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【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文

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【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文

【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文

SkySeraph Jan 25th 2013


0 Near Field Communication

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads
of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered device, or between two Android-powered devices.
Tags can range in complexity. Simple tags offer just read and write semantics, sometimes with one-time-programmable areas to make the card read-only. More complex tags offer math operations,
and have cryptographic hardware to authenticate access to a sector. The most sophisticated tags contain operating environments, allowing complex interactions with code executing on the tag. The data stored in the tag can also be written in a variety
of formats, but many of the Android framework APIs are based around a NFC Forum standard called NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format).
NFC标签具有复杂的分类。简单的NFC标签只提供读写语法,某些时候一次只能以只读的方式读取卡片的可编程区域。复杂一点的NFC标签提供了数学运算能力,而且有加密的硬件来认证对一个扇区的访问。最复杂的NFC标签包含了运算环境,允许在标签上执行复杂的交互代码。存储在标签中的数据也可以用各种格式来编写,但是大多数的Android框架API都使用基于NDEF(NFC Data Exchange

1 NFC Basic

This document describes the basic NFC tasks you perform in Android. It explains how to send and receive NFC data in the form of NDEF messages and describes the Android framework APIs that
support these features. For more advanced topics, including a discussion of working with non-NDEF data, seeAdvanced
There are two major uses cases when working with NDEF data and Android:
Reading NDEF data from an NFC tag
Beaming NDEF messages from one device to another with Android
NFC” NDEF数据和Android一起工作的场景主要有两个:
1. 从NFC标签中读取NDEF数据; 【读数据】
2. 把NDEF消息从一个设备发送给另一个设备。【数据传递】
Reading NDEF data from an NFC tag is handled with thetag
dispatch system, which analyzes discovered NFC tags, appropriately categorizes the data, and starts an application that is interested in the categorized data. An application that wants to handle the scanned NFC tag can declare
an intent filter and request to handle the data.
The Android Beam™ feature allows a device to push an NDEF message onto another device by physically tapping the devices together. This interaction provides an easier way to send data than
other wireless technologies like Bluetooth, because with NFC, no manual device discovery or pairing is required. The connection is automatically started when two devices come into range. Android Beam is available through a set of NFC APIs, so any application
can transmit information between devices. For example, the Contacts, Browser, and YouTube applications use Android Beam to share contacts, web pages, and videos with other devices.
Android Beam™ 功能允许设备把一个NDEF消息推送到物理/硬件上相互监听的另一个设备上。这种交互提供了比其他无线技术(如蓝牙)更容易的发送数据的方法。因为NFC不需要手动的设备发现或配对要求,两个设备在接近到一定范围时会自动的连接。Android Beam通过一组NFC API来使用,以便应用程序能够在设备之间来传输信息。例如,通信录、浏览器以及YouTube等应用程序都使用Android

1.1 NFC标签调度系统 (The Tag Dispatch System)

Android-powered devices are usually looking for NFC tags when the screen is unlocked, unless NFC is disabled in the device's Settings menu. When an Android-powered device discovers an NFC
tag, the desired behavior is to have the most appropriate activity handle the intent without asking the user what application to use. Because devices scan NFC tags at a very short range, it is likely that making users manually select an activity would
force them to move the device away from the tag and break the connection. You should develop your activity to only handle the NFC tags that your activity cares about to prevent the Activity Chooser from appearing.
To help you with this goal, Android provides a special tag dispatch system that analyzes scanned NFC tags, parses them, and tries to locate applications that are interested in the scanned
data. It does this by:

Parsing the NFC tag and figuring out the MIME type or a URI that identifies the data payload in the tag.

Encapsulating the MIME type or URI and the payload into an intent. These first two steps are described in How
NFC tags are mapped to MIME types and URIs.
Starts an activity based on the intent. This is described in How
NFC Tags are Dispatched to Applications

1. 解析NFC标签并搞清楚标签中标识数据负载的MIME类型或URI;
2. 把MIME类型或URI以及数据负载封装到一个Intent中。
3. 基于Intent来启动Activity。

1.1.1 怎样把NFC标签映射到MIME类型和URI (How NFC tags are mapped to MIME types and URIs)

Before you begin writing your NFC applications, it is important to understand the different types of NFC tags, how the tag dispatch system parses NFC tags, and the special work that the tag
dispatch system does when it detects an NDEF message. NFC tags come in a wide array of technologies and can also have data written to them in many different ways. Android has the most support for the NDEF standard, which is defined by the NFC
NDEF data is encapsulated inside a message (NdefMessage)
that contains one or more records (NdefRecord). Each NDEF record must be well-formed according
to the specification of the type of record that you want to create. Android also supports other types of tags that do not contain NDEF data, which you can work with by using the classes in theandroid.nfc.tech package.
To learn more about these technologies, see the Advanced NFC topic. Working
with these other types of tags involves writing your own protocol stack to communicate with the tags, so we recommend using NDEF when possible for ease of development and maximum support for Android-powered devices.
Note:To download complete NDEF specifications, go to the NFC
Forum Specification Download site and seeCreating common types of
NDEF records for examples of how to construct NDEF records.
Now that you have some background in NFC tags, the following sections describe in more detail how Android handles NDEF formatted tags. When an Android-powered device scans an NFC tag containing
NDEF formatted data, it parses the message and tries to figure out the data's MIME type or identifying URI. To do this, the system reads the first NdefRecord inside
the NdefMessage to determine how to interpret the entire NDEF message (an NDEF message
can have multiple NDEF records). In a well-formed NDEF message, the first NdefRecordcontains
the following fields:
现在,你已经具备了一些NFC标签的背景知识,接下来要详细的介绍Android是如何处理NDEF格式的标签的。当Android设备扫描到包含NDEF格式数据的NFC标签时,它会解析该消息,并尝试搞清楚数据的MIME类型或URI标识。首先系统会读取消息(NdefMessage)中的第一条NdefRecord,来判断如何解释整个NDEF消息(一个NDEF消息能够有多条NDEF记录)。 在格式良好的NDEF消息中,第一条NdefRecord包含以下字段信息:
3-bit TNF (Type Name Format)
Indicates how to interpret the variable length type field. Valid values are described in described in Table
Variable length type
Describes the type of the record. If usingTNF_WELL_KNOWN,
use this field to specify the Record Type Definition (RTD). Valid RTD values are described in Table
Variable length ID
A unique identifier for the record. This field is not used often, but if you need to uniquely identify a tag, you can create an ID for it.
Variable length payload
The actual data payload that you want to read or write. An NDEF message can contain multiple NDEF records, so don't assume the full payload is in the first NDEF record of the NDEF message.
3-bit TNF(类型名称格式) 指示如何解释可变长度类型字段,在下表1中介绍有效值。
可变长度类型 说明记录的类型,如果使用TNF_WELL_KNOWN,那么则使用这个字段来指定记录的类型定义(RTD)。在下表2中定义了有效的RTD值。
可变长度ID 唯一标识该记录。这个字段不经常使用,但是,如果需要唯一的标识一个标记,那么就可以为该字段创建一个ID。
可变长度负载 你想读/写的实际的数据负载。一个NDEF消息能够包含多个NDEF记录,因此不要以为在NDEF消息的第一条NDEF记录中包含了所有的负载。
The tag dispatch system uses the TNF and type fields to try to map a MIME type or URI to the NDEF message. If successful, it encapsulates that information inside of a ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED
intent along with the actual payload. However, there are cases when the tag dispatch system cannot determine the type of data based on the first NDEF record. This happens when the NDEF data cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or when the NFC tag
does not contain NDEF data to begin with. In such cases, aTag object that has information about
the tag's technologies and the payload are encapsulated inside of a ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent instead.
Table 1. describes
how the tag dispatch system maps TNF and type fields to MIME types or URIs. It also describes which TNFs cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI. In these cases, the tag dispatch system falls back toACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.
表1. 介绍标签调度系统映射如何把TNF和类型字段映射到MIME型或URI上。同时也介绍了那种类型的TNF不能被映射到MIME类型或URI上。这种情况下,标签调度系统会退化到ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent对象。
For example, if the tag dispatch system encounters a record of type TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI,
it maps the variable length type field of that record into a URI. The tag dispatch system encapsulates that URI in the data field of an ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED
intent along with other information about the tag, such as the payload. On the other hand, if it encounters a record of type TNF_UNKNOWN,
it creates an intent that encapsulates the tag's technologies instead.
表1. 所支持的TNF和它们的映射

表2. TNF_WELL_KNOWN所支持的RTD和它们的映射


1.1.2 应用程序如何调度NFC标签(How NFC Tags are Dispatched to Applications)

When the tag dispatch system is done creating an intent that encapsulates the NFC tag and its identifying information, it sends the intent to an interested application that filters for
the intent. If more than one application can handle the intent, the Activity Chooser is presented so the user can select the Activity. The tag dispatch system defines three intents, which are listed in order of highest to lowest priority:

ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED: This intent is used to start an Activity when a tag that contains an NDEF payload is scanned and is of a recognized type. This is the highest priority intent,
and the tag dispatch system tries to start an Activity with this intent before any other intent, whenever possible.

ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED: If no activities register to handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent, the tag dispatch system tries to start an application with this intent. This intent
is also directly started (without starting ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED first) if the tag that is scanned contains NDEF data that cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or if the tag does not contain NDEF data but is of a known tag technology.

ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED: This intent is started if no activities handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intents.

1. ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED: 这种Intent用于启动包含NDEF负载和已知类型的标签的Activity。这是最高优先级的Intent,并且标签调度系统在任何其他Intent之前,都会尽可能的尝试使用这种类型的Intent来启动Activity。
2. ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED: 如果没有注册处理ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED类型的Intent的Activity,那么标签调度系统会尝试使用这种类型的Intent来启动应用程序。如果被扫描到的标签包含了不能被映射到MIME类型或URI的NDEF数据,或者没有包含NDEF数据,但是是已知的标签技术,那么也会直接启动这种类型的Intent对象(而不是先启动ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED类型的Intent)
The basic way the tag dispatch system works is as follows:

Try to start an Activity with the intent that was created by the tag dispatch system when parsing the NFC tag (either ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED).
If no activities filter for that intent, try to start an Activity with the next lowest priority intent (either ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED) until an application
filters for the intent or until the tag dispatch system tries all possible intents.
If no applications filter for any of the intents, do nothing.

