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Next Generation

2015-06-15 14:21 309 查看
I am very concerned about the nextgeneration, so I want to help my child and wants to help him avoid detours, lethim develop some good habits from childhood, and I hope I can progress withhim.

I enjoyed writing program, especially when mychild is a boy, maybe I'll teach him to write some small program, if he like it,because I do not want him to lose at the starting line, I would recommend himto see the head first series, Like head first c, head
first java, Because thesebooks will teach him not only knowledge, but also teach him how to learn acomputer language, and even learning.

I'll teach him, before writing the program,we must first think clearly algorithms and framework, rather than rush tostart, because a wrong design will take your life. Written code to complete theimportant core, and then go to add other features. It is important
to seize thekey.

When he encountered difficult questions, Iwill educate him, first of all try to think about your own solutions, or on yourown to find the answer, such as searching with Google, and not in a hurry toask others. After you solve this thing, do not immersed
in the proud, but to goto sum up, he also can record in the form of a blog or diary.

I willnot oppose him playing games. If I am forced to keep him away from the game, hemight be just the same as when I was young, secretly went to Internet cafes toplay, because many people can’t resist the temptation of the game, but I thinkas long as there
is enough restraint. I would accompany him to play the game,but I would ask him if you decide to play the game, you should try hard tostudy the game, see the game raiders(Raiders game is to teach you how to playthe game), summary tactical missteps, keep calm
when playing games, control thegame and direct the game.

I won’tforce him to do something, I will only give him some advice and tell him why heneed do this.

That’sall, thanks for listening.
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