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MonkeyTalk的JavaScript API

2015-07-13 15:53 816 查看





Script Login.js Run


Script Login Run


if (typeof Test == "undefined") {

Test.Login.prototype.run = function(usr, pwd) {
usr = usr || randStr();
pwd = pwd || randStr();


function randStr()
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

return text;

Javascript Wrapper Library(JavaScript包装库)

每次保存.mt文件时,MonkeyTalk IDE都会生成一个js脚本的包装函数,以便可以直接准确的找到js脚本。这个生成的库文件,命名是YourProjectName.js,并且放在工程的libs目录下。该libs目录下同时也包含MonkeyTalk js API文件,名为MonkeyTalkAPI.js。


# enterName.mt
Vars name="foo"
Input name EnterText ${name}
Button OK Tap





一个“call”方法也被生成,可以用来明确定义想要的参数(协助IDE完成命令),以便this.app.enterName().call("foo") 可以使用。


// Call user.login.mt

使用JavaScript API








// The OK Button


// The first table




// Button OK Tap


// Table countries Select France



// Input name EnterText Bob


Timeout and Thinktime




Verify Commands


Calling MonkeyTalk from JavaScript(通过js调用MonkeyTalk)





Calling Custom Commands(调用自定义命令)

// Call user.login.mt

// User ethel Login secret123


JavaScript API 参考(以下没有翻译,繁琐但简单易懂,以备用到的时候查阅)

(说明:select(value:String):void 解读:string和void为类型,举例为:select("OK"))



"Button LOGIN Tap"将被转换为 "this.app.input("LOGIN").tap();"



· select(value:String):void - Select an item by value.
· value - the value of the item to select.
· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.



· enterDate(date:String):void - Change the current date value.
· date - A date with the format YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY isthe year, MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the day (01-31).


· shake():void - Shake the device.
· rotate(direction:String):void - Change the device orientation.
· direction - Left or Right (case insensitive)
· back():void - Navigate back. iOS: Pops the currentUINavigationItem (if there is one).

Android: Presses the hardware device key.
· forward():void - Navigate forward. iOS: Pushes thenext UINavigationItem, if there is one. Android: ignored.
· search():void - Press the search key. iOS:ignored. Android: Presses the device search key.
· menu():void - Press the menu key. iOS: ignored. Android:Presses the device menu key.


· vars(args:String):void - Document the named variables usedin the script.
· args - the named variables and their doc, in the formof: var='some doc' var2='other doc'
· script(doc:String):void - Document the script itself.
· doc - the doc


· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.


· enterText(text:String, hitDone:boolean):void - Enter textinto the input field.
· text - the text to enter
· hitDone - iOS: if true, hit Done key after entering text. Android:ignored.
· clear():void - Clear text from the input field. iOS: Clears thefield. Android: ignored.


· select(value:String):void - Select an item by value.
· value - the value of the item to select.
· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.



· select(value:String):void - Select an item by value.
· value - the value of the item to select.
· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.


· select(value:float):void - Select a numeric component value
· value - the value to select


· select(value:float):void - Select a numeric component value
· value - the value to select


· run(args:String):String - Run the script with the givenargs.
· args - the arguments
· runWith(args:String):void - Data-drive the test script withthe given CSV data file.
· args - the arguments (where the first arg is the datafile filename)


scroll(x:int, y:int):void - Scroll to thespecified coordinates.
· x - the x-coordinate (horizontal)
· y - the y-coordinate (vertical


· run(args:String):String - Run the setup script with thegiven args.
· args - the arguments
· runWith(args:String):void - Data-drive the setup script withthe given CSV data file.
· args - the arguments (where the first arg is the datafile filename)


· select(value:float):void - Select a numeric component value
· value - the value to select


· select(value:String):void - Select an item by value.
· value - the value of the item to select.
· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.