1. 用解析NFC标签时由标签调度系统创建的Intent对象(ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED或ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED)来尝试启动Activity;
2. 如果没有对应的处理Intent的Activity,那么就会尝试使用下一个优先级的Intent(ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED或ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)来启动Activity,直到有对应的应用程序来处理这个Intent,或者是直到标签调度系统尝试了所有可能的Intent。
3. 如果没有应用程序来处理任何类型的Intent,那么就不做任何事情。
Whenever possible, work with NDEF messages and the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent, because it is the most specific out of the three. This intent allows you to start your application at a more
appropriate time than the other two intents, giving the user a better experience.

图1. 标签调度系统 Tag
Dispatch System

1.2 在Android的Manifest中申请NFC访问

Before you can access a device's NFC hardware and properly handle NFC intents, declare these items in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

1 The NFC <uses-permission> element to access the NFC hardware:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
2 The minimum SDK version that your application can support. API level 9 only supports limited tag dispatch via ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED,
and only gives access to NDEF messages via theEXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES extra.
No other tag properties or I/O operations are accessible. API level 10 includes comprehensive reader/writer support as well as foreground NDEF pushing, and API level 14 provides an easier way to push NDEF messages to other devices with Android Beam
and extra convenience methods to create NDEF records.

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10"/>
3 The uses-feature element so that your application shows up in Google Play only for devices that have NFC hardware:

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="true" />
1. 在<uses-permission>元素中声明访问NFC硬件:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
2. 你的应用程序所支持的最小的SDK版本。API Level 9只通过ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED来支持有限的标签调度,并且只能通过EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES来访问NDEF消息。没有其他的标签属性或I/O操作可用。API Level 10中包含了广泛的读写支持,从而更好的推动了NDEF的应用前景,并且API Leve 14用Android Beam和额外的方便的创建NDEF记录的方法,向外提供了更容易的把NDEF消息推送给其他设备的方法。
3. 使用uses-feature元素,在Google Play中,以便你的应用程序能够只针对有NFC硬件的设备来显示。
If your application uses NFC functionality, but that functionality is not crucial to your application, you can omit the uses-feature element and check for NFC avalailbility at runtime by checking
to see ifgetDefaultAdapter()is null.

1.3 过滤NFC的Intent (Filtering for NFC Intents)

To start your application when an NFC tag that you want to handle is scanned, your application can filter for one, two, or all three of the NFC intents in the Android manifest.

However, you usually want to filter for the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent for the most control of when your application starts.
The ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent is a fallback for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED when no applications filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or for when the payload is not NDEF.
Filtering for ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED is usually too general of a category to filter on. Many applications will filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED before ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED,
so your application has a low probability of starting. ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED is only available as a last resort for applications to filter for in the cases where no other applications are installed to handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED



Because NFC tag deployments vary and are many times not under your control, this is not always possible, which is why you can fallback to the other two intents when necessary. When you have
control over the types of tags and data written, it is recommended that you use NDEF to format your tags. The following sections describe how to filter for each type of intent.


To filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents, declare the intent filter along with the type of data that you want to filter for.
The following example filters for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents with a MIME type of text/plain:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

The following example filters for a URI in the form ofhttp://developer.android.com/index.html.
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />


If your activity filters for theACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent, you must create an XML resource file that specifies the technologies that your activity supports within a tech-list set. Your activity is considered a match if a tech-list set is a subset of the technologies that are supported by the tag, which
you can obtain by calling getTechList().
For example, if the tag that is scanned supports MifareClassic, NdefFormatable, and NfcA, your tech-list set must specify all three, two, or one of the technologies (and nothing else) in order
for your activity to be matched.
The following sample defines all of the technologies. You can remove the ones that you do not need. Save this file (you can name it anything you wish) in the <project-root>/res/xml folder.


You can also specify multiple tech-list sets. Each of the tech-list sets is considered independently, and your activity is considered a match if any single tech-list set is a subset of the
technologies that are returned bygetTechList(). This provides AND and OR semantics
for matching technologies.
The following example matches tags that can support the NfcA and Ndef technologies or can support the NfcB and Ndef technologies:


In your AndroidManifest.xml file, specify the resource file that you just created in the <meta-data> element inside the <activity> element like in the following example:



use the following intent filter:


1.3.4 从Intent中获取信息 (Obtaining information from intents)

If an activity starts because of an NFC intent, you can obtain information about the scanned NFC tag from the intent. Intents can contain the following extras depending on the tag that was
EXTRA_TAG (required):
A Tag object representing the scanned tag.
An array of NDEF messages parsed from the tag. This extra is mandatory onintents.
(optional): The low-level ID of the tag.
1. EXTRA_TAG(必须的):它是一个代表了被扫描到的标签的Tag对象;
2. EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES(可选):它是一个解析来自标签中的NDEF消息的数组。这个附加信息是强制在Intent对象上的;
3. {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#EXTRA_ID(可选):标签的低级ID。
To obtain these extras, check to see if your activity was launched with one of the NFC intents to ensure that a tag was scanned, and then obtain the extras out of the intent. The following
example checks for theACTION_NDEF_DISCOVEREDintent and gets the
NDEF messages from an intent extra.


Alternatively, you can obtain a Tag
object from the intent, which will contain the payload and allow you to enumerate the tag's technologies:
Tag tag= intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
Tag tag= intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);

1.4 创建通用的NDEF记录类型 (Creating Common Types of NDEF Records)

This section describes how to create common types of NDEF records to help you when writing to NFC tags or sending data with Android Beam. Starting with Android 4.0 (API level 14), thecreateUri()
method is available to help you create URI records automatically. Starting in Android 4.1 (API level 16), )]createExternal()and
)]createMime() are available to help you create MIME
and external type NDEF records. Use these helper methods whenever possible to avoid mistakes when manually creating NDEF records.
This section also describes how to create the corresponding intent filter for the record. All of these NDEF record examples should be in the first NDEF record of the NDEF message that you
are writing to a tag or beaming.
本节介绍如何创建通用的NDEF记录类型,以便帮助你向NFC标签写入或用Android Beam发送数据。
从Android4.0(API Level14)开始,可以用createUri()方法来帮助你自动的创建URI记录。
从Android4.1(API Level 16)开始,可以用createExternal()和createMime()方法来帮助你创建MIME和外部类型的NDEF记录。


Note: We recommend that you use the RTD_URI
type instead of TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI, because it is more efficient.
注意:我们推荐你使用RTD_URI类型,而不是TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI, 因为它更高效。
You can create a TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI
NDEF record in the following way:
NdefRecord uriRecord = new NdefRecord( NdefRecord.TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI ,"http://developer.android.com/index.html".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")),new
byte[0], new byte[0]);

The intent filter for the previous NDEF record would look like this:


<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

<data android:scheme="http"


           android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />



You can create a TNF_MIME_MEDIA NDEF
record in the following ways.
Using the )]createMime()
NdefRecord mimeRecord = NdefRecord.createMime("application/vnd.com.example.android.beam","Beam me up, Android".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));

Creating the NdefRecord
NdefRecord mimeRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_MIME_MEDIA ,"application/vnd.com.example.android.beam".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")),

new byte[0], "Beam me up, Android!".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));

The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:



You can create a TNF_WELL_KNOWN
NDEF record in the following way:
public NdefRecord createTextRecord(String payload, Locale locale, boolean encodeInUtf8) {
byte[] langBytes = locale.getLanguage().getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
Charset utfEncoding = encodeInUtf8 ? Charset.forName("UTF-8") : Charset.forName("UTF-16");
byte[] textBytes = payload.getBytes(utfEncoding);
int utfBit = encodeInUtf8 ? 0 : (1 << 7);
char status = (char) (utfBit + langBytes.length);
byte[] data = new byte[1 + langBytes.length + textBytes.length];
data[0] = (byte) status;
System.arraycopy(langBytes, 0, data, 1, langBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(textBytes, 0, data, 1 + langBytes.length, textBytes.length);
NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN,
NdefRecord.RTD_TEXT, new byte[0], data);
return record;
public NdefRecord createTextRecord(String payload, Locale locale, boolean encodeInUtf8) {
byte[] langBytes = locale.getLanguage().getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
Charset utfEncoding = encodeInUtf8 ? Charset.forName("UTF-8") : Charset.forName("UTF-16");
byte[] textBytes = payload.getBytes(utfEncoding);
int utfBit = encodeInUtf8 ? 0 : (1 << 7);
char status = (char) (utfBit + langBytes.length);
byte[] data = new byte[1 + langBytes.length + textBytes.length];
data[0] = (byte) status;
System.arraycopy(langBytes, 0, data, 1, langBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(textBytes, 0, data, 1 + langBytes.length, textBytes.length);
NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN,
NdefRecord.RTD_TEXT, new byte[0], data);
return record;
the intent filter would look like this:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

You can create a TNF_WELL_KNOWN NDEF
record in the following ways.
Using the createUri(String) method:
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord1=NdefRecord.createUri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord1=NdefRecord.createUri("http://example.com");
Using the createUri(Uri)
Uri uri = new Uri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord2 = NdefRecord.createUri(uri);
Uri uri = new Uri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord2 = NdefRecord.createUri(uri);
Creating the NdefRecord
byte[] uriField = "example.com".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
byte[] payload = new byte[uriField.length + 1]; //add 1 for the URI Prefix
byte payload[0] = 0x01; //prefixeshttp://www. to the URI
System.arraycopy(uriField, 0, payload, 1, uriField.length); //appends URI to payload
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN, NdefRecord.RTD_URI, new byte[0], payload);
byte[] uriField = "example.com".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
byte[] payload = new byte[uriField.length + 1]; //add 1 for the URI Prefix
byte payload[0] = 0x01; //prefixeshttp://www. to the URI
System.arraycopy(uriField, 0, payload, 1, uriField.length); //appends URI to payload
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN, NdefRecord.RTD_URI, new byte[0], payload);
The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="" />

record in the following ways:
Using the )]createExternal()

byte[] payload; //assign to your data

String domain = "com.example"; //usually your app's package name

String type = "externalType";

NdefRecord extRecord = NdefRecord.createExternal(domain, type, payload);

Creating the NdefRecord

byte[] payload;


NdefRecord extRecord = new NdefRecord(

NdefRecord.TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE, "com.example:externalType", new byte[0], payload);

The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:


<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

<data android:scheme="vnd.android.nfc"




Use TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE for more generic NFC tag deployments to better support both Android-powered and non-Android-powered devices.
have a canonical format of:urn:nfc:ext:example.com:externalType, however the NFC Forum RTD specification declares that the urn:nfc:ext: portion of the URN must be ommitted from the NDEF record. So all you need to provide is the domain (example.com in
the example) and type (externalType in the example) separated by a colon. When dispatching TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE, Android converts the urn:nfc:ext:example.com:externalType URN to avnd.android.nfc://ext/example.com:externalType URI, which is what the intent
filter in the example declares.

