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Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) Module

2015-08-03 20:11 716 查看
The AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) module enables EFT Server to transfer data using AS2. More commonly, AS2 is used to transfer Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages. However, it can also be used to transfer other types of data. It specifies how to
connect, deliver, validate and acknowledge data, creating an envelope for a message which is then sent securely over the Internet.


Communicate with established, major trading networks such as Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe’s, Dollar General, and many others.
Replace value-added networks thereby reducing or eliminating the high costs associated with dedicated lines.
Guaranteed transmission of the data, including the fact that it was sent at a specific time by a specific entity.
Provides a secure, reliable method for transmitting EDI, XML or other documents.
Uses industry-standard HTTPS, allowing users to communicate with multiple trading partners without the cost and learning curve associated with proprietary protocols or dedicated lines.
Is Drummond certified, which guarantees interoperability with other AS2 compliant systems.

How Does It Work?

EFT Server can initiate file transfers or accept requests from clients.

EFT Server as a Sender:

The AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) module enables EFT Server to transfer data using AS2. More commonly, AS2 is used to transfer Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages. However, it can also be used to transfer other types of data. It specifies how to
connect, deliver, validate and acknowledge data, creating an envelope for a message which is then sent securely over the Internet.


Communicate with established, major trading networks such as Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe’s, Dollar General, and many others.
Replace value-added networks thereby reducing or eliminating the high costs associated with dedicated lines.
Guaranteed transmission of the data, including the fact that it was sent at a specific time by a specific entity.
Provides a secure, reliable method for transmitting EDI, XML or other documents.
Uses industry-standard HTTPS, allowing users to communicate with multiple trading partners without the cost and learning curve associated with proprietary protocols or dedicated lines.
Is Drummond certified, which guarantees interoperability with other AS2 compliant systems.

How Does It Work?

EFT Server can initiate file transfers or accept requests from clients.

EFT Server as a Sender:

EFT Server as a receiver:

HTTP/S is used to send data to an AS2-ready server. Using extended header information in the HTTP request, the client outlines how the data should be handled and how the server should respond to the client with a confirmation receipt. The server validates
the integrity of the data once received and subsequently provides the requested acknowledgement or message disposition notification (MDN) to the client. Further non-repudiation is achieved by the client acknowledging the fact that it received the receipt from
the server. All communications are secured (typically HTTP over an SSL link), transfer resume supported, data integrity checking supported, all messages can be signed, and message disposition/receipt notification (MDN) and Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR)
are all supported.

Easy To Use

Globalscape EFT Server with the AS2 module makes adding AS2 transfers to your organisation a quick and straightforward task.

Step-by-step wizards for setting up server and partner configurations.
Validation tools for testing connections.
Transaction monitoring tools let you identify and resolve problem transactions.
Detailed reports provide detailed analysis of all transactions.
Easily initiate AS2 send transactions using hot folders, scheduled events, or custom triggers.
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