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2015-06-26 16:40 330 查看

<!--老师个人中心需要的信息 wuyiwen  -->
<select id="getActivitiesByTeacherId" resultMap="resultListTeachers">
ac.id as acid,ac.maxNum as acmaxNum, aa.id as aaid,aa.name as aaname,
aa.publishUser,aa.startDate as aastartDate,aa.endDate as aaendDate,
aa.courseStartDate,aa.courseEndDate,aa.admissions,aa.warning as aawarning,
aa.status,c.name as cname,c.type as ctype,c.id as cid,t.name as tname ,
t.id as tId,act.hour as actHour,act.startTime as actStartTime,act.endTime as actEndTime,
count(sc.id) as count
from aa_activitycourse ac
left join  bd_course c
on ac.id_course = c.id
left join aa_activitycourseteacher acte
on ac.id = acte.id_activitycourse
left join bd_teacher t
on t.id = acte.id_teacher
left join aa_applyactivity aa
on aa.id=ac.id_applyactivity
left join aa_activitycoursetime act
on act.id_activitycourse=ac.id
left join aa_studentcourse  sc
on ac.id = sc.id_activitycourse
where t.id = #{teacherId}
<if test="activeName != null and activeName != '' ">
and aa.name like CONCAT('%',#{activeName},'%')
<if test="courseName != null and courseName != '' ">
and c.name like CONCAT('%',#{courseName},'%')
GROUP BY sc.id_activitycourse,sc.id_applyactivity
order by aa.endDate

<!--老师个人的活动课程  -->
<resultMap type="ActivityCourse" id="resultListTeachers">
<id column="acid" property="id" />
<result column="acmaxNum" property="maxNum"/>
<result column="count" property="courseReportCount"/>

<association property="applyActivity" javaType="ApplyActivity">
<id column="aaid" property="id" />
<result column="aaname" property="name"/>
<result column="publishUser" property="publishUser"/>
<result column="aastartDate" property="startDate" />
<result column="aaendDate" property="endDate" />
<result column="admissions" property="admissions" />
<result column="aawarning" property="warning" />
<result column="courseStartDate" property="courseStartDate" />
<result column="courseEndDate" property="courseEndDate" />
<result column="status" property="status" />

<association property="course" javaType="Course">
<id column="cid" property="id" />
<result column="cname" property="name"/>
<result column="ctype" property="type"/>


<collection property="activityCourseTeachers" ofType="ActivityCourseTeacher">
<id column="actId" property="id" />
<association property="teacher" javaType="Teacher">
<id column="tId" property="id" />
<result column="tname" property="name" />

<collection property="activityCourseTimes" ofType="ActivityCourseTime">
<id column="timeId" property="id" />
<result column="actStartTime" property="startTime"/>
<result column="actHour" property="hour"/>
<result column="actEndTime" property="endTime"/>
<result column="place" property="place"/>



<select id="getPage" resultMap="resultListStudent" parameterType="page">
stu.id id,stu.name name,stu.sex sex,stu.birthDate birthDate,
stu.address address,stu.identityCard identityCard,stu.email email,
stu.parentPhone1 parentPhone1,stu.parentPhone2 parentPhone2, stu.ft ft,
sch.id as id_school,sch.name as schoolName,
are.id as areaId ,are.name as areaName
from bd_student stu
left join bd_school sch
on stu.id_school=sch.id
left join bd_area are
on sch.id_area=are.id
left join bd_user us
on us.id=stu.id
where 1=1 and us.status=1
<if test="params.name != null and params.name != '' ">
and stu.name like CONCAT('%',#{params.name},'%')
<if test="params.sex != null and params.sex != '' ">
and stu.sex=#{params.sex}
<if test="params.birthDate != null and params.birthDate != '' ">
and stu.birthDate=#{params.birthDate}
<if test="params.address != null and params.address != '' ">
and stu.address=#{params.address}
<if test="params.identityCard != null and params.identityCard != '' ">
and stu.identityCard like CONCAT('%',#{params.identityCard},'%')
<if test="params.email != null and params.email != '' ">
and stu.email=#{params.email}
<if test="params.parentPhone1 != null and params.parentPhone1 != '' ">
and stu.parentPhone1=#{params.parentPhone1}
<if test="params.parentPhone2 != null and params.parentPhone2 != '' ">
and stu.parentPhone2=#{params.parentPhone2}
<if test="params.schoolId != null and params.schoolId != '' ">
and stu.id_school=#{params.schoolId}
<if test="params.areaId != null and params.areaId != ''">
and sch.id_area=#{params.areaId}
order by stu.id desc


<!--只对非空字段进行更新  -->
<update id="update" parameterType="Student">
update bd_student
<if test="name != null and name != '' ">
<if test="sex != null and sex != '' ">
<if test="birthDate != null and birthDate != '' ">
<if test="address != null and address != '' ">
<if test="identityCard != null and identityCard != '' ">
<if test="email != null and email != '' ">
<if test="email != null and email == '' ">

<if test="parentPhone1 != null and parentPhone1 != '' ">
<if test="parentPhone2 != null and parentPhone2 != '' ">
<if test="parentPhone2 != null and parentPhone2 == '' ">
<if test="school!=null and school.id != null and school.id != '' ">
WHERE id=#{id}
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