1.5 Android应用程序记录(Android Application Record---AAR)

Introduced in Android 4.0 (API level 14), an Android Application Record (AAR) provides a stronger certainty that your application is started when an NFC tag is scanned. An AAR has the package
name of an application embedded inside an NDEF record. You can add an AAR to any NDEF record of your NDEF message, because Android searches the entire NDEF message for AARs. If it finds an AAR, it starts the application based on the package name inside
the AAR. If the application is not present on the device, Google Play is launched to download the application.
在Android4.0(API Level 14)中引入的Android应用程序记录(AAR),提供了较强的在扫描到NFC标签时,启动应用程序的确定性。AAR有嵌入到NDEF记录内部的应用程序的包名。你能够把一个AAR添加到你的NDEF消息的任何记录中,因为Android会针对AAR来搜索整个NDEF消息。如果它找到一个AAR,它就会基于AAR内部的包名来启动应用程序。如果该应用程序不在当前的设备上,会启动Google
AARs are useful if you want to prevent other applications from filtering for the same intent and potentially handling specific tags that you have deployed. AARs are only supported at the application
level, because of the package name constraint, and not at the Activity level as with intent filtering. If you want to handle an intent at the Activity level, use
intent filters.
If a tag contains an AAR, the tag dispatch system dispatches in the following manner:
Try to start an Activity using an intent filter as normal. If the Activity that matches the intent also matches the AAR, start the Activity.
If the Activity that filters for the intent does not match the AAR, if multiple Activities can handle the intent, or if no Activity handles the intent, start the
application specified by the AAR.
If no application can start with the AAR, go to Google Play to download the application based on the AAR.

1. 通常,尝试使用Intent过滤器来启动一个Activity。如果跟该Intent匹配的Activity也跟AAR匹配,那么就启动该Activity。
2. 如果跟Intent队形的Activity跟AAR不匹配,或者是有多个Activity能够处理该Intent,或者是没有能够处理该Intent的Activity存在,那么就启动由AAR指定的应用程序。
3. 如果没有跟该AAR对应的应用程序,那么就会启动Google Play来小组基于该AAR的应用程序。
Note: You can override AARs and the intent dispatch system with the foreground
dispatch system, which allows a foreground activity to have priority when an NFC tag is discovered. With this method, the activity must be in the foreground to override AARs and the intent dispatch system.
If you still want to filter for scanned tags that do not contain an AAR, you can declare intent filters as normal. This is useful if your application is interested in other tags that do not
contain an AAR. For example, maybe you want to guarantee that your application handles proprietary tags that you deploy as well as general tags deployed by third parties. Keep in mind that AARs are specific to Android 4.0 devices or later, so when
deploying tags, you most likely want to use a combination of AARs and MIME types/URIs to support the widest range of devices. In addition, when you deploy NFC tags, think about how you want to write your NFC tags to enable support for the most devices
(Android-powered and other devices). You can do this by defining a relatively unique MIME type or URI to make it easier for applications to distinguish.
Android provides a simple API to create an AAR,createApplicationRecord().
All you need to do is embed the AAR anywhere in your NdefMessage. You do not want to
use the first record of yourNdefMessage, unless the AAR is the only record in the NdefMessage.
This is because the Android system checks the first record of an NdefMessage to determine
the MIME type or URI of the tag, which is used to create an intent for applications to filter. The following code shows you how to create an AAR:

NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(

new NdefRecord[] {



1.6 把NDEF消息发射到其他设备上

Android Beam allows simple peer-to-peer data exchange between two Android-powered devices. The application that wants to beam data to another device must be in the foreground and the device
receiving the data must not be locked. When the beaming device comes in close enough contact with a receiving device, the beaming device displays the "Touch to Beam" UI. The user can then choose whether or not to beam the message to the receiving device.
Android Beam允许在两个Android设备之间进行简单的对等数据交换,想要把数据发送给另一个设备的应用程序必须是在前台,并且接收数据的设备必须不被锁定。当发射设备跟接收设备的距离足够近的时候,发射设备会显示“Touch to Beam(触摸发射)”的UI。然后,用户能够选择是否把消息发射给接收设备。
Note: Foreground NDEF pushing was available at API level 10, which provides similar functionality to Android Beam. These APIs have since been deprecated, but are available to support older
devices. SeeenableForegroundNdefPush() for
more information.
注意:在API Level 10中可以利用前台的NDEF推送,它提供了与Android Beam类似的功能。这些API已经过时了,但是在一些老旧设备上还有效。更多的信息请看enableForegroundNdefPush()
You can enable Android Beam for your application by calling one of the two methods:

Accepts an NdefMessage to set as the message to beam. Automatically beams the message
when two devices are in close enough proximity.
Accepts a callback that contains a createNdefMessage() which
is called when a device is in range to beam data to. The callback lets you create the NDEF message only when necessary.

通过调用下列两个方法中的任意一个,就能够为你的应用程序启用Android Beam:
1. setNdefPushMessage():这个方法把接收到的NdefMessage对象作为一个消息设置给Beam。当两个设备足够近的时候,就会自动的发送消息。
2. setNdefPushMessageCallback():接收包含createNdefMessage()方法的回调,当设备在发射数据的范围内时,这个回调方法会被调用。回调会让你只在需要的时候创建NDEF消息。
An activity can only push one NDEF message at a time, so setNdefPushMessageCallback() takes
precedence over setNdefPushMessage() if
both are set. To use Android Beam, the following general guidelines must be met:

The activity that is beaming the data must be in the foreground. Both devices must have their screens unlocked.
You must encapsulate the data that you are beaming in an NdefMessage object.
The NFC device that is receiving the beamed data must support the com.android.npp NDEF push protocol or NFC Forum's SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange Protocol). The com.android.npp protocol
is required for devices on API level 9 (Android 2.3) to API level 13 (Android 3.2). com.android.npp and SNEP are both required on API level 14 (Android 4.0) and later.

一个Activity一次只能推送一条NDEF消息,因此如果同时使用了这两种方法,那么setNdefPushMessageCallback()方法的优先级要高于setNdefPushMessage()方法。要使用Android Beam,通常必须满足以下条件:
1. 发射数据的Activity必须是在前台。两个设备的屏幕都必须没有被锁定;
2. 必须发要发射的数据封装到一个NdefMessage对象中;
3. 接收发射数据的NFC设备必须支持com.android.npp NDEF推送协议或是NFC组织的SNEP协议(简单的NDEF交换协议)。在API Level9(Android2.3)到API Level 13(Android3.2)的设备上需要com.android.npp协议。在API Level 14(Android4.0)和以后的设备上,com.android.npp和SNEP都需要。
Note: If your activity enables Android Beam and is in the foreground, the standard intent dispatch system is disabled. However, if your activity also enables foreground
dispatching, then it can still scan tags that match the intent filters set in the foreground dispatching.
注意:如果在前台的Activity启用了Android Beam,那么标准的Intent调度系统就会被禁用。但是,如果该Activity还启用了前台调度,那么在前台调度系统中,它依然能够扫描到跟Intent过滤器匹配的NFC标签。
To enable Android Beam:

Create an NdefMessage that
contains the NdefRecords that you want to push onto the other device.
Call setNdefPushMessage() with
a NdefMessage or call setNdefPushMessageCallback passing
in aNfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback object in
the onCreate() method of your activity. These methods require at least one activity that you want to enable with Android Beam, along with an optional list of other activities to activate.

In general, you normally use setNdefPushMessage() if
your Activity only needs to push the same NDEF message at all times, when two devices are in range to communicate. You usesetNdefPushMessageCallback when
your application cares about the current context of the application and wants to push an NDEF message depending on what the user is doing in your application.
启用Android Beam:
1. 创建一个准备推送到另一个设备上的包含NdefRecord的NdefMessage对象。
2. 调用带有NdefMessage类型参数的setNdefPushMessage()方法,或者是在Activity的onCreate()方法中调用setNdefPushMessageCallback方法来传递实现NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback接口的对象。这两个方法都至少需要一个准备要启用Android Beam的Activity,以及一个可选的其他的活跃的Activity列表。
The following sample shows how a simple activity calls NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback in
theonCreate() method of an activity (see AndroidBeamDemo for the complete sample).
This example also has methods to help you create a MIME record:

package com.example.android.beam;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.nfc.NdefMessage;
import android.nfc.NdefRecord;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback;
import android.nfc.NfcEvent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;

NfcAdapter mNfcAdapter;
TextView textView;

publicvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
TextView textView =(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
// Check for available NFC Adapter
 mNfcAdapter =NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
if(mNfcAdapter ==null){
Toast.makeText(this,"NFC is not available",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Register callback

publicNdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEventevent){
String text =("Beam me up, Android!\n\n"+
"Beam Time: "+System.currentTimeMillis());
NdefMessage msg =newNdefMessage(
newNdefRecord[]{ createMime(
"application/vnd.com.example.android.beam", text.getBytes())
 * The Android Application Record (AAR) is commented out. When a device
 * receives a push with an AAR in it, the application specified in the AAR
 * is guaranteed to run. The AAR overrides the tag dispatch system.
 * You can add it back in to guarantee that this
 * activity starts when receiving a beamed message. For now, this code
 * uses the tag dispatch system.
return msg;

publicvoid onResume(){
// Check to see that the Activity started due to an Android Beam

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
// onResume gets called after this to handle the intent

 * Parses the NDEF Message from the intent and prints to the TextView
void processIntent(Intent intent){
 textView =(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Parcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(
// only one message sent during the beam
NdefMessage msg =(NdefMessage) rawMsgs[0];
// record 0 contains the MIME type, record 1 is the AAR, if present

