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排序算法(二)—归并排序(Merge sort)

2015-06-12 10:42 513 查看
Merge sort首先将需要排序的序列拆分成单独的可排序对象,然后将这些可排序对象两两进行归并,直到把它们再合并为一个排序好的序列为止。

Merge sort不是in place排序,但是将Merge sort应用于链表(list)和数组的时候,两者的空间复杂度是不同的。应用于链表的时候空间复杂度更低。因此Merge sort更适用于链表。

本文采用非递归的方式来实现Merge sort在队列上的操作(队列其实就是一种被限制了操作的链表,可以理解为残废了的链表)。基本思想是将待排序的队列首先拆分成队列的队列,初始时每个队列只有1个可排序的对象,然后将相邻的两个队列merge,merge后将产生一个新的队列,将该新队列加入到刚才队列的队列的队尾,然后队头接着之前的merge操作。重复这个过程依次merge下去,直到队列的队列中只有一个队列为止。这时就完成了merge sort。这么介绍每部分的代码:


/* Queue.java */

package list;

public interface Queue {

*  size() returns the size of this Queue.
*  @return the size of this Queue.
*  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
public int size();

*  isEmpty() returns true if this Queue is empty, false otherwise.
*  @return true if this Queue is empty, false otherwise.
*  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
public boolean isEmpty();

*  enqueue() inserts an object at the end of the Queue.
*  @param item the item to be enqueued.
public void enqueue(Object item);

*  dequeue() removes and returns the object at the front of the Queue.
*  @return the item dequeued.
*  @throws a QueueEmptyException if the Queue is empty.
public Object dequeue() throws QueueEmptyException;

*  front() returns the object at the front of the Queue.
*  @return the item at the front of the Queue.
*  @throws a QueueEmptyException if the Queue is empty.
public Object front() throws QueueEmptyException;


/* LinkedQueue.java */

package list;

public class LinkedQueue implements Queue {

private SListNode head;
private SListNode tail;
private int size;

*  LinkedQueue() constructs an empty queue.
public LinkedQueue() {
size = 0;
head = null;
tail = null;

*  size() returns the size of this Queue.
*  @return the size of this Queue.
*  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
public int size() {
return size;

*  isEmpty() returns true if this Queue is empty, false otherwise.
*  @return true if this Queue is empty, false otherwise.
*  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;

*  enqueue() inserts an object at the end of the Queue.
*  @param item the item to be enqueued.
public void enqueue(Object item) {
if (head == null) {
head = new SListNode(item);
tail = head;
} else {
tail.next = new SListNode(item);
tail = tail.next;

*  dequeue() removes and returns the object at the front of the Queue.
*  @return the item dequeued.
*  @throws a QueueEmptyException if the Queue is empty.
public Object dequeue() throws QueueEmptyException {
if (head == null) {
throw new QueueEmptyException();
} else {
Object o = head.item;
head = head.next;
if (size == 0) {
tail = null;
return o;

*  front() returns the object at the front of the Queue.
*  @return the item at the front of the Queue.
*  @throws a QueueEmptyException if the Queue is empty.
public Object front() throws QueueEmptyException {
if (head == null) {
throw new QueueEmptyException();
} else {
return head.item;

*  nth() returns the nth item in this LinkedQueue.
*    Items in the queue are numbered from 1.
*  @param n the number of the item to return.
public Object nth(int n) {
SListNode node = head;
for (; n > 1; n--) {
node = node.next;
return node.item;

*  append() appends the contents of q onto the end of this LinkedQueue.
*    On completion, q is empty.
*  @param q the LinkedQueue whose contents should be appended onto this
*    LinkedQueue.
public void append(LinkedQueue q) {
if (head == null) {
head = q.head;
} else {
tail.next = q.head;
if (q.head != null) {
tail = q.tail;
size = size + q.size;
q.head = null;
q.tail = null;
q.size = 0;

*  toString() converts this queue to a String.
public String toString() {
String out = "[ ";
try {
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
out = out + front() + " ";
} catch (QueueEmptyException uf) {
System.err.println("Error:  attempt to dequeue from empty queue.");
return out + "]";


public static LinkedQueue makeQueueOfQueues(LinkedQueue q) {
LinkedQueue queues = new LinkedQueue();
LinkedQueue newQueue = new LinkedQueue();
try {
} catch (QueueEmptyException e) {
return queues;


public static LinkedQueue mergeSortedQueues(LinkedQueue q1, LinkedQueue q2) {
LinkedQueue sortedQueue = new LinkedQueue();
while(!q1.isEmpty() && !q2.isEmpty()){
if(((Comparable) q1.nth(1)).compareTo((Comparable)q2.nth(1)) <= 0){
try {
} catch (QueueEmptyException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
try {
} catch (QueueEmptyException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if(q1.isEmpty() && !q2.isEmpty()){
}else if(q2.isEmpty() && !q1.isEmpty()){
return sortedQueue;


public static void mergeSort(LinkedQueue q) {
LinkedQueue queues = makeQueueOfQueues(q);
while(queues.size() != 1){
try {
LinkedQueue q1 = (LinkedQueue) queues.dequeue();
LinkedQueue q2 = (LinkedQueue) queues.dequeue();
} catch (QueueEmptyException e) {
这里很有意思的是这种实现方法的空间复杂度,首先假设待排序的LinkedQueue q有n个对象,因此它的空间复杂度是O(n)。将q拆分成队列的队列queues后,这时q被清空,已经没有元素了,元素都跑到了queues里,这时queues的空间复杂度是O(n),整个程序的空间复杂度也是O(n)。随着queues的元素出队列merge,queues的元素在减少,但是减少这部分被q1和q2接收了,而当merge后新的queue又加到了queues的后边,q1和q2被清空,因此整个过程程序的空间复杂度都是O(n)。而如果是数组的话就做不到这一点。

Merge sort的时间复杂度比较容易得到,根据递归树来计算,这里顺便提一下递归树的计算,merge sort 的每一次都是cn,因此每一次的工作量都是相同的,有些算法在用递归树分析时,工作量可能都集中在顶层,而有些又集中在底层。如图:


(1)Merge sort用在链表和数组的情况下空间复杂度不同,具体分析过程文中已提到;

(2)非递归的merge sort链表的过程,本文是以队列为例的。


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