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Design Pattern: Not Just Mixin Pattern

2015-07-15 15:35 477 查看



The Fact of Inheritance                   

首先让我们一起探讨一下继承机制吧。作为OOP的三个重要特性(Inheritance,Polymorphism,and Encapsulation)之一,继承应该是和Encapsulation关系最紧密。


认知模型 多对多 识别模型,如 广东人有的会做生意,有的喜欢打工(广东人有的吃猫肉,有的不吃) 对 广东人会做生意(广东人啥都吃)


The Diamond Problem from Multiple Inheritance      



* defc
* author: fsjohnhuang
* version: 0.1.0
* blog: fsjohnhuang.cnblogs.com
* description: define class with single inheritance, multiple mixins
* sample:
*   defc('omg.JS', {
*     ctor: function(version){
*         this.ver = verison
*     },
*     author: 'Brendan Eich',
*     getAuthor: function(){ return this.author }
*   })
*   var ES5 = defc('omg.ES5', 'omg.JS', {
*        ctor: function(version){}
*   })
*   var mixins = [{isGreat: true, hasModule: function(){return true}}]
*   var ES6 = defc('omg.ES6', ES5, mixins, {
*        ctor: function(version){},
*      getAuthor: function(){
*            var author = zuper() // invoke method of super class which is the same signature
*            return [author, 'JSers']
*      }
*   })
*   var es6 = new ES6('2015')
*   var es6_copy = new ES6('2015')
*   assert.deepEquals(['Branden Eich', 'JSers'], es6.getAuthor())
*   assert.equals(true, es6.isGreat)
*   ES6._mixin({isGreat: false})
*   assert.equals(false, es6_copy.isGreat)
*   defc.mixin(es6, {isGreat: true})
*   assert.equals(true, es6.isGreat)
*   assert.equals(false, es6_copy.isGreat)
var require = function(module){ return require[module] }
require.utils = {
isArray: function(obj){
return /Array/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj))
isFn: function(obj){
return typeof obj === 'function'
isObj: function(obj){
return /Object/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj))
isStr: function(obj){
return '' + obj === obj
noop: function(){}

factory(require, this)
}(function(require, exports){
var VERSION = '0.1.0'
var utils = require('utils')

var clazzes = {}

* @method defc
* @public
* @param {DOMString} clzName - the full qualified name of class, i.e. com.fsjohnhuang.Post
* @param {Function|DOMString|Array.<Object>|Object} [zuper|mixins|members] - super class, mixin classes array or members of class
* @param {Array.<Object>|Object} [mixins|members] - mixin classes array or members of class
* @param {Object} [members] - members of class. ps: property "ctor" is the contructor of class
* @returns {Object}
var defc = exports.defc = function(clzName, zuper, mixins, members){
if (clazzes[clzName]) return clazzes[clzName].ctor
var args = arguments, argCount = args.length

members = utils.isObj(args[argCount-1]) && args[argCount-1] || {}
mixins = utils.isArray(mixins) && mixins || utils.isArray(zuper) && zuper || []
zuper = utils.isFn(zuper) && zuper || utils.isStr(zuper) && clazzes[zuper] && clazzes[zuper].ctor || 0

var clz = clazzes[clzName] = {}
var ctor = clz.ctor = function(){
// execute constructor of super class
if (zuper) zuper.apply(this, arguments)
// execute constructor
members.ctor && members.ctor.apply(this, arguments)
// contruct public fields
for(var m in members)
if(utils.isFn(this[m] = members[m])) delete this[m]
ctor.toString = function(){ return (members.ctor || utils.noop).toString() }

// extends super class
if (zuper){
var M = function(){}
M.prototype = zuper.prototype
ctor.prototype = new M()
ctor.prototype.contructor = members.ctor || utils.noop

// construct public methods
for(var m in members)
if(m === 'ctor' || !utils.isFn(members[m])) continue
else if(!(zuper.prototype || zuper.constructor.prototype)[m]) ctor.prototype[m] = members[m]
else (function(m){
// operate the memebers of child within the methods of super class
var _super = function(self){ return function(){ return (zuper.prototype || zuper.constructor.prototype)[m].apply(self, arguments)} }
var fnStr = members[m].toString()
, idx = fnStr.indexOf('{') + 1
, nFnStr = fnStr.substring(0, idx) + ';var zuper = _super(this);' + fnStr.substring(idx)

eval('ctor.prototype[m] = ' + nFnStr)

// do shallow mixins
for(var mixin in mixins)
for(var m in mixins[mixin]) ctor.prototype[m] = mixins[mixin][m]

// additional methods
ctor._mixin = function(/*...mixins*/){
var mixins = arguments
for(var mixin in mixins)
for(var m in mixins[mixin]) this.prototype[m] = mixins[mixin][m]

return ctor

* @method defc.mixin
* @public
* @param {Any} obj - mixin target
* @param {...Object} mixins - mixin source
defc.mixin = function(obj/*, ...mixins*/){
var mixins = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
for(var mixin in mixins)
for(var m in mixins[mixin]) obj[m] = mixins[mixin][m]

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后续我们将继续探讨C#和Java实现Mixin Pattern的方式,敬请期待,哈哈!

尊重原创,转载请注明来自:/article/4741163.html ^_^肥子John

http://hax.iteye.com/blog/182339 http://cxyclub.cn/n/34324/ http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/javascript-design-patterns/mixin.html http://www.zhihu.com/question/20778853 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_inheritance#The_diamond_problem http://codecrafter.blogspot.com/2011/03/c-mixins-with-state.html http://codecrafter.blogspot.com/2010/02/c-quasi-mixins-example.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6644668/mixins-with-c-sharp-4-0 http://www.sitepoint.com/ruby-mixins-2/ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_object_oriented.htm http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-diag1203/ http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/4540/print
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