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2015-07-19 19:35 435 查看
2042-2247/system_process W/AudioTrack﹕ AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client

libzte-ril.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.

2042-2306/system_process W/AudioTrack﹕ AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client

01-01 12:29:32.356 4565-4565/com.istech.luzhaogan.rfidtestapp W/InputEventReceiver﹕ Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-01 12:29:32.359 2042-4632/system_process W/InputMethodManagerService﹕ Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@153ba0fb attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d1e8c80

6029-6029/? W/linker﹕ libzte-ril.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.


3400-5845/com.wandoujia.phoenix2.usbproxy E/ActivityThread﹕ Failed to find provider info for sms

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