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2015-06-09 16:53 393 查看

  "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."


  Laws, body of official rules and regulations, are used to govern a society and control the behaviors of its members. In my observation, it is extremely presumptuous to assert that we have the right to obey just laws and disobey the unjust laws. As a social
member, we are incumbent to not violate any laws, at the same time; we might turn to appropriate means to repeal the unfavorable laws.

  At the threshold matter, the line between just and unjust is difficult to draw, according to discrepant people's beliefs, interests, experiences. There is no exaggeration to say that just or unjust is an subjective matter somehow, hence, different people
might hold sheer dissimilar viewpoints toward one case. Then legislation, the sublime guidance for all the people who lives the society, how to define such an subjective matter? Needless to say, it is beyond mankind's imagination. Take the controversial issue
"abortion", into account. Those who hold religious belief might have intensive contradiction with such laws flavored with the sanction of abortion, for the simple reason that lives has come into being from their religious perspective. Meanwhile,those people
who deem merely infants possess lives have the justification to substantiate the right to abortion as a just law. As a result, people of different culture backgrounds have conflicts with each other due to the concept of "just" and "unjust".That is to say,
we need not go further to bother the definition of just or unjust laws, for any single law can not so circumspect that it satisfies any member’s interest and propensity.

  Furthermore, as social members, we have no sound reason to violate the laws, even those unjust law in lights of us. On one hand, laws lie in the core values on which a society depends to thrive. It is to serve to regulate people's behaviors and action,enforced
by corresponding penalties, punishment and remedies, absent of which any laws would reveal it is empty and ramshackle one. Then the coherent spirits of one society is under challenges. Former Soviet Union is a extremely vivid examples.Though the law of Soviet
Union is acclaimed to guarantee freedom of speech, press, and assembly, in practice the Soviet government continually repressed those freedoms,And the leader of Soviet Union, Stalin, do not receive any penalties or called to account for his action. In my view,
granted leaders commit errors or mistakes, they are inevitably obey the country's laws, otherwise the trust and confidence of citizens in that countries would be paralyzed. On the other hand, even toward those unjust laws,we could not have the freedom to rampant
violate them. If so, we provide ourselves a reasonable assumption that we could violate any laws, for we could find a host of sound reason to substantiate any single laws. Consequently, what our well-ordered society might relegate is beyond our imagination.
Juvenile delinquency might be increasingly manifest due to those poor children are deprived the best opportunities of education; tremendous corporations might experience the declining reputation crisis owing to one company’s fraudulent accounting. Those people,
regarding those laws possess underlying unjust aspects for them, disobey crimes and therefore, turmoil and chaos in our society might follow.
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