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Client server host 的定义与区别

2015-07-30 01:13 609 查看

Client–server model

The client–server model of
computing is a distributed
application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called
and service requesters, called clients.[1] Often
clients and servers communicate over a computer
network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside in the same system. A server host runs one or more server programs which share their resources
with clients. A client does not share any of its resources, but requests a server's content or service function. Clients therefore initiate communication sessions with servers which await incoming requests.

Client-host and server-host

Client-host and server-host have subtly different meanings than client and server.
Ahost is
any computer connected to a network. Whereas the words server and client may refer either
to a computer or to a computer program, server-host and user-host always refer to computers.
The host is a versatile, multifunction computer; clients and servers are just programs
that run on a host. In the client–server model, a server is more likely to be devoted to the task of serving.
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息