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tolua reference

2015-06-12 10:38 393 查看
Using Lua API and tag method facilities, tolua maps C/C++ constants, external variables, functions, classes, and methods to Lua.

How tolua works

(1)创建a package file (a C/C++ cleaned header file) listing the constants, variables, functions, classes, and methods we want to export to the Lua environment.

(2)parses this file and creates a C/C++ file that automatically binds the C/C++ code to Lua. 
(3) accesed from Lua

How to use toLua
由(1)an executable (2)and a library组成
the executable represents the parser that reads a package file and output a C/C++ code that implements the binding to access the C/C++ features from Lua.

tolua -o myfile.c myfile.pkg

tolua -n pkgname -o myfile.c myfile.pkg

when using C++, we can opt for automatic initialization
tolua -a -n pkgname -o myfile.c myfile.pkg
automatic initialization sometimes does not work



void tolua_restorestate (void);

Basic Concepts

package file may include other package file, use $<include_file>

Basic types
char int float double     ->       number
char*       ->              string
void*       ->              userdata
tolua ignores const modifier

Functions in C/C++ can also manipulate Lua objects explicitly.

User defined types

非Basic Types均为用户自定义类型,are mapped to tagged userdata type in Lua.
Lua can only store pointers to 自定义类型。

NULL and nil

typedef double real;

Including real header files
$#include "header1.h"

Binding constants
(1) define's
#define NAME [VALUE]
(2) enum's
enum {

Binding external variables
[extern] type var;
double v[10];//Lua中下标从1开始

Binding functions

change to table
void func (int n, int m, double image[n*m]);

Overloaded functions

Default parameters values
void func(lua_Object lo = TOLUA_NIL)
void func(int a[5] = 0);

Multiple returned values
tolua uses feature of Multiple returned values to simulate values passed by references
void swap (double* x, double* y);
void swap (double& x, double& y);

x, y = swap (x, y)
Binding struct fields
typdef struct [name] {
int x[10];
int y[10];
} Example;

Binding classes and methods

Specifying inheritance
class classname: public basename
/* class definition*/
Specifying exported memebers and methods
Constructors are called as static methods, named new,
Destructors are called as a conventional method called delete

virtual keyword has no effect in the package file

class Point {
static int n;
double x;
double y;
static char* className(void);
Point (void);
Point (double px, double py);

Point add (Point& other);

overloaded operators
operator+ - * / < > <= >=

double operator[](int index);

Module definition
module name
#define N
extern int var;
int func (...);

Renaming constants, variables and functions
#define CNAME @ ivar;
void cfunc @ ifunc (...);
class cannot be renamed, because they represent types in C.

Storing additional fields
based on table

Exported utility functions
tolua uses itself to export some utility functions to Lua, including its object-oriented framework.

receives a table and maps all its fields to the global environment. thus we can map an entire module and access its features without the module prefix.

returns a string representing the object type

returns type corresponding tag number

this function filters all fields starting with a dot, not passing them to the provided callback function.

tolua.cast(object, "typename")
Returns the object "casted" to the given type. The object must represent an user type, otherwise return nil.

asks tolua to take the ownership of the given object.
This means the C/C++ object will be freed/destructed when garbage-collected by Lua. The object must represent an user type, otherwise an执行错误产生。

tolua.class(table, base = nil)
the created class can inherit from a base class, previously created.

tolua.instance(table, class)
Sets the given table to be an instance of the given class.

--define a Point class
classPoint = {x=0, y=0}
tolua.class(classPoint)--set as a class

--define print function
function classPoint:print()
    print (self.x, self.y)

-- define add method
function classPoint:add(p2)
    return Point{x=self.x+p2.x, y=self.y+p2.y}

-- define a Point constructor
function Point (p)
    tolua.instance(p, classPoint) -- set as an instance of classPoint
    return p

-- define a Color Point class
classColorPoint = {color = 'black' }
tolua.class(classColorPoint, classPoint) -- set as class inheriting from classPoint

-- define class methods
function classColorPoint:print()
    print(self.x, self.y, self.color)

-- define Color Point constructor
function ColorPoint(p)
    tolua.instance(p, classColorPoint) -- set as an instance of classColorPoint
    return p

-- some valid codes would then be
p = Point{ x= 1}
q = ColorPoint{x=2, y =3, color =2)
r = p:add(q)

Embedded Lua code
tolua allows us to embed Lua code in the C/C++ generated code.
embedded Lua code

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标签:  lua tolua 入门