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2015-06-15 17:49 441 查看
cat /proc/meminfo 读出的内核信息进行解释,


[code]MemTotal:       507480 kB 
MemFree:         10800 kB 
Buffers:         34728 kB 
Cached:          98852 kB 
SwapCached:        128 kB 
Active:         304248 kB 
Inactive:        46192 kB 
HighTotal:           0 kB 
HighFree:            0 kB 
LowTotal:       507480 kB 
LowFree:         10800 kB 
SwapTotal:      979956 kB 
SwapFree:       941296 kB 
Dirty:              32 kB 
Writeback:           0 kB 
AnonPages:      216756 kB 
Mapped:          77560 kB 
Slab:            22952 kB 
SReclaimable:    15512 kB 
SUnreclaim:       7440 kB 
PageTables:       2640 kB 
NFS_Unstable:        0 kB 
Bounce:              0 kB 
CommitLimit:   1233696 kB 
Committed_AS:   828508 kB 
VmallocTotal:   516088 kB 
VmallocUsed:      5032 kB 
VmallocChunk:   510580 kB


[code]MemTotal: 所有可用RAM大小 (即物理内存减去一些预留位和内核的二进制代码大小) 

 MemFree: LowFree与HighFree的总和,被系统留着未使用的内存 

 Buffers: 用来给文件做缓冲大小 

  Cached: 被高速缓冲存储器(cache memory)用的内存的大小(等于 diskcache minus SwapCache ).

SwapCached:被高速缓冲存储器(cache memory)用的交换空间的大小


[code]  Active: 在活跃使用中的缓冲或高速缓冲存储器页面文件的大小,除非非常必要否则不会被移作他用. 

Inactive: 在不经常使用中的缓冲或高速缓冲存储器页面文件的大小,可能被用于其他途径.


HighFree: 该区域不是直接映射到内核空间。内核必须使用不同的手法使用该段内存。

 LowFree: 低位可以达到高位内存一样的作用,而且它还能够被内核用来记录一些自己的数据结构。Among many 
          other things, it is where everything from the Slab is 
          allocated.  Bad things happen when you're out of lowmem.

SwapTotal: 交换空间的总大小

[code]SwapFree: 未被使用交换空间的大小 

Dirty: 等待被写回到磁盘的内存大小。

Writeback: 正在被写回到磁盘的内存大小。


Mapped: 设备和文件等映射的大小。

Slab: 内核数据结构缓存的大小,可以减少申请和释放内存带来的消耗。






CommitLimit: Based on the overcommit ratio (‘vm.overcommit_ratio’),

this is the total amount of memory currently available to

be allocated on the system. This limit is only adhered to

if strict overcommit accounting is enabled (mode 2 in


The CommitLimit is calculated with the following formula:

CommitLimit = (‘vm.overcommit_ratio’ * Physical RAM) + Swap

For example, on a system with 1G of physical RAM and 7G

of swap with a
of 30 it would

yield a CommitLimit of 7.3G.

For more details, see the memory overcommit documentation

in vm/overcommit-accounting.


The amount of memory presently allocated on the system.

The committed memory is a sum of all of the memory which

has been allocated by processes, even if it has not been

“used” by them as of yet. A process which malloc()’s 1G

of memory, but only touches 300M of it will only show up

as using 300M of memory even if it has the address space

allocated for the entire 1G. This 1G is memory which has

been “committed” to by the VM and can be used at any time

by the allocating application. With strict overcommit

enabled on the system (mode 2 in ‘vm.overcommit_memory’),

allocations which would exceed the CommitLimit (detailed

above) will not be permitted. This is useful if one needs

to guarantee that processes will not fail due to lack of

memory once that memory has been successfully allocated.

VmallocTotal: 可以vmalloc虚拟内存大小

VmallocUsed: 已经被使用的虚拟内存大小。

VmallocChunk: largest contigious block of vmalloc area which is free


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int MemInfo(char* Info, int len);
int main()
  char buf[128];

  memset(buf, 0, 128);
  MemInfo(buf, 100);
  printf("%s", buf);
  return 0;
int MemInfo(char* Info, int len)
  char sStatBuf[256];
  FILE* fp;
  int flag;
  int TotalMem;
  int UsedMem;
  char* line;
  if(system("free -m | awk '{print $2,$3}' > mem"));
  memset(sStatBuf, 0, 256);
  fp = fopen("mem", "rb");
  if(fp < 0)
    return -1;
  fread(sStatBuf,1, sizeof(sStatBuf) , fp);

  line = strstr(sStatBuf, "/n");
  TotalMem = atoi(line);
  line = strstr(line, " ");
  UsedMem = atoi(line);
  memset(sStatBuf, 0, 256);
  sprintf(sStatBuf, "Used %dM/Total %dM/n", UsedMem, TotalMem);
  if(strlen(sStatBuf) > len)
     return -1;
   memcpy(Info, sStatBuf, strlen(sStatBuf));
   return 0;

结果:Used 488M/Total 495M

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