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Windows Azure VM两shut down 道路

2015-07-17 19:55 302 查看

* If my deployed instance is in the "stopped" state, do I still get billed?

If your instance is in the Stopped Deallocated state, it is not billed. If your instance is in the Stopped Allocated state, it is still occupying compute resources and will be billed for virtual cores allocated, not the software license itself.

意思是假设你的VM在Stopped状态下,你依然会被征收CPU使用的费用。而在Stopped Deallocated状态下,全然免费。


1. stopped状态: 远程登录到VM中,进行shut down操作,VM状态会变成Stop状态

2. Stopped Deallocated状态: 登录到Azure Portal中,选择VM,点击以下的shutdownbutton。VM就会变成Stopped Deallocated状态

注意,在点击ShutDownbutton后,会提示If you continue, the IP addresses that were assigned to this virtual machine will be released. Are you sure you want to shut down virtual machine **** ?


DNS NAME不会改变,因此尽量不要使用IP地址。


这一点上Amazon的AWS EC2略微好一点,无论如何shut down VM,都是一个状态,并且shut down后不会被收费。


微软的两种shut down方式不太会影响已经上线的server,由于上线后基本不会关机。仅仅是会影响开发。測试阶段,整体来是问题不大。



注: 网友@盛亚评论

“CPU time一直也是收费的。除非彻底删除,假设delete这一个VM。但保留了他的磁盘映像,和仍处于打开状态VM当相同的电荷。这点和MS中国方面证实后,。”
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