Note that this code comments out an AAR, which you can remove. If you enable the AAR, the application specified in the AAR always receives the Android Beam message. If the application is not
present, Google Play is started to download the application. Therefore, the following intent filter is not technically necessary for Android 4.0 devices or later if the AAR is used:
注意:上例代码把AAR给注释掉了,你可以删除它。如果你启用了AAR,那么该应用程序就会始终接收在AAR中指定的Android Beam消息。如果该应用程序不存在,Google Play就会启动下载程序。因此,如果使用AAR,对于Android4.0以后的设备,下列的Intent过滤器,在技术上不是必须的:

<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>

<data android:mimeType="application/vnd.com.example.android.beam"/>


With this intent filter, the com.example.android.beam application now can be started when it scans an NFC tag or receives an Android Beam with an AAR of type com.example.android.beam, or when
an NDEF formatted message contains a MIME record of type application/vnd.com.example.android.beam.
1. 扫描到NFC标签;
2. 接收到com.example.android.beam类型的AAR或NDEF消息中包含一条application/vnd.com.example.android.beam类型的MIME记录的Android beam的时候。
Even though AARs guarantee an application is started or downloaded, intent filters are recommended, because they let you start an Activity of your choice in your application instead of always
starting the main Activity within the package specified by an AAR. AARs do not have Activity level granularity. Also, because some Android-powered devices do not support AARs, you should also embed identifying information in the first NDEF record of
your NDEF messages and filter for that as well, just in case. SeeCreating
Common Types of NDEF records for more information on how to create records.
2 Advanced

This document describes advanced NFC topics, such as working with various tag technologies, writing to NFC tags, and foreground dispatching, which allows an application in the foreground to
handle intents even when other applications filter for the same ones.
2.1 Android所支持的NFC标签技术

When working with NFC tags and Android-powered devices, the main format you use to read and write data on tags is NDEF. When a device scans a tag with NDEF data, Android provides support in
parsing the message and delivering it in an NdefMessage when possible. There are cases,
however, when you scan a tag that does not contain NDEF data or when the NDEF data could not be mapped to a MIME type or URI. In these cases, you need to open communication directly with the tag and read and write to it with your own protocol (in raw
bytes). Android provides generic support for these use cases with theandroid.nfc.tech
package, which is described in Table 1. You can use thegetTechList()
method to determine the technologies supported by the tag and create the corresponding TagTechnologyobject
with one of classes provided by android.nfc.tech
Table 1. Supported tag technologies (表1.NFC标签所支持的技术)

提供对NFC-A(ISO 14443-3A)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-B(ISO 14443-3B)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-F(ISO 6319-4)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-V(ISO 15693)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-A(ISO 14443-4)属性和I/O操作的访问。
The following tag technlogies are not required to be supported by Android-powered devices.
Table 2. Optional supported tag technologies (表2.可选的NFC标签所支持的技术)


When a device scans a tag that has NDEF data on it, but could not be mapped to a MIME or URI, the tag dispatch system tries to start an activity with the ACTION_TECH_DISCOVEREDintent.
TheACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED is also used when a tag with non-NDEF
data is scanned. Having this fallback allows you to work with the data on the tag directly if the tag dispatch system could not parse it for you. The basic steps when working with tag technologies are as follows:
Filter for anACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent specifying the
tag technologies that you want to handle. See Filtering for NFC intents for
more information. In general, the tag dispatch system tries to start aACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent when an NDEF message cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or if the tag scanned did not contain NDEF data. For more information on how this is determined, see The
Tag Dispatch System.

When your application receives the intent, obtain the Tag object from the intent:

Obtain an instance of aTagTechnology, by calling one of theget factory methods
of the classes in the android.nfc.techpackage. You can enumerate the supported
technologies of the tag by calling getTechList() before calling a get factory
method. For example, to obtain an instance ofMifareUltralight from a Tag,
do the following:

1. 给你希望处理的NFC标签指定ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent过滤器。更多信息请看“NFC的Intent过滤”。通常,在NDEF消息不能被映射到MIME类型或URI时,或者被扫描到的NFC标签不包含NDEF数据时,NFC标签调度系统会尝试启动一个ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent。更多信息,请看“NFC标签调度系统”。
2. 应用程序接收到Intent对象时,从该Intent对象中获取Tag对象:
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
3. 通过调用android.nfc.tech包中对应类的一个get工厂方法,来获取一个TagTechnology对象实例。在调用get工厂方法之前,通过调用getTechList()方法来枚举NFC标签所支持的技术。例如,用下列方法从Tag对象中获取MifareUltralight对象实例:
2.1.2 读写NFC标签

Reading and writing to an NFC tag involves obtaining the tag from the intent and opening communication with the tag. You must define your own protocol stack to read and write data to the tag.
Keep in mind, however, that you can still read and write NDEF data when working directly with a tag. It is up to you how you want to structure things. The following example shows how to work with a MIFARE Ultralight tag.
View Code

2.2 使用前台调度系统

The foreground dispatch system allows an activity to intercept an intent and claim priority over other activities that handle the same intent. Using this system involves constructing a few
data structures for the Android system to be able to send the appropriate intents to your application. To enable the foreground dispatch system:
1 Add the following code in the onCreate() method of your activity:

Create a PendingIntent object
so the Android system can populate it with the details of the tag when it is scanned.

PendingIntent pendingIntent =PendingIntent.getActivity(
this,0,newIntent(this, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),0);

Declare intent filters to handle the intents that you want to intercept. The foreground dispatch system checks the specified intent filters with the intent that is received when
the device scans a tag. If it matches, then your application handles the intent. If it does not match, the foreground dispatch system falls back to the intent dispatch system. Specifying a null array of intent filters and technology
filters, specifies that you want to filter for all tags that fallback to the TAG_DISCOVERED intent. The code snippet below handles all MIME types for NDEF_DISCOVERED. You should only handle the ones that you need.

IntentFilter ndef =newIntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED);
ndef.addDataType("*/*"); /* Handles all MIME based dispatches.
You should specify only the ones that you need. */
catch(MalformedMimeTypeException e){
thrownewRuntimeException("fail", e);
intentFiltersArray =newIntentFilter[]{ndef,};

Set up an array of tag technologies that your application wants to handle. Call the Object.class.getName() method to obtain the class of the technology that you want to support.

techListsArray = new String[][] { new String[] { NfcF.class.getName() } };

1. 在你的Activity的onCreate()方法中添加下列代码:
A. 创建一个PendingIntent对象,以便Android系统能够在扫描到NFC标签时,用它来封装NFC标签的详细信息。
PendingIntent pendingIntent =PendingIntent.getActivity(
this,0,newIntent(this, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),0);
B. 声明你想要截获处理的Intent对象的Intent过滤器。前台调度系统会在设备扫描到NFC标签时,用声明的Intent过滤器来检查接收到的Intent对象。如果匹配就会让你的应用程序来处理这个Intent对象,如果不匹配,前台调度系统会回退到Intent调度系统。如果Intent过滤器和技术过滤器的数组指定了null,那么就说明你要过滤所有的退回到TAG_DISCOVERED类型的Intent对象的标签。以下代码会用于处理所有的NDEF_DISCOVERED的MIME类型。只有在需要的时候才做这种处理:
IntentFilter ndef =newIntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED);
ndef.addDataType("*/*"); /* Handles all MIME based dispatches.
You should specify only the ones that you need. */
catch(MalformedMimeTypeException e){
thrownewRuntimeException("fail", e);
intentFiltersArray =newIntentFilter[]{ndef,};
C. 建立一个应用程序希望处理的NFC标签技术的数组。调用Object.class.getName()方法来获取你想要支持的技术的类:
techListsArray = new String[][] { new String[] { NfcF.class.getName() } };
2 Override the following activity lifecycle callbacks and add logic to enable and disable the foreground dispatch when the activity loses (onPause())
and regains (onResume()) focus., java.lang.String[][])]enableForegroundDispatch() must
be called from the main thread and only when the activity is in the foreground (calling in onResume() guarantees
this). You also need to implement the onNewIntentcallback
to process the data from the scanned NFC tag.
publicvoid onPause(){

publicvoid onResume(){
mAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(this, pendingIntent, intentFiltersArray, techListsArray);

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
//do something with tagFromIntent

2. 重写下列Activity生命周期的回调方法,并且添加逻辑在Activity挂起(onPause())和获得焦点(onResume())时,来启用和禁用前台调度。enableForegroundDispatch()方法必须在主线程中被调用,并且只有在该Activity在前台的时候(要保证在onResume()方法中调用这个方法)。你还需要实现onNewIntent回调方法来处理扫描到的NFC标签的数据:
publicvoid onPause(){

publicvoid onResume(){
mAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(this, pendingIntent, intentFiltersArray, techListsArray);

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
//do something with tagFromIntent
See the ForegroundDispatch
sample from API Demos for the complete sample
完整的示例请看API Demo中的ForegroundDispatch


Email/GTalk: zgzhaobo@gmail.com


分类: 【16】Android, 【54】NFC

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posted @ 2013-01-27 19:54 SkySeraph 阅读(6270)
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21:41 KejianLi


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#4楼[楼主] 2013-03-18
14:00 SkySeraph


这个加密是指?传输内容加密? NFC芯片/协议加密? 还是?

23:09 zx132797

不好意思才看到楼主回复,楼主回复神速呀!NFC芯片/协议加密? 忘楼主回复


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6. 【My Life】写在年末, 我的2013

7. 【Android】ListView中EditText焦点问题

8. 【Android】Android 4.2源码下载(ubuntu 12.10)

9. 【分享】一款手机真机屏幕同步抓取软件

10. 【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文






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谢楼主,还是cygwin 最简单,另外,使用多种方法会重复编译。另外cygwin的参数好像不对,看的不大清楚,我的是 --login -c "cd /cygdrive/e/android-ndk-r1......


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3. Re:【图像算法】彩色图像分割专题八:基于MeanShift的彩色分割

楼主你好,最后一张包含边缘的图像是利用查找轮廓的API函数对经过Mean shift算法分割后的图像进行提取的边缘然后和原图像合成吗?还是直接对原图进行查找轮廓?


