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2015-06-10 23:01 781 查看
1  Function

  a function is a device that groups a set of statements so they can be run more than once in a program.


  1)  def statements   

def <name>(arg1, arg2,... argN):

  Function bodies often contain a return statement:  

def <name>(arg1, arg2,... argN):
return <value>

  2)  def executes at runtime  

if test:
def func():            # Define func this way
def func():            # Or else this way
func()                     # Call the version selected and buil

  One way to understand this code is to realize that the def is much like an = statement: it simply assigns a name at runtime.

  Unlike C, Python functions do not need to be fully defined before the program runs. More generally, defs are not evaluated until they are reached and run, and the code inside defs is not evaluated until the functions are later called.

  Because function definition happens at runtime, there’s nothing special about function name. What’s important is the object to which it refers:

othername = func   # Assign function object
othername()       # Call func again

2  Example 1 - Definitions and Calls

  1) definition  

>>> def times(x,y):
...     return x * y

  2) call

>>> times(4,5)  # Arguments in parentheses

>>> x = times(3.14,4)
>>> x            # Save the result object

>>> times('Ha',4)  # Functions are "typeless"

3  Example 2 - Intersecting Sequences

  1) definition  

>>> def intersect(seq1,seq2):
...     res = []             # Start empty
...     for x in seq1:      # Scan seq1
...       if x in seq2:     # Common item?
...         res.append(x)    # Add to end
...     return res

  2) call  

>>> s1 = "SPAM"
>>> s2 = "SCAM"
>>> intersect(s1,s2)     # Strings
['S', 'A', 'M']

>>> [x for x in s1 if x in s2]
['S', 'A', 'M']

  3) polymorphism revisited

>>> x = intersect([1,2,3],(1,4))  # Mixed types
>>> x                  # Saved result object
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