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假设我的工作目录为 $AndroidDecompile ,首先要将 system.img 中(或者说从源码中编译好的)几个重要的 odex 文件拷贝到工作目录中,他们是: core.odex, ext.odex, framework.odex, android.policy.odex, services.odex (也可以放在别的目录,通过设置 BOOTCLASSPATH 指定,默认就是当前目录,关于BOOTCLASSPATH 请参考 baksmali 的帮助信息)。

下载以下工具到 $AndroidDecompile 中:

Baksmali :


Smali :


Dex2jar :


JD-GUI (Java Decompile GUI) :

http://java.deco mpiler.free.fr/?q=jdgui <!--[if !supportNestedAnchors]--> <!--[endif]-->

AutoSign :




假设我们有一个应用,它的类文件编译后被单独拿了出来,即有两个文件 app.apk 和 app.odex ,把他们放在$AndroidDecompile 下。

1. 使用 baksmali.jar 将 odex 文件分解为 smali 文件

$ java –jar baksmali-1.2.5.jar –x app.odex

如果成功的话,会在 $AndroidDecompile 下生成一个 out 目录,里面是一些以“ .smali ”为后缀名的文件,在此不深究这些文件的作用。

注意:rom反编译时用最新版的baksmail.jar后面要跟上-d framework.odex的路径,并且jdk为7以上版本。

2. 使用 smali.jar 将 out/ 目录下的 smali 文件转换为 classes.dex

$ java -Xmx512M –jar smali-1.2.5.jar out –o classes.dex

classes.dex 便是 Dalvik VM 所使用的编译后的类文件格式,在正常的 apk 文件里都会有。

3. 使用 dex2jar 将 classes.dex 反编译为 jar 文件

将下载后的 dex2jar 压缩包解压后,里面会有 dex2jar.sh( 和 dex2jar.bat) 文件,假如 classes.dex 文件与dex2jar.sh 在同一目录下,使用以下方式将 classes.dex 反编译为 jar 文件:

$dex2jar.bat classes.dex

如果执行成功,则会在当前目录下生成反编译后的文件 classes.dex.dex2jar.jar 。

dex2jar 即可以操作 dex 文件,也可以直接操作 apk 文件,它的使用规则为:

dex2jar file1.dexORapk file2.dexORapk ...

4. 使用 JD-GUI 查看反编译后的 jar 文件

JD-GUI 是一个可视化的 Java 反编译代码查看器,它可以实时的将 class 文件反编译成 java 文件进行查看。解压下载的 jd-gui 文件,执行目录中的 jd-gui 可执行文件启动,然后加载上一步中反编译好的classes.dex.dex2jar.jar 文件即可。

5. 将从 odex 反编译后的 classes.dex 与其他资源文件重新打包成一个完整的 apk

以上我们假设的情况是应用程序编译后的类文件从 apk 文件中被剥离出来,下面要做的是如何将上述步骤中得到的 classes.dex 与 apk 中的其他文件重新打包成一个可用的 apk 。

首先将反编译后的 classes.dex 和原先的 app.apk (不含 classes.dex )重新压缩成一个完整的 app.apk (apk 文件可用压缩工具打开),也就是说将 classes.dex 放进 app.apk 中。

将下载的 AutoSign 文件解压,可以看到有 signapk.jar (还有个 Sign.bat )文件,执行以下命令给 app.apk文件签名,就可以生成一个可以运行的 apk 文件了。

$ java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 app.apk app_signed.apk

6. apktool 的使用

网上还有个工具是 apktool ,可以对 apk 进行解析,反编译资源文件,并将类文件解析成 smali 文件;同时还可以将解析后的文件重新打包成 apk 。功能和以上介绍的几个工具类似,它的使用方法如下:

apktool d app.apk and 反编译 app.apk 到文件夹 and

apktool b app 从文件夹 app 重建 APK ,输出到 ABC\dist\out.apk



7. 我的 $AndroidDecompile 目录下的文件的截图


1. baksmali 的帮助信息

usage: java -jar baksmali.jar [options] <dex-file>

disassembles and/or dumps a dex file

-?,--help Prints the help message then exits.