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【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文

【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文

SkySeraph Jan 25th 2013


0 Near Field Communication

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads
of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered device, or between two Android-powered devices.
Tags can range in complexity. Simple tags offer just read and write semantics, sometimes with one-time-programmable areas to make the card read-only. More complex tags offer math operations,
and have cryptographic hardware to authenticate access to a sector. The most sophisticated tags contain operating environments, allowing complex interactions with code executing on the tag. The data stored in the tag can also be written in a variety
of formats, but many of the Android framework APIs are based around a NFC Forum standard called NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format).
NFC标签具有复杂的分类。简单的NFC标签只提供读写语法,某些时候一次只能以只读的方式读取卡片的可编程区域。复杂一点的NFC标签提供了数学运算能力,而且有加密的硬件来认证对一个扇区的访问。最复杂的NFC标签包含了运算环境,允许在标签上执行复杂的交互代码。存储在标签中的数据也可以用各种格式来编写,但是大多数的Android框架API都使用基于NDEF(NFC Data Exchange

1 NFC Basic

This document describes the basic NFC tasks you perform in Android. It explains how to send and receive NFC data in the form of NDEF messages and describes the Android framework APIs that
support these features. For more advanced topics, including a discussion of working with non-NDEF data, seeAdvanced
There are two major uses cases when working with NDEF data and Android:
Reading NDEF data from an NFC tag
Beaming NDEF messages from one device to another with Android
NFC” NDEF数据和Android一起工作的场景主要有两个:
1. 从NFC标签中读取NDEF数据; 【读数据】
2. 把NDEF消息从一个设备发送给另一个设备。【数据传递】
Reading NDEF data from an NFC tag is handled with thetag
dispatch system, which analyzes discovered NFC tags, appropriately categorizes the data, and starts an application that is interested in the categorized data. An application that wants to handle the scanned NFC tag can declare
an intent filter and request to handle the data.
The Android Beam™ feature allows a device to push an NDEF message onto another device by physically tapping the devices together. This interaction provides an easier way to send data than
other wireless technologies like Bluetooth, because with NFC, no manual device discovery or pairing is required. The connection is automatically started when two devices come into range. Android Beam is available through a set of NFC APIs, so any application
can transmit information between devices. For example, the Contacts, Browser, and YouTube applications use Android Beam to share contacts, web pages, and videos with other devices.
Android Beam™ 功能允许设备把一个NDEF消息推送到物理/硬件上相互监听的另一个设备上。这种交互提供了比其他无线技术(如蓝牙)更容易的发送数据的方法。因为NFC不需要手动的设备发现或配对要求,两个设备在接近到一定范围时会自动的连接。Android Beam通过一组NFC API来使用,以便应用程序能够在设备之间来传输信息。例如,通信录、浏览器以及YouTube等应用程序都使用Android

1.1 NFC标签调度系统 (The Tag Dispatch System)

Android-powered devices are usually looking for NFC tags when the screen is unlocked, unless NFC is disabled in the device's Settings menu. When an Android-powered device discovers an NFC
tag, the desired behavior is to have the most appropriate activity handle the intent without asking the user what application to use. Because devices scan NFC tags at a very short range, it is likely that making users manually select an activity would
force them to move the device away from the tag and break the connection. You should develop your activity to only handle the NFC tags that your activity cares about to prevent the Activity Chooser from appearing.
To help you with this goal, Android provides a special tag dispatch system that analyzes scanned NFC tags, parses them, and tries to locate applications that are interested in the scanned
data. It does this by:

Parsing the NFC tag and figuring out the MIME type or a URI that identifies the data payload in the tag.

Encapsulating the MIME type or URI and the payload into an intent. These first two steps are described in How
NFC tags are mapped to MIME types and URIs.
Starts an activity based on the intent. This is described in How
NFC Tags are Dispatched to Applications

1. 解析NFC标签并搞清楚标签中标识数据负载的MIME类型或URI;
2. 把MIME类型或URI以及数据负载封装到一个Intent中。
3. 基于Intent来启动Activity。

1.1.1 怎样把NFC标签映射到MIME类型和URI (How NFC tags are mapped to MIME types and URIs)

Before you begin writing your NFC applications, it is important to understand the different types of NFC tags, how the tag dispatch system parses NFC tags, and the special work that the tag
dispatch system does when it detects an NDEF message. NFC tags come in a wide array of technologies and can also have data written to them in many different ways. Android has the most support for the NDEF standard, which is defined by the NFC
NDEF data is encapsulated inside a message (NdefMessage)
that contains one or more records (NdefRecord). Each NDEF record must be well-formed according
to the specification of the type of record that you want to create. Android also supports other types of tags that do not contain NDEF data, which you can work with by using the classes in theandroid.nfc.tech package.
To learn more about these technologies, see the Advanced NFC topic. Working
with these other types of tags involves writing your own protocol stack to communicate with the tags, so we recommend using NDEF when possible for ease of development and maximum support for Android-powered devices.
Note:To download complete NDEF specifications, go to the NFC
Forum Specification Download site and seeCreating common types of
NDEF records for examples of how to construct NDEF records.
Now that you have some background in NFC tags, the following sections describe in more detail how Android handles NDEF formatted tags. When an Android-powered device scans an NFC tag containing
NDEF formatted data, it parses the message and tries to figure out the data's MIME type or identifying URI. To do this, the system reads the first NdefRecord inside
the NdefMessage to determine how to interpret the entire NDEF message (an NDEF message
can have multiple NDEF records). In a well-formed NDEF message, the first NdefRecordcontains
the following fields:
现在,你已经具备了一些NFC标签的背景知识,接下来要详细的介绍Android是如何处理NDEF格式的标签的。当Android设备扫描到包含NDEF格式数据的NFC标签时,它会解析该消息,并尝试搞清楚数据的MIME类型或URI标识。首先系统会读取消息(NdefMessage)中的第一条NdefRecord,来判断如何解释整个NDEF消息(一个NDEF消息能够有多条NDEF记录)。 在格式良好的NDEF消息中,第一条NdefRecord包含以下字段信息:
3-bit TNF (Type Name Format)
Indicates how to interpret the variable length type field. Valid values are described in described in Table
Variable length type
Describes the type of the record. If usingTNF_WELL_KNOWN,
use this field to specify the Record Type Definition (RTD). Valid RTD values are described in Table
Variable length ID
A unique identifier for the record. This field is not used often, but if you need to uniquely identify a tag, you can create an ID for it.
Variable length payload
The actual data payload that you want to read or write. An NDEF message can contain multiple NDEF records, so don't assume the full payload is in the first NDEF record of the NDEF message.
3-bit TNF(类型名称格式) 指示如何解释可变长度类型字段,在下表1中介绍有效值。
可变长度类型 说明记录的类型,如果使用TNF_WELL_KNOWN,那么则使用这个字段来指定记录的类型定义(RTD)。在下表2中定义了有效的RTD值。
可变长度ID 唯一标识该记录。这个字段不经常使用,但是,如果需要唯一的标识一个标记,那么就可以为该字段创建一个ID。
可变长度负载 你想读/写的实际的数据负载。一个NDEF消息能够包含多个NDEF记录,因此不要以为在NDEF消息的第一条NDEF记录中包含了所有的负载。
The tag dispatch system uses the TNF and type fields to try to map a MIME type or URI to the NDEF message. If successful, it encapsulates that information inside of a ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED
intent along with the actual payload. However, there are cases when the tag dispatch system cannot determine the type of data based on the first NDEF record. This happens when the NDEF data cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or when the NFC tag
does not contain NDEF data to begin with. In such cases, aTag object that has information about
the tag's technologies and the payload are encapsulated inside of a ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent instead.
Table 1. describes
how the tag dispatch system maps TNF and type fields to MIME types or URIs. It also describes which TNFs cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI. In these cases, the tag dispatch system falls back toACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.
表1. 介绍标签调度系统映射如何把TNF和类型字段映射到MIME型或URI上。同时也介绍了那种类型的TNF不能被映射到MIME类型或URI上。这种情况下,标签调度系统会退化到ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent对象。
For example, if the tag dispatch system encounters a record of type TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI,
it maps the variable length type field of that record into a URI. The tag dispatch system encapsulates that URI in the data field of an ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED
intent along with other information about the tag, such as the payload. On the other hand, if it encounters a record of type TNF_UNKNOWN,
it creates an intent that encapsulates the tag's technologies instead.
表1. 所支持的TNF和它们的映射

表2. TNF_WELL_KNOWN所支持的RTD和它们的映射


1.1.2 应用程序如何调度NFC标签(How NFC Tags are Dispatched to Applications)

When the tag dispatch system is done creating an intent that encapsulates the NFC tag and its identifying information, it sends the intent to an interested application that filters for
the intent. If more than one application can handle the intent, the Activity Chooser is presented so the user can select the Activity. The tag dispatch system defines three intents, which are listed in order of highest to lowest priority:

ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED: This intent is used to start an Activity when a tag that contains an NDEF payload is scanned and is of a recognized type. This is the highest priority intent,
and the tag dispatch system tries to start an Activity with this intent before any other intent, whenever possible.

ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED: If no activities register to handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent, the tag dispatch system tries to start an application with this intent. This intent
is also directly started (without starting ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED first) if the tag that is scanned contains NDEF data that cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or if the tag does not contain NDEF data but is of a known tag technology.

ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED: This intent is started if no activities handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intents.

1. ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED: 这种Intent用于启动包含NDEF负载和已知类型的标签的Activity。这是最高优先级的Intent,并且标签调度系统在任何其他Intent之前,都会尽可能的尝试使用这种类型的Intent来启动Activity。
2. ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED: 如果没有注册处理ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED类型的Intent的Activity,那么标签调度系统会尝试使用这种类型的Intent来启动应用程序。如果被扫描到的标签包含了不能被映射到MIME类型或URI的NDEF数据,或者没有包含NDEF数据,但是是已知的标签技术,那么也会直接启动这种类型的Intent对象(而不是先启动ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED类型的Intent)
The basic way the tag dispatch system works is as follows:

Try to start an Activity with the intent that was created by the tag dispatch system when parsing the NFC tag (either ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED).
If no activities filter for that intent, try to start an Activity with the next lowest priority intent (either ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED) until an application
filters for the intent or until the tag dispatch system tries all possible intents.
If no applications filter for any of the intents, do nothing.

1. 用解析NFC标签时由标签调度系统创建的Intent对象(ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED或ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED)来尝试启动Activity;
2. 如果没有对应的处理Intent的Activity,那么就会尝试使用下一个优先级的Intent(ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED或ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)来启动Activity,直到有对应的应用程序来处理这个Intent,或者是直到标签调度系统尝试了所有可能的Intent。
3. 如果没有应用程序来处理任何类型的Intent,那么就不做任何事情。
Whenever possible, work with NDEF messages and the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent, because it is the most specific out of the three. This intent allows you to start your application at a more
appropriate time than the other two intents, giving the user a better experience.

