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2015-07-02 11:02 567 查看





一、CC2540 or CC2541进入PM3深度休眠的条件

①osal_timeout = 0;

②llTimeout = 0;


下面肯定会有人问上面这两个条件是什么,osal_timeout就是各层的定时事件的某个事件的超时时间,llTimeout是link layer最底层,也就是RF控制器层的定时事件的超时时间。只要其中的一个不等于0,就说明有定时事件存在,需要定时来处理这些事件,因此就需要定时来唤醒芯片来执行这些事件,所以芯片就不能进入PM3(PM3只能是外部中断唤醒),只能进入PM2模式。



下面就是休眠处理函数的源码,里面timeout就是要设置休眠定时器的时间,这个值来自于osal_timeout或者是llTimeout,那个值小,就说明那个事件更紧急,则由小的来赋给timeout设置休眠定时器,执行定时任务。当timeout = 0时,说明没有定时任务了,就可进入PM3深度休眠了。

llTimeout是通过LL_TimeToNextRfEvent( &sleepTimer, &llTimeout )来得到底层的定时事件,LL_TimeToNextRfEvent( &sleepTimer, &llTimeout )函数是link layer的不开源的代码,因此看不到里面的细节,但是可以肯定的是,llTimeout是和RF定时控制事件相关。一般蓝牙广播、连接、初始化,此llTImeout的值就不会为零,当没有广播、断开连接可以使得llTImeout为零。

osal_timeout一般为应用层的定时事件,由osal_start_timeEX(task_id, event, timeout)设定的定时,只要用相应的osal_stop_timeEX( task_id, event )终止所有的事件,就可以使得osal_timeout为零。

void halSleep( uint32 osal_timeout )
uint32 timeout;
uint32 llTimeout;
uint32 sleepTimer;

// max allowed sleep time in ms
if (osal_timeout > MAX_SLEEP_TIMEOUT)
osal_timeout = MAX_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;

// get LL timeout value already converted to 32kHz ticks
LL_TimeToNextRfEvent( &sleepTimer, &llTimeout );

// check if no OSAL timeout
// Note: If the next wake event is due to an OSAL timeout, then wakeForRF
//       will already be FALSE, and the call to LL_TimeToNExtRfEvent will
//       already have taken a snapshot of the Sleep Timer.
if (osal_timeout == 0)
// use common variable
timeout = llTimeout;

// check if there's time before the next radio event
// Note: Since the OSAL timeout is zero, then if the radio timeout is
//       not zero, the next wake (if one) will be due to the radio event.
wakeForRF = (timeout != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
else // OSAL timeout is non-zero
// convet OSAL timeout to sleep time
// Note: Could be early by one 32kHz timer tick due to rounding.
timeout = HAL_SLEEP_MS_TO_32KHZ( osal_timeout );

// so check time to radio event is non-zero, and if so, use shorter value
if ((llTimeout != 0) && (llTimeout < timeout))
// use common variable
timeout = llTimeout;

// the next ST wake time is due to radio
wakeForRF = TRUE;
else // OSAL timeout will be used to wake
// so take a snapshot of the sleep timer for sleep based on OSAL timeout
sleepTimer = halSleepReadTimer();

// the next ST wake time is not due to radio
wakeForRF = FALSE;

// HAL_SLEEP_PM3 is entered only if the timeout is zero
halPwrMgtMode = (timeout == 0) ? HAL_SLEEP_DEEP : HAL_SLEEP_TIMER;

// check if sleep should be entered
if ( (timeout > PM_MIN_SLEEP_TIME) || (timeout == 0) )
halIntState_t ien0, ien1, ien2;


// check if radio allows sleep, and if so, preps system for shutdown
if ( LL_PowerOffReq(halPwrMgtMode) == LL_SLEEP_REQUEST_ALLOWED )
#if ((defined HAL_KEY) && (HAL_KEY == TRUE))
// get peripherals ready for sleep
#endif // ((defined HAL_KEY) && (HAL_KEY == TRUE))

// use this to turn LEDs off during sleep

// enable sleep timer interrupt
if (timeout != 0)
// check if the time to next wake event is greater than max sleep time
if (timeout > MAX_SLEEP_TIME )
// it is, so limit to max allowed sleep time (~510s)
halSleepSetTimer( sleepTimer, MAX_SLEEP_TIME );
else // not more than allowed sleep time
// so set sleep time to actual amount
halSleepSetTimer( sleepTimer, timeout );

// prep CC254x power mode

// save interrupt enable registers and disable all interrupts

// set CC254x power mode; interrupts are disabled after this function
// Note: Any ISR that could wake the device from sleep needs to use
//       CLEAR_SLEEP_MODE(), which will clear the halSleepPconValue flag
//       used to enter sleep mode, thereby preventing the device from
//       missing this interrupt.

// check if ST interrupt pending, and if not, clear wakeForRF flag
// Note: This is needed in case we are not woken by the sleep timer but
//       by for example a key press. In this case, the flag has to be
//       cleared as we are not just before a radio event.
// Note: There is the possiblity that we may wake from an interrupt just
//       before the sleep timer would have woken us just before a radio
//       event, in which case power will be wasted as we will probably
//       enter this routine one or more times before the radio event.
//       However, this is presumably unusual, and isn't expected to have
//       much impact on average power consumption.
if ( (wakeForRF == TRUE) && !(IRCON & 0x80) )
wakeForRF = FALSE;

// restore interrupt enable registers
HAL_SLEEP_IE_RESTORE(ien0, ien1, ien2);

// power on the LL; blocks until completion
// Note: This is done here to ensure the 32MHz XOSC has stablized, in
//       case it is needed (e.g. the ADC is used by the joystick).
LL_PowerOnReq( (halPwrMgtMode == CC2540_PM3), wakeForRF );

// use this to turn LEDs back on after sleep

#if ((defined HAL_KEY) && (HAL_KEY == TRUE))
// handle peripherals
#endif // ((defined HAL_KEY) && (HAL_KEY == TRUE))



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