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Robotium DialogUtils

2015-07-10 14:25 357 查看
package com.robotium.solo;

import android.app.Activity;

import android.content.Context;

import android.os.SystemClock;

import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;

import android.widget.EditText;


* 弹框处理工具类

* Contains the waitForDialogToClose() method.


* @author Renas Reda, renas.reda@robotium.com



class DialogUtils {

// activity操作工具类

private final ActivityUtils activityUtils;

// view获取工具类

private final ViewFetcher viewFetcher;

// 等待工具类

private final Sleeper sleeper;

// 1s

private final static int TIMEOUT_DIALOG_TO_CLOSE = 1000;

// 200ms

private final int MINISLEEP = 200;


* 构造函数

* Constructs this object.


* @param activityUtils the {@code ActivityUtils} instance

* @param viewFetcher the {@code ViewFetcher} instance

* @param sleeper the {@code Sleeper} instance


public DialogUtils(ActivityUtils activityUtils, ViewFetcher viewFetcher, Sleeper sleeper) {

this.activityUtils = activityUtils;

this.viewFetcher = viewFetcher;

this.sleeper = sleeper;



* 检查在指定时间内弹框是否关闭了.

* Waits for a {@link android.app.Dialog} to close.


* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait

* @return {@code true} if the {@code Dialog} is closed before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not closed


public boolean waitForDialogToClose(long timeout) {

// 先等待弹框出现

waitForDialogToOpen(TIMEOUT_DIALOG_TO_CLOSE, false);

// 设置超时时间

final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + timeout;

// 循环检查弹框是否关闭了

while (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < endTime) {


return true;


// 等待200ms



return false;



* 检查指定时间内,是否有弹框出现,

* timeout 设置的指定超时时间,单位 ms

* sleepFirst 是否需要先等待500ms,再做检查

* Waits for a {@link android.app.Dialog} to open.


* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait

* @return {@code true} if the {@code Dialog} is opened before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not opened


public boolean waitForDialogToOpen(long timeout, boolean sleepFirst) {

// 设置超时时间

final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + timeout;

// 是否需要等待500ms后再查找 (给Dialog启动的时间)



// 循环检查是否弹框出现了

while (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < endTime) {


return true;


// 等待300ms



return false;



* 检查是否有弹框出现

* Checks if a dialog is open.


* @return true if dialog is open


private boolean isDialogOpen(){

// 获取当前显示的activity

final Activity activity = activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(false);

// 获取当前的所有DecorView类型View

final View[] views = viewFetcher.getWindowDecorViews();

// 获取最新的DecorView,DecorView是根

View view = viewFetcher.getRecentDecorView(views);

// 遍历检查是否有打开的弹框

if(!isDialog(activity, view)){

for(View v : views){

if(isDialog(activity, v)){

return true;




else {

return true;


return false;



* 判断decorView是否是给定activity的,即检查弹框是否是当前activity的

* Checks that the specified DecorView and the Activity DecorView are not equal.


* @param activity the activity which DecorView is to be compared

* @param decorView the DecorView to compare

* @return true if not equal


private boolean isDialog(Activity activity, View decorView){

// 检查decorView是都可见的,不可见直接返回false

if(decorView == null || !decorView.isShown()){

return false;


// 获取Context

Context viewContext = null;

if(decorView != null){

viewContext = decorView.getContext();


// 获取需要的Context

if (viewContext instanceof ContextThemeWrapper) {

ContextThemeWrapper ctw = (ContextThemeWrapper) viewContext;

viewContext = ctw.getBaseContext();


// 获取activity对应的Context

Context activityContext = activity;

Context activityBaseContext = activity.getBaseContext();

// 检查Context 是否是一致的,并且 activity不是在弹框中的

return (activityContext.equals(viewContext) || activityBaseContext.equals(viewContext)) && (decorView != activity.getWindow().getDecorView());



* 隐藏软键盘

* editText 指定的编辑框

* shouldSleepFirst 是否要先等待500ms再操作

* shouldSleepAfter 执行完后是否要等待500ms再返回,仅对传入editText非null有效

* Hides the soft keyboard


* @param shouldSleepFirst whether to sleep a default pause first

* @param shouldSleepAfter whether to sleep a default pause after


public void hideSoftKeyboard(EditText editText, boolean shouldSleepFirst, boolean shouldSleepAfter) {

// 获取当前activity

Activity activity = activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(shouldSleepFirst);

// 获取输入控制管理器服务

InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);

// 调用隐藏软键盘方法

if(editText != null) {

inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(editText.getWindowToken(), 0);



// 如果没有指定editText,获取当前焦点所在的View

View focusedView = activity.getCurrentFocus();

// 如果获取的 View不是EditText

if(!(focusedView instanceof EditText)) {

// 获取当前页面的最新 EditText

EditText freshestEditText = viewFetcher.getFreshestView(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(EditText.class));

// 如果可以取到EditText那么设置可用的

if(freshestEditText != null){

focusedView = freshestEditText;



// 隐藏软键盘

if(focusedView != null) {

inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(focusedView.getWindowToken(), 0);


// 如果设置了等待,那么等待500ms后返回





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