图1. 标签调度系统 Tag
Dispatch System

1.2 在Android的Manifest中申请NFC访问

Before you can access a device's NFC hardware and properly handle NFC intents, declare these items in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

1 The NFC <uses-permission> element to access the NFC hardware:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
2 The minimum SDK version that your application can support. API level 9 only supports limited tag dispatch via ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED,
and only gives access to NDEF messages via theEXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES extra.
No other tag properties or I/O operations are accessible. API level 10 includes comprehensive reader/writer support as well as foreground NDEF pushing, and API level 14 provides an easier way to push NDEF messages to other devices with Android Beam
and extra convenience methods to create NDEF records.

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10"/>
3 The uses-feature element so that your application shows up in Google Play only for devices that have NFC hardware:

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="true" />
1. 在<uses-permission>元素中声明访问NFC硬件:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
2. 你的应用程序所支持的最小的SDK版本。API Level 9只通过ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED来支持有限的标签调度,并且只能通过EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES来访问NDEF消息。没有其他的标签属性或I/O操作可用。API Level 10中包含了广泛的读写支持,从而更好的推动了NDEF的应用前景,并且API Leve 14用Android Beam和额外的方便的创建NDEF记录的方法,向外提供了更容易的把NDEF消息推送给其他设备的方法。
3. 使用uses-feature元素,在Google Play中,以便你的应用程序能够只针对有NFC硬件的设备来显示。
If your application uses NFC functionality, but that functionality is not crucial to your application, you can omit the uses-feature element and check for NFC avalailbility at runtime by checking
to see ifgetDefaultAdapter()is null.

1.3 过滤NFC的Intent (Filtering for NFC Intents)

To start your application when an NFC tag that you want to handle is scanned, your application can filter for one, two, or all three of the NFC intents in the Android manifest.

However, you usually want to filter for the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent for the most control of when your application starts.
The ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent is a fallback for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED when no applications filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or for when the payload is not NDEF.
Filtering for ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED is usually too general of a category to filter on. Many applications will filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED or ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED before ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED,
so your application has a low probability of starting. ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED is only available as a last resort for applications to filter for in the cases where no other applications are installed to handle the ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED



Because NFC tag deployments vary and are many times not under your control, this is not always possible, which is why you can fallback to the other two intents when necessary. When you have
control over the types of tags and data written, it is recommended that you use NDEF to format your tags. The following sections describe how to filter for each type of intent.


To filter for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents, declare the intent filter along with the type of data that you want to filter for.
The following example filters for ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intents with a MIME type of text/plain:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

The following example filters for a URI in the form ofhttp://developer.android.com/index.html.
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />


If your activity filters for theACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent, you must create an XML resource file that specifies the technologies that your activity supports within a tech-list set. Your activity is considered a match if a tech-list set is a subset of the technologies that are supported by the tag, which
you can obtain by calling getTechList().
For example, if the tag that is scanned supports MifareClassic, NdefFormatable, and NfcA, your tech-list set must specify all three, two, or one of the technologies (and nothing else) in order
for your activity to be matched.
The following sample defines all of the technologies. You can remove the ones that you do not need. Save this file (you can name it anything you wish) in the <project-root>/res/xml folder.


You can also specify multiple tech-list sets. Each of the tech-list sets is considered independently, and your activity is considered a match if any single tech-list set is a subset of the
technologies that are returned bygetTechList(). This provides AND and OR semantics
for matching technologies.
The following example matches tags that can support the NfcA and Ndef technologies or can support the NfcB and Ndef technologies:


In your AndroidManifest.xml file, specify the resource file that you just created in the <meta-data> element inside the <activity> element like in the following example:



use the following intent filter:


1.3.4 从Intent中获取信息 (Obtaining information from intents)

If an activity starts because of an NFC intent, you can obtain information about the scanned NFC tag from the intent. Intents can contain the following extras depending on the tag that was
EXTRA_TAG (required):
A Tag object representing the scanned tag.
An array of NDEF messages parsed from the tag. This extra is mandatory onintents.
(optional): The low-level ID of the tag.
1. EXTRA_TAG(必须的):它是一个代表了被扫描到的标签的Tag对象;
2. EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES(可选):它是一个解析来自标签中的NDEF消息的数组。这个附加信息是强制在Intent对象上的;
3. {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#EXTRA_ID(可选):标签的低级ID。
To obtain these extras, check to see if your activity was launched with one of the NFC intents to ensure that a tag was scanned, and then obtain the extras out of the intent. The following
example checks for theACTION_NDEF_DISCOVEREDintent and gets the
NDEF messages from an intent extra.


Alternatively, you can obtain a Tag
object from the intent, which will contain the payload and allow you to enumerate the tag's technologies:
Tag tag= intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
Tag tag= intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);

1.4 创建通用的NDEF记录类型 (Creating Common Types of NDEF Records)

This section describes how to create common types of NDEF records to help you when writing to NFC tags or sending data with Android Beam. Starting with Android 4.0 (API level 14), thecreateUri()
method is available to help you create URI records automatically. Starting in Android 4.1 (API level 16), )]createExternal()and
)]createMime() are available to help you create MIME
and external type NDEF records. Use these helper methods whenever possible to avoid mistakes when manually creating NDEF records.
This section also describes how to create the corresponding intent filter for the record. All of these NDEF record examples should be in the first NDEF record of the NDEF message that you
are writing to a tag or beaming.
本节介绍如何创建通用的NDEF记录类型,以便帮助你向NFC标签写入或用Android Beam发送数据。
从Android4.0(API Level14)开始,可以用createUri()方法来帮助你自动的创建URI记录。
从Android4.1(API Level 16)开始,可以用createExternal()和createMime()方法来帮助你创建MIME和外部类型的NDEF记录。


Note: We recommend that you use the RTD_URI
type instead of TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI, because it is more efficient.
注意:我们推荐你使用RTD_URI类型,而不是TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI, 因为它更高效。
You can create a TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI
NDEF record in the following way:
NdefRecord uriRecord = new NdefRecord( NdefRecord.TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI ,"http://developer.android.com/index.html".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")),new
byte[0], new byte[0]);

The intent filter for the previous NDEF record would look like this:


<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

<data android:scheme="http"


           android:pathPrefix="/index.html" />



You can create a TNF_MIME_MEDIA NDEF
record in the following ways.
Using the )]createMime()
NdefRecord mimeRecord = NdefRecord.createMime("application/vnd.com.example.android.beam","Beam me up, Android".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));

Creating the NdefRecord
NdefRecord mimeRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_MIME_MEDIA ,"application/vnd.com.example.android.beam".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")),

new byte[0], "Beam me up, Android!".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));

The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:



You can create a TNF_WELL_KNOWN
NDEF record in the following way:
public NdefRecord createTextRecord(String payload, Locale locale, boolean encodeInUtf8) {
byte[] langBytes = locale.getLanguage().getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
Charset utfEncoding = encodeInUtf8 ? Charset.forName("UTF-8") : Charset.forName("UTF-16");
byte[] textBytes = payload.getBytes(utfEncoding);
int utfBit = encodeInUtf8 ? 0 : (1 << 7);
char status = (char) (utfBit + langBytes.length);
byte[] data = new byte[1 + langBytes.length + textBytes.length];
data[0] = (byte) status;
System.arraycopy(langBytes, 0, data, 1, langBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(textBytes, 0, data, 1 + langBytes.length, textBytes.length);
NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN,
NdefRecord.RTD_TEXT, new byte[0], data);
return record;
public NdefRecord createTextRecord(String payload, Locale locale, boolean encodeInUtf8) {
byte[] langBytes = locale.getLanguage().getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
Charset utfEncoding = encodeInUtf8 ? Charset.forName("UTF-8") : Charset.forName("UTF-16");
byte[] textBytes = payload.getBytes(utfEncoding);
int utfBit = encodeInUtf8 ? 0 : (1 << 7);
char status = (char) (utfBit + langBytes.length);
byte[] data = new byte[1 + langBytes.length + textBytes.length];
data[0] = (byte) status;
System.arraycopy(langBytes, 0, data, 1, langBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(textBytes, 0, data, 1 + langBytes.length, textBytes.length);
NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN,
NdefRecord.RTD_TEXT, new byte[0], data);
return record;
the intent filter would look like this:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

You can create a TNF_WELL_KNOWN NDEF
record in the following ways.
Using the createUri(String) method:
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord1=NdefRecord.createUri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord1=NdefRecord.createUri("http://example.com");
Using the createUri(Uri)
Uri uri = new Uri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord2 = NdefRecord.createUri(uri);
Uri uri = new Uri("http://example.com");
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord2 = NdefRecord.createUri(uri);
Creating the NdefRecord
byte[] uriField = "example.com".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
byte[] payload = new byte[uriField.length + 1]; //add 1 for the URI Prefix
byte payload[0] = 0x01; //prefixeshttp://www. to the URI
System.arraycopy(uriField, 0, payload, 1, uriField.length); //appends URI to payload
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN, NdefRecord.RTD_URI, new byte[0], payload);
byte[] uriField = "example.com".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
byte[] payload = new byte[uriField.length + 1]; //add 1 for the URI Prefix
byte payload[0] = 0x01; //prefixeshttp://www. to the URI
System.arraycopy(uriField, 0, payload, 1, uriField.length); //appends URI to payload
NdefRecord rtdUriRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_WELL_KNOWN, NdefRecord.RTD_URI, new byte[0], payload);
The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="" />
<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="" />

record in the following ways:
Using the )]createExternal()

byte[] payload; //assign to your data

String domain = "com.example"; //usually your app's package name

String type = "externalType";

NdefRecord extRecord = NdefRecord.createExternal(domain, type, payload);

Creating the NdefRecord

byte[] payload;


NdefRecord extRecord = new NdefRecord(

NdefRecord.TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE, "com.example:externalType", new byte[0], payload);

The intent filter for the previous NDEF records would look like this:


<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

<data android:scheme="vnd.android.nfc"




Use TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE for more generic NFC tag deployments to better support both Android-powered and non-Android-powered devices.
have a canonical format of:urn:nfc:ext:example.com:externalType, however the NFC Forum RTD specification declares that the urn:nfc:ext: portion of the URN must be ommitted from the NDEF record. So all you need to provide is the domain (example.com in
the example) and type (externalType in the example) separated by a colon. When dispatching TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE, Android converts the urn:nfc:ext:example.com:externalType URN to avnd.android.nfc://ext/example.com:externalType URI, which is what the intent
filter in the example declares.

