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S01E22 Growing Pains

2015-06-25 21:40 316 查看
ROUGH Subtitles (Listen and write)

Jason: what's Uncle Bob doing sleeping in my office?

Maggie: oh, he and Mike played poker last night, Mike won his room back

Jason: really? I'm glad to see Mike getting the upper hand for a change

Maggie: me too, too bad he lost your car

Jason: maybe Uncle Bod wouldn't mind giving a lift to the store later

Mike: where is Uncle Bob

Maggie: still asleep, I guess

Mike: he is not up yet, thank you god

Mike: dad, can I borrow some of your shaving cream

Jason: I'd give it a while

Mike: come on, Mom, I would never get another chance like this again, he's sprayed me four mornings in a row

Maggie: four mornings in a row? take no prisoners

Mike: yes sir

Jason: you're bad

Maggie: always support the home team

Carol: Ben and I have 10 bucks saying Uncle Bob beats Mike in the Limbo contest

Ben: want a piece of the action

Maggie: you two ought to be ashamed of ourselves betting against your own brother

Carol: but it's Mike's idea, he said he'd cover any bet against him

Ben: and he's giving 3 to 1 odds

Jason: 3 to 1, whoa~

Maggie: Jason

Jason: I'm just scratching

Jason: Mike?

Mike: he is dead

Maggie: for those of you that cried in the funeral, I just wanna say there is nothing to be ashamed of

Jason: thank you, Maggie

Maggie: well, are we all ready?

Carol: This feels kind of strange

Maggie: It won't after we get started, Uncle Bob called this remembering session, when someone in my family passed on, and Uncle Bob would lead us all in sharing fun memory with that person

Jason: he would lovingly refer to as the dearly defunct

Maggie: who wants to talk

Maggie: ok, then, I will, when I was a girl, I wanted to be a dancer, and do you know why?

Ben: why?

Maggie: Uncle Bob took me to my very first ballet, and I remember he said they walk around on their toes, they do flapping things with their arms, and it doesn't make any sense, but it's pretty, ain't it
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