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cPickle.load(f) ValueError: insecure string pickle错误问题

2015-06-19 16:19 477 查看
查过资料发现之所以有问题,是因为数据保存格式问题造成的。看资料,如果 pickling and unpickling 都是用二进制文件则没有问题。如果不用二进制文件,则 pickling and unpickling都不要使用二进制文件。否则可能报错。

pickle.dump(object, file, protocol)

Pickled data may be created in either text or binary protocols. By default, the storage protocol is text (also known as protocol 0). In text mode, the files used to store pickled objects may be opened in text mode as in the earlier examples, and the pickled data is printable ASCII text, which can be read (it's essentially instructions for a stack machine).


The alternative protocols (protocols 1 and 2) store the pickled data in binary format and require that files be opened in binary mode (e.g., rb, wb). Protocol 1 is the original binary format; protocol 2, added in Python 2.3, has improved support for pickling of new-style classes. Binary format is slightly more efficient, but it cannot be inspected. An older option to pickling calls, the bin argument, has been subsumed by using a pickling protocol higher than 0. The pickle module also provides a HIGHEST_PROTOCOL variable that can be passed in to automatically select the maximum value.

其他协议(1号和2号协议 )以二进制格式存储pickle数据,并要求文件以二进制模式打开(例如:rb、wb)。1号协议是原始二进制格式;2号协议是Python 2.3增加的,它改善了对新型类pickle的支持。二进制格式效率更高一点,但它无法进行查看。旧的pickle调用有一个选项,即bin参数,现已被归入使用大于0的协议。pickle模块还提供了一个HIGHEST_PROTOCOL变量,传入它可以自动选择最大的协议值。

One note: if you use the default text protocol, make sure you open pickle files in text mode later. On some platforms, opening text data in binary mode may cause unpickling errors due to line-end formats on Windows:


>>> f = open('temp', 'w') # text mode file on Windows
>>> pickle.dump(('ex', 'parrot'), f) # use default text protocol
>>> f.close( )
>>> pickle.load(open('temp', 'r')) # OK in text mode
('ex', 'parrot')
>>> pickle.load(open('temp', 'rb')) # fails in binary
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#337>", line 1, in -toplevel-
pickle.load(open('temp', 'rb'))
...lines deleted...
ValueError: insecure string pickle

One way to sidestep this potential issue is to always use binary mode for your files, even for the text pickle protocol. Since you must open files in binary mode for the binary pickler protocols anyhow (higher than the default 0), this isn't a bad habit to get into:


>>> f = open('temp', 'wb') # create in binary mode
>>> pickle.dump(('ex', 'parrot'), f) # use text protocol
>>> f.close( )
>>> pickle.load(open('temp', 'rb'))
('ex', 'parrot')
>>> pickle.load(open('temp', 'r'))
('ex', 'parrot')
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