1.5 Android应用程序记录(Android Application Record---AAR)

Introduced in Android 4.0 (API level 14), an Android Application Record (AAR) provides a stronger certainty that your application is started when an NFC tag is scanned. An AAR has the package
name of an application embedded inside an NDEF record. You can add an AAR to any NDEF record of your NDEF message, because Android searches the entire NDEF message for AARs. If it finds an AAR, it starts the application based on the package name inside
the AAR. If the application is not present on the device, Google Play is launched to download the application.
在Android4.0(API Level 14)中引入的Android应用程序记录(AAR),提供了较强的在扫描到NFC标签时,启动应用程序的确定性。AAR有嵌入到NDEF记录内部的应用程序的包名。你能够把一个AAR添加到你的NDEF消息的任何记录中,因为Android会针对AAR来搜索整个NDEF消息。如果它找到一个AAR,它就会基于AAR内部的包名来启动应用程序。如果该应用程序不在当前的设备上,会启动Google
AARs are useful if you want to prevent other applications from filtering for the same intent and potentially handling specific tags that you have deployed. AARs are only supported at the application
level, because of the package name constraint, and not at the Activity level as with intent filtering. If you want to handle an intent at the Activity level, use
intent filters.
If a tag contains an AAR, the tag dispatch system dispatches in the following manner:
Try to start an Activity using an intent filter as normal. If the Activity that matches the intent also matches the AAR, start the Activity.
If the Activity that filters for the intent does not match the AAR, if multiple Activities can handle the intent, or if no Activity handles the intent, start the
application specified by the AAR.
If no application can start with the AAR, go to Google Play to download the application based on the AAR.

1. 通常,尝试使用Intent过滤器来启动一个Activity。如果跟该Intent匹配的Activity也跟AAR匹配,那么就启动该Activity。
2. 如果跟Intent队形的Activity跟AAR不匹配,或者是有多个Activity能够处理该Intent,或者是没有能够处理该Intent的Activity存在,那么就启动由AAR指定的应用程序。
3. 如果没有跟该AAR对应的应用程序,那么就会启动Google Play来小组基于该AAR的应用程序。
Note: You can override AARs and the intent dispatch system with the foreground
dispatch system, which allows a foreground activity to have priority when an NFC tag is discovered. With this method, the activity must be in the foreground to override AARs and the intent dispatch system.
If you still want to filter for scanned tags that do not contain an AAR, you can declare intent filters as normal. This is useful if your application is interested in other tags that do not
contain an AAR. For example, maybe you want to guarantee that your application handles proprietary tags that you deploy as well as general tags deployed by third parties. Keep in mind that AARs are specific to Android 4.0 devices or later, so when
deploying tags, you most likely want to use a combination of AARs and MIME types/URIs to support the widest range of devices. In addition, when you deploy NFC tags, think about how you want to write your NFC tags to enable support for the most devices
(Android-powered and other devices). You can do this by defining a relatively unique MIME type or URI to make it easier for applications to distinguish.
Android provides a simple API to create an AAR,createApplicationRecord().
All you need to do is embed the AAR anywhere in your NdefMessage. You do not want to
use the first record of yourNdefMessage, unless the AAR is the only record in the NdefMessage.
This is because the Android system checks the first record of an NdefMessage to determine
the MIME type or URI of the tag, which is used to create an intent for applications to filter. The following code shows you how to create an AAR:

NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(

new NdefRecord[] {



1.6 把NDEF消息发射到其他设备上

Android Beam allows simple peer-to-peer data exchange between two Android-powered devices. The application that wants to beam data to another device must be in the foreground and the device
receiving the data must not be locked. When the beaming device comes in close enough contact with a receiving device, the beaming device displays the "Touch to Beam" UI. The user can then choose whether or not to beam the message to the receiving device.
Android Beam允许在两个Android设备之间进行简单的对等数据交换,想要把数据发送给另一个设备的应用程序必须是在前台,并且接收数据的设备必须不被锁定。当发射设备跟接收设备的距离足够近的时候,发射设备会显示“Touch to Beam(触摸发射)”的UI。然后,用户能够选择是否把消息发射给接收设备。
Note: Foreground NDEF pushing was available at API level 10, which provides similar functionality to Android Beam. These APIs have since been deprecated, but are available to support older
devices. SeeenableForegroundNdefPush() for
more information.
注意:在API Level 10中可以利用前台的NDEF推送,它提供了与Android Beam类似的功能。这些API已经过时了,但是在一些老旧设备上还有效。更多的信息请看enableForegroundNdefPush()
You can enable Android Beam for your application by calling one of the two methods:

Accepts an NdefMessage to set as the message to beam. Automatically beams the message
when two devices are in close enough proximity.
Accepts a callback that contains a createNdefMessage() which
is called when a device is in range to beam data to. The callback lets you create the NDEF message only when necessary.

通过调用下列两个方法中的任意一个,就能够为你的应用程序启用Android Beam:
1. setNdefPushMessage():这个方法把接收到的NdefMessage对象作为一个消息设置给Beam。当两个设备足够近的时候,就会自动的发送消息。
2. setNdefPushMessageCallback():接收包含createNdefMessage()方法的回调,当设备在发射数据的范围内时,这个回调方法会被调用。回调会让你只在需要的时候创建NDEF消息。
An activity can only push one NDEF message at a time, so setNdefPushMessageCallback() takes
precedence over setNdefPushMessage() if
both are set. To use Android Beam, the following general guidelines must be met:

The activity that is beaming the data must be in the foreground. Both devices must have their screens unlocked.
You must encapsulate the data that you are beaming in an NdefMessage object.
The NFC device that is receiving the beamed data must support the com.android.npp NDEF push protocol or NFC Forum's SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange Protocol). The com.android.npp protocol
is required for devices on API level 9 (Android 2.3) to API level 13 (Android 3.2). com.android.npp and SNEP are both required on API level 14 (Android 4.0) and later.

一个Activity一次只能推送一条NDEF消息,因此如果同时使用了这两种方法,那么setNdefPushMessageCallback()方法的优先级要高于setNdefPushMessage()方法。要使用Android Beam,通常必须满足以下条件:
1. 发射数据的Activity必须是在前台。两个设备的屏幕都必须没有被锁定;
2. 必须发要发射的数据封装到一个NdefMessage对象中;
3. 接收发射数据的NFC设备必须支持com.android.npp NDEF推送协议或是NFC组织的SNEP协议(简单的NDEF交换协议)。在API Level9(Android2.3)到API Level 13(Android3.2)的设备上需要com.android.npp协议。在API Level 14(Android4.0)和以后的设备上,com.android.npp和SNEP都需要。
Note: If your activity enables Android Beam and is in the foreground, the standard intent dispatch system is disabled. However, if your activity also enables foreground
dispatching, then it can still scan tags that match the intent filters set in the foreground dispatching.
注意:如果在前台的Activity启用了Android Beam,那么标准的Intent调度系统就会被禁用。但是,如果该Activity还启用了前台调度,那么在前台调度系统中,它依然能够扫描到跟Intent过滤器匹配的NFC标签。
To enable Android Beam:

Create an NdefMessage that
contains the NdefRecords that you want to push onto the other device.
Call setNdefPushMessage() with
a NdefMessage or call setNdefPushMessageCallback passing
in aNfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback object in
the onCreate() method of your activity. These methods require at least one activity that you want to enable with Android Beam, along with an optional list of other activities to activate.

In general, you normally use setNdefPushMessage() if
your Activity only needs to push the same NDEF message at all times, when two devices are in range to communicate. You usesetNdefPushMessageCallback when
your application cares about the current context of the application and wants to push an NDEF message depending on what the user is doing in your application.
启用Android Beam:
1. 创建一个准备推送到另一个设备上的包含NdefRecord的NdefMessage对象。
2. 调用带有NdefMessage类型参数的setNdefPushMessage()方法,或者是在Activity的onCreate()方法中调用setNdefPushMessageCallback方法来传递实现NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback接口的对象。这两个方法都至少需要一个准备要启用Android Beam的Activity,以及一个可选的其他的活跃的Activity列表。
The following sample shows how a simple activity calls NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback in
theonCreate() method of an activity (see AndroidBeamDemo for the complete sample).
This example also has methods to help you create a MIME record:

package com.example.android.beam;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.nfc.NdefMessage;
import android.nfc.NdefRecord;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback;
import android.nfc.NfcEvent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;

NfcAdapter mNfcAdapter;
TextView textView;

publicvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
TextView textView =(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
// Check for available NFC Adapter
 mNfcAdapter =NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
if(mNfcAdapter ==null){
Toast.makeText(this,"NFC is not available",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Register callback

publicNdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEventevent){
String text =("Beam me up, Android!\n\n"+
"Beam Time: "+System.currentTimeMillis());
NdefMessage msg =newNdefMessage(
newNdefRecord[]{ createMime(
"application/vnd.com.example.android.beam", text.getBytes())
 * The Android Application Record (AAR) is commented out. When a device
 * receives a push with an AAR in it, the application specified in the AAR
 * is guaranteed to run. The AAR overrides the tag dispatch system.
 * You can add it back in to guarantee that this
 * activity starts when receiving a beamed message. For now, this code
 * uses the tag dispatch system.
return msg;

publicvoid onResume(){
// Check to see that the Activity started due to an Android Beam

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
// onResume gets called after this to handle the intent

 * Parses the NDEF Message from the intent and prints to the TextView
void processIntent(Intent intent){
 textView =(TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
Parcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(
// only one message sent during the beam
NdefMessage msg =(NdefMessage) rawMsgs[0];
// record 0 contains the MIME type, record 1 is the AAR, if present

Note that this code comments out an AAR, which you can remove. If you enable the AAR, the application specified in the AAR always receives the Android Beam message. If the application is not
present, Google Play is started to download the application. Therefore, the following intent filter is not technically necessary for Android 4.0 devices or later if the AAR is used:
注意:上例代码把AAR给注释掉了,你可以删除它。如果你启用了AAR,那么该应用程序就会始终接收在AAR中指定的Android Beam消息。如果该应用程序不存在,Google Play就会启动下载程序。因此,如果使用AAR,对于Android4.0以后的设备,下列的Intent过滤器,在技术上不是必须的:

