Endpoint Descriptor
bLength 0x7
bEndpointAddress 0x4 [OUT]
bmAttributes 0x2 (USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK)
wMaxPacketSize 0x40
bInterval 0x0

Endpoint Descriptor
bLength 0x7
bEndpointAddress 0x85 [IN]
bmAttributes 0x2 (USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK)
wMaxPacketSize 0x40
bInterval 0x0

6) INF File

The INF file you create for the serial port must contain the following:


Where xxxx, yyyy are extracted from respective device descriptor fields. ww is the CDC interface number (0 in this case).

That’s it!

I hope this helps someone out there.


Creating a composite USB device that contains a CDC and another independent function can be tricky under Windows.

Using a single interface for both the CDC communication and data interfaces apparently works under Windows

but doesn’t comply with the USB CDC spec and thus might not work on other OS’s, including other Windows editions.

From the CDC spec, Section 3.6.2, Abstract Control Model:
The device uses both a Data Class interface and a Communication Class interface.

Here are two other options:

Option 1. Composite: CDC + independent interface

In the device descriptor:
bDeviceClass = 02h.

CDC interfaces:
communication interface
data interface to carry application data
A union functional descriptor specifies the CDC interfaces.

Additional interfaces:
1 or more independent interfaces (HID, mass storage, etc.)


Must provide an INF file for the CDC interface (not the entire device).

The hardware ID in the INF file must include the interface number.

In this example, the interface number is 00h (&MI_00):


Must also provide an INF file for the device to tell Windows to load the generic parent driver.

The INF file must contain a needs/includes section that references usb.inf.

Enumeration of the Composite Parent Device

Support for the Wireless Mobile Communication Device Class (WMCDC)

(The Registry Settings Section shows example INF file sections.)

Option 2. Composite: CDC + independent interface with IAD.

In the device descriptor:
bDeviceClass = EFh, bDeviceSubClass = 02h, bDeviceProtocol = 01h.

CDC Interfaces:
communication interface
data interface to carry application data

An interface association descriptor (IAD) specifies the interfaces that belong to the CDC function.

The bDeviceClass code tells the OS that the device contains an IAD and enables loading the correct drivers.
A union functional descriptor also specifies the CDC interfaces.

Additional interfaces
1 or more independent interfaces (HID, mass storage, etc.)

Windows: Must provide an INF file for the CDC interface (see Option 1 above).

Works only on Windows SP2 with hotfix, Vista

More information:

The Usbser.sys driver may not load when a USB device uses an IAD

Interface Association Descriptor Engineering Change Notice (ECN)

USB Interface Association Descriptor Device Class Code and Use Model

I haven’t personally tested either of these options and would be interested to hear any reports.

Jan Axelson

Hello Jan Axselson

Thanks for joining the MC forumboard

I've collected these existing ones
Composite device won't initialize
Composite Device Problems
Composite device (HID + MSD) with PIC18F4550
Composite Device Problems
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