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Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

2015-06-01 09:20 127 查看
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without
repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.

- flag -1),与此前的len比较判断是否需要更新len,并在哈希表中将当前字符的索引cur覆盖前面这个字符的索引rep,再令flag = rep。但此时还要注意两种特殊情况:一种是遍历完全部字符串都没有发生冲突,则直接返回字符串的长度;第二种是若最后一个字符在当前这次遍历中(即flag置位后)没有发生冲突,则此次遍历得出的最长子串的长度为(cur - flag)。


#define N 150
int searchHashTable(int * hashTable,char c)
int index = c;					//hash function
if( hashTable[index] >= 0 )
return hashTable[index];
return -1;
int lengthOfLongestSubstring(char* s) {
int len = 0,flag = -1,r = 0,strLen,cur;
strLen = strlen(s);
int hashTable
for( cur = 0 ; cur < N ; cur++)
hashTable[cur] = -1;
for( cur = 0 ; cur < strLen ; cur++ )
rep = searchHashTable(hashTable,s[cur]);
if( rep == -1 || rep <= flag )
hashTable[ s[cur] ] = cur;	//fill in character's index of s string.
if( cur == strLen - 1 )		//boder situation:the last character does not collide.
len = len >= ( cur - flag ) ? len : ( cur - flag );
r = 1;
len = len >= ( cur - flag -1 ) ? len : ( cur - flag -1 );
hashTable[ s[cur] ] = cur;	//use the bigger index to cover the smaller one.
flag = rep;
if( r )
return len;
else					<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>//special situation:no collision occurs.
return strLen;




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标签:  leetcode