<action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED"/>

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>

<data android:mimeType="application/vnd.com.example.android.beam"/>


With this intent filter, the com.example.android.beam application now can be started when it scans an NFC tag or receives an Android Beam with an AAR of type com.example.android.beam, or when
an NDEF formatted message contains a MIME record of type application/vnd.com.example.android.beam.
1. 扫描到NFC标签;
2. 接收到com.example.android.beam类型的AAR或NDEF消息中包含一条application/vnd.com.example.android.beam类型的MIME记录的Android beam的时候。
Even though AARs guarantee an application is started or downloaded, intent filters are recommended, because they let you start an Activity of your choice in your application instead of always
starting the main Activity within the package specified by an AAR. AARs do not have Activity level granularity. Also, because some Android-powered devices do not support AARs, you should also embed identifying information in the first NDEF record of
your NDEF messages and filter for that as well, just in case. SeeCreating
Common Types of NDEF records for more information on how to create records.
2 Advanced

This document describes advanced NFC topics, such as working with various tag technologies, writing to NFC tags, and foreground dispatching, which allows an application in the foreground to
handle intents even when other applications filter for the same ones.
2.1 Android所支持的NFC标签技术

When working with NFC tags and Android-powered devices, the main format you use to read and write data on tags is NDEF. When a device scans a tag with NDEF data, Android provides support in
parsing the message and delivering it in an NdefMessage when possible. There are cases,
however, when you scan a tag that does not contain NDEF data or when the NDEF data could not be mapped to a MIME type or URI. In these cases, you need to open communication directly with the tag and read and write to it with your own protocol (in raw
bytes). Android provides generic support for these use cases with theandroid.nfc.tech
package, which is described in Table 1. You can use thegetTechList()
method to determine the technologies supported by the tag and create the corresponding TagTechnologyobject
with one of classes provided by android.nfc.tech
Table 1. Supported tag technologies (表1.NFC标签所支持的技术)

提供对NFC-A(ISO 14443-3A)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-B(ISO 14443-3B)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-F(ISO 6319-4)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-V(ISO 15693)属性和I/O操作的访问。
提供对NFC-A(ISO 14443-4)属性和I/O操作的访问。
The following tag technlogies are not required to be supported by Android-powered devices.
Table 2. Optional supported tag technologies (表2.可选的NFC标签所支持的技术)


When a device scans a tag that has NDEF data on it, but could not be mapped to a MIME or URI, the tag dispatch system tries to start an activity with the ACTION_TECH_DISCOVEREDintent.
TheACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED is also used when a tag with non-NDEF
data is scanned. Having this fallback allows you to work with the data on the tag directly if the tag dispatch system could not parse it for you. The basic steps when working with tag technologies are as follows:
Filter for anACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent specifying the
tag technologies that you want to handle. See Filtering for NFC intents for
more information. In general, the tag dispatch system tries to start aACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED
intent when an NDEF message cannot be mapped to a MIME type or URI, or if the tag scanned did not contain NDEF data. For more information on how this is determined, see The
Tag Dispatch System.

When your application receives the intent, obtain the Tag object from the intent:

Obtain an instance of aTagTechnology, by calling one of theget factory methods
of the classes in the android.nfc.techpackage. You can enumerate the supported
technologies of the tag by calling getTechList() before calling a get factory
method. For example, to obtain an instance ofMifareUltralight from a Tag,
do the following:

1. 给你希望处理的NFC标签指定ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent过滤器。更多信息请看“NFC的Intent过滤”。通常,在NDEF消息不能被映射到MIME类型或URI时,或者被扫描到的NFC标签不包含NDEF数据时,NFC标签调度系统会尝试启动一个ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED类型的Intent。更多信息,请看“NFC标签调度系统”。
2. 应用程序接收到Intent对象时,从该Intent对象中获取Tag对象:
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
3. 通过调用android.nfc.tech包中对应类的一个get工厂方法,来获取一个TagTechnology对象实例。在调用get工厂方法之前,通过调用getTechList()方法来枚举NFC标签所支持的技术。例如,用下列方法从Tag对象中获取MifareUltralight对象实例:
2.1.2 读写NFC标签

Reading and writing to an NFC tag involves obtaining the tag from the intent and opening communication with the tag. You must define your own protocol stack to read and write data to the tag.
Keep in mind, however, that you can still read and write NDEF data when working directly with a tag. It is up to you how you want to structure things. The following example shows how to work with a MIFARE Ultralight tag.
View Code

2.2 使用前台调度系统

The foreground dispatch system allows an activity to intercept an intent and claim priority over other activities that handle the same intent. Using this system involves constructing a few
data structures for the Android system to be able to send the appropriate intents to your application. To enable the foreground dispatch system:
1 Add the following code in the onCreate() method of your activity:

Create a PendingIntent object
so the Android system can populate it with the details of the tag when it is scanned.

PendingIntent pendingIntent =PendingIntent.getActivity(
this,0,newIntent(this, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),0);

Declare intent filters to handle the intents that you want to intercept. The foreground dispatch system checks the specified intent filters with the intent that is received when
the device scans a tag. If it matches, then your application handles the intent. If it does not match, the foreground dispatch system falls back to the intent dispatch system. Specifying a null array of intent filters and technology
filters, specifies that you want to filter for all tags that fallback to the TAG_DISCOVERED intent. The code snippet below handles all MIME types for NDEF_DISCOVERED. You should only handle the ones that you need.

IntentFilter ndef =newIntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED);
ndef.addDataType("*/*"); /* Handles all MIME based dispatches.
You should specify only the ones that you need. */
catch(MalformedMimeTypeException e){
thrownewRuntimeException("fail", e);
intentFiltersArray =newIntentFilter[]{ndef,};

Set up an array of tag technologies that your application wants to handle. Call the Object.class.getName() method to obtain the class of the technology that you want to support.

techListsArray = new String[][] { new String[] { NfcF.class.getName() } };

1. 在你的Activity的onCreate()方法中添加下列代码:
A. 创建一个PendingIntent对象,以便Android系统能够在扫描到NFC标签时,用它来封装NFC标签的详细信息。
PendingIntent pendingIntent =PendingIntent.getActivity(
this,0,newIntent(this, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),0);
B. 声明你想要截获处理的Intent对象的Intent过滤器。前台调度系统会在设备扫描到NFC标签时,用声明的Intent过滤器来检查接收到的Intent对象。如果匹配就会让你的应用程序来处理这个Intent对象,如果不匹配,前台调度系统会回退到Intent调度系统。如果Intent过滤器和技术过滤器的数组指定了null,那么就说明你要过滤所有的退回到TAG_DISCOVERED类型的Intent对象的标签。以下代码会用于处理所有的NDEF_DISCOVERED的MIME类型。只有在需要的时候才做这种处理:
IntentFilter ndef =newIntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED);
ndef.addDataType("*/*"); /* Handles all MIME based dispatches.
You should specify only the ones that you need. */
catch(MalformedMimeTypeException e){
thrownewRuntimeException("fail", e);
intentFiltersArray =newIntentFilter[]{ndef,};
C. 建立一个应用程序希望处理的NFC标签技术的数组。调用Object.class.getName()方法来获取你想要支持的技术的类:
techListsArray = new String[][] { new String[] { NfcF.class.getName() } };
2 Override the following activity lifecycle callbacks and add logic to enable and disable the foreground dispatch when the activity loses (onPause())
and regains (onResume()) focus., java.lang.String[][])]enableForegroundDispatch() must
be called from the main thread and only when the activity is in the foreground (calling in onResume() guarantees
this). You also need to implement the onNewIntentcallback
to process the data from the scanned NFC tag.
publicvoid onPause(){

publicvoid onResume(){
mAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(this, pendingIntent, intentFiltersArray, techListsArray);

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
//do something with tagFromIntent

2. 重写下列Activity生命周期的回调方法,并且添加逻辑在Activity挂起(onPause())和获得焦点(onResume())时,来启用和禁用前台调度。enableForegroundDispatch()方法必须在主线程中被调用,并且只有在该Activity在前台的时候(要保证在onResume()方法中调用这个方法)。你还需要实现onNewIntent回调方法来处理扫描到的NFC标签的数据:
publicvoid onPause(){

publicvoid onResume(){
mAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(this, pendingIntent, intentFiltersArray, techListsArray);

publicvoid onNewIntent(Intent intent){
Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
//do something with tagFromIntent
See the ForegroundDispatch
sample from API Demos for the complete sample
完整的示例请看API Demo中的ForegroundDispatch


Email/GTalk: zgzhaobo@gmail.com


分类: 【16】Android, 【54】NFC

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posted @ 2013-01-27 19:54 SkySeraph 阅读(6270)
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21:41 KejianLi


09:26 john23.net


10:46 zx132797


#4楼[楼主] 2013-03-18
14:00 SkySeraph


这个加密是指?传输内容加密? NFC芯片/协议加密? 还是?

23:09 zx132797

不好意思才看到楼主回复,楼主回复神速呀!NFC芯片/协议加密? 忘楼主回复


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6. 【My Life】写在年末, 我的2013

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8. 【Android】Android 4.2源码下载(ubuntu 12.10)

9. 【分享】一款手机真机屏幕同步抓取软件

10. 【NFC】Android NFC API Reference中英文






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1. Re:【Android】Eclipse自动编译NDK/JNI的三种方法

谢楼主,还是cygwin 最简单,另外,使用多种方法会重复编译。另外cygwin的参数好像不对,看的不大清楚,我的是 --login -c "cd /cygdrive/e/android-ndk-r1......


2. Re:【图像算法】图像特征:GLCM





3. Re:【图像算法】彩色图像分割专题八:基于MeanShift的彩色分割

楼主你好,最后一张包含边缘的图像是利用查找轮廓的API函数对经过Mean shift算法分割后的图像进行提取的边缘然后和原图像合成吗?还是直接对原图进行查找轮廓?


4. Re:【图像算法】彩色图像分割专题八:基于MeanShift的彩色分割



5. Re:【图像算法】彩色图像分割专题八:基于MeanShift的彩色分割




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4. 【流媒體】Android 实时视频采集—Camera预览采集(8)

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