-b,--no-debug-info Specify twice for debug options

don't write out debug info (.local,

.param, .line, etc.)

-c,--bootclasspath <BOOTCLASSPATH> The bootclasspath jars to use, for

analysis. Defaults to


id.policy.jar:services.jar. If the

value begins with a :, it will be

appended to the default

bootclasspath instead of replacing it

-d,--bootclasspath-dir <DIR> The base folder to look for the

bootclasspath files in. Defaults to

the current directory

-f,--code-offsets Add comments to the disassembly

containing the code offset for each address

-l,--use-locals Output the .locals directive with

the number of non-parameter

registers, rather than the .register

-o,--output <DIR> Directive with the total number of register

the directory where the disassembled

files will be placed. The default is out

-p,--no-parameter-registers Use the v<n> syntax instead of the

p<n> syntax for registers mapped to

method parameters

-r,--register-info <REGISTER_INFO_TYPES> Print the specificed type(s) of

register information for each

instruction. "ARGS,DEST" is the

default if no types are specified.

Valid values are:

ALL: all pre- and post-instruction registers.

ALLPRE: all pre-instruction registers

ALLPOST: all post-instruction registers

ARGS: any pre-instruction registers

used as arguments to the instruction

DEST: the post-instruction

destination register, if any

MERGE: Any pre-instruction register

has been merged from more than 1

different post-instruction register

from its predecessors

FULLMERGE: For each register that

would be printed by MERGE, also show

the incoming register types that

were merged

-s,--sequential-labels Create label names using a

sequential numbering scheme per

label type, rather than using the

bytecode address

-v,--version Prints the version then exits

-x,--deodex Deodex the given odex file. This

option is ignored if the input file

is not an odex file

2. smali 的帮助信息

usage: java -jar smali.jar [options] [--] [<smali-file>|folder]*

assembles a set of smali files into a dex file

-?,--help prints the help message then exits. Specify twice for

debug options

-o,--output <FILE> the name of the dex file that will be written. The default

is out.dex

-v,--version prints the version then exits

3. auto-sign 的帮助信息

SignApk.jar is a tool included with the Android platform source bundle.

testkey.pk8 is the private key that is compatible with the recovery image included in this zip file

testkey.x509.pem is the corresponding certificate/public key


java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 update.zip update_signed.zip

4. apktool 的帮助信息

Apktool v1.3.2 - a tool for reengineering Android apk files

Copyright 2010 Ryszard Wi?niewski <brut.alll@gmail.com>

Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)

Usage: apktool [-v|--verbose] COMMAND [...]


d[ecode] [OPTS] <file.apk> [<dir>]

Decode <file.apk> to <dir>.


-s, --no-src

Do not decode sources.

-r, --no-res

Do not decode resources.

-d, --debug

Decode in debug mode. Check project page for more info.

-f, --force

Force delete destination directory.

-t <tag>, --frame-tag <tag>

Try to use framework files tagged by <tag>.


Use if there was an error and some resources were dropped, e.g.:

"Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources", but you

want to decode them anyway, even with errors. You will have to

fix them manually before building.

b[uild] [OPTS] [<app_path>] [<out_file>]

Build an apk from already decoded application located in <app_path>.

It will automatically detect, whether files was changed and perform

needed steps only.

If you omit <app_path> then current directory will be used.

If you omit <out_file> then <app_path>/dist/<name_of_original.apk>

will be used.


-f, --force-all

Skip changes detection and build all files.

-d, --debug

Build in debug mode. Check project page for more info.

if|install-framework <framework.apk> [<tag>]

Install framework file to your system.

For additional info, see: http://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/
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