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2015-06-19 13:09 267 查看

  It was eleven o'clock that night when Mr. Pontellier returned from his night out. He was in an excellent humor, in high spirits, and very talkative. His entrance awoke his wife, who was in bed and fast asleep when he came in. He talked to her while he
undressed, telling her anecdotes and bits of news and gossip that he had gathered during the day. She was overcome with sleep, and answered him with little half utterances.

  He thought it very discouraging that his wife, who was the sole object of his existence, evinced so little interest in things which concerned him and valued so little his conversation.

  Mr. Pontellier had forgotten the bonbons and peanuts that he had promised the boys. Notwithstanding, he loved them very much and went into the adjoining room where they slept to take a look at them and make sure that they were resting comfortably. The
result of his investigation was far from satisfactory. He turned and shifted the youngsters about in bed. One of them began to kick and talk about a basket full of crabs.

  Mr. Pontellier returned to his wife with the information that Raoul had a high fever and needed looking after. Then he lit his cigar and went and sat near the open door to smoke it.

  Mrs. Pontellier was quite sure Raoul had no fever. He had gone to bed perfectly well, she said, and nothing had ailed him all day. Mr. Pontellier was too well acquainted with fever symptoms to be mistaken. He assured her the child was burning with fever
at that moment in the next room.

  He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children. If it was not a mother's place to look after children, whose on earth was it? He himself had his hands full with his brokerage business. He could not be in two places at
once; making a living for his family on the street, and staying home to see that no harm befell them. He talked in a monotonous, insistent way.

  Mrs. Pontellier sprang out of bed and went into the next room. She soon came back and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning her head down on the pillow. She said nothing, and refused to answer her husband when he questioned her. When his cigar was smoked
out he went to bed, and in half a minute was fast asleep.

  Mrs. Pontellier was by that time thoroughly awake. She began to cry a little, and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her nightgown. She went out on the porch, where she sat down in the wicker chair and began to rock gently to and fro.

  It was then past midnight. The cottages were all dark. There was no sound abroad except the hooting of an old owl and the everlasting voice of the sea, that broke like a mournful lullaby upon the night.

  The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontellier's eyes that the damp sleeve of her nightgown no longer served to dry them. She went on crying there, not caring any longer to dry her face, her eyes, her arms.

  She could not have told why she was crying. Such experiences as the foregoing were not uncommon in her married life. They seemed never before to have weighed much against the abundance of her husband's kindness and a uniform devotion which had come to
be tacit and self-understood.

  An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish. It was like a shadow, like a mist passing across her soul's summer day. It was strange and unfamiliar; it was
a mood. She did not sit there inwardly upbraiding her husband, lamenting at Fate, which had directed her footsteps to the path which they had taken. She was just having a good cry all to herself.

  The mosquitoes succeeded in dispelling a mood which might have held her there in the darkness half a night longer.

  The following morning Mr. Pontellier was up in good time to take the carriage which was to convey him to the steamer at the wharf. He was returning to the city to his business, and they would not see him again at the Island till the coming Saturday. He
had regained his composure, which seemed to have been somewhat impaired the night before. He was eager to be gone, as he looked forward to a lively week in the financial center.

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