· selectRow(row:int, section:int):void - Select a row.
· row - the row to select
· section - the section containing the row. (Ignored onAndroid)
· scrollToRow(row:int, section:int):void - Scroll to arow by row number.
· row - the row to select
· section - the section containing the row. (Ignored onAndroid)
· scrollToRow(value:String):void - Scroll to arow by value.
· value - the value of the row to scroll to.
· setEditing(enabled:boolean):void -Enable/disable table editing. iOS: Enabled editing mode for table. Android:ignored.
· enabled - if true, enable editing, else disable editing.
· insert(row:int, section:int):void - Insert a rowinto the table. iOS: Inserts a row. Android: Ignored.
· row - the index of the row after which to insert a newrow.
· section - the section containing the row.
· remove(row:int, section:int):void - Remove a rowfrom the table. iOS: Deletes the row. Android: Ignored.
· row - the index of the row to be removed.
· section - the section containing the row.
· move(from:int, to:int):void - Move a row. iOS: Moves a row.Android: Ignored.
· from - the index of the row to be moved.
· to - the destination row for the move.
· select(value:String):void - Select an item by value.
· value - the value of the item to select.
· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.


· run(args:String):String - Run the teardown script with thegiven args.
· args - the arguments
· runWith(args:String):void - Data-drive the teardown scriptwith the given CSV data file.
· args - the arguments (where the first arg is the datafile filename)


· run(args:String):String - Run the test script with the givenargs.
· args - the arguments
· runWith(args:String):void - Data-drive the test script withthe given CSV data file.
· args - the arguments (where the first arg is the datafile filename)


· enterText(text:String, hitDone:boolean):void - Enter textinto the input field.
· text - the text to enter
· hitDone - iOS: if true, hit Done key after entering text.Android: ignored.
· clear():void - Clear text from the input field. iOS: Clears thefield. Android: ignored.



· selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Selects anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to select.
· longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void - Long press anitem by index.
· itemNumber - the index of the item to long press.


· define(args:String):void - Define the named variables used inthe script.
· args - the named variables (and optional default value),in the form of: var1 var2=default


· play():void - Play the video from the current playback point.
· pause():void - Stop the video at the current playback point.
· stop():void - Stop the video and set playback to the startingpoint.


· verify(expectedValue:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component has some expected value.
· expectedValue - the expected value of theproperty. If null, verifies the existence of the component.
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· verifyNot(expectedValue:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component does not have some value.
· expectedValue - the value the component shouldn'thave. If null, verifies the non-existence of the component.
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· verifyRegex(regex:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component matches some regular expression.
· regex - the regular expression to match
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· verifyNotRegex(regex:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component does not have a value matching aregular expression.
· regex - the regular expression that should not match.
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· verifyWildcard(wildcard:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component matches some wildcard expression.
· wildcard - the wildcard expression to match
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· verifyNotWildcard(wildcard:String, propPath:String,failMessage:String):void

- Verifies that a property of the component does not have a value matching somewildcard expression.
· wildcard - the wildcard expression that should not match
· propPath - the property name or property path expression(defaults to 'value')
· failMessage - the custom failure message
· tap():void - Taps on the component. On Android, plays a'click'. On iOS, plays a

TouchDown/TouchMove/TouchUp sequence.
· longPress():void - Performs a long press on thecomponent. On Android, plays a 'longClick'. On iOS, plays a longPush gesture.
· touchDown(x:int, y:int):void - Start touching the component.
· x - x-coordinate of the touch
· y - y-coordinate of the touch
· touchMove(coords:int):void - Drag across the component
· coords - one or more (x,y) coordinate pairs specifying thepath of the drag gesture
· touchUp(x:int, y:int):void - Stop touching the component.
· x - x-coordinate of where touch is released
· y - y-coordinate of where touch is released
· pinch(scale:float, velocity:float):void - Pinch thecomponent.
· scale - The scale factor relative to the points of thetwo touches in screen coordinates
· velocity - The velocity of the pinch in scale factor persecond (read-only)
· swipe(direction:String):void - Swipe the component.
· direction - Left, Right, Up, or Down (case insensitive)
· drag(x1:int, y1:int, x2:int, y2:int):void - Touch down,drag across the component, then up
· x1 - starting x-coordinate
· y1 - starting y-coordinate
· x2 - ending x-coordinate
· y2 - ending y-coordinate
· get(variable:String, propPath:String):String

- Gets the value of the given property from the component, and set it into thegiven variable name.
· variable - the name of the variable to set
· propPath - the property name or path expression (defaults to'value')
· exec(method:String, args:String):String

- Call a method on a component. The method must take zero or more Stringarguments and return a String result.
· method - the method to call
· args - the String args to be supplied to the method
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