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Openwrt /etc/rc.button/reset 保存配置安全脚本

2015-05-21 10:05 901 查看




# Only run on button release.
[[ "${ACTION}" = "released" ]] || exit 0

# logger "$BUTTON pressed for $SEEN seconds"
# env >> /tmp/reset-button

if [[ "$SEEN" -le 1 ]] ; then
MESSAGE="RESET BUTTON: Retain current overlay, restore safebackup, and reboot"
echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/console
logger "$MESSAGE"
safebackup restore && reboot &
elif [[ "$SEEN" -ge 3 -a "$SEEN" -le 5 ]] ; then
MESSAGE="RESET BUTTON: Wipe overlay, restore safebackup, and reboot"
echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/console
logger "$MESSAGE"
safebackup fullrestore
elif [[ "$SEEN" -ge 9 -a "$SEEN" -le 12 ]] ; then
MESSAGE="RESET BUTTON: Wipe overlay (factory reset) and reboot"
echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/console
logger "$MESSAGE"
jffs2reset -y && reboot &
MESSAGE="RESET BUTTON: Error. Pressed for $SEEN seconds. Do nothing."
echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/console
logger "$MESSAGE"


# This script was written to run under the busybox ash shell.
# Save and restore a safe configuration backup state for the host.

export BAKDIR="/safebackups"
export SAVEFILE="/safebackups/safebackup-$(hostname)-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)-$$.tar.gz"
export RESTOREFILE=$(find /safebackups/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -name 'safebackup-*.tar.gz' | head -n 1 2> /dev/null)
export SYSUPGRADE_CONF_TAR="/tmp/sysupgrade.tgz"

PIDFILE="/tmp/$(basename $0.pid)"
MYNAME=$(basename $0)


echoerr() {
# Print errors to stderr.
echo "$@" 1>&2;

f_validate_restore() {
# Validate before a restoration.
# If there is no restore file, there is nothing we can do.
if ! [[ -f "$RESTOREFILE" ]] ; then
echoerr ""
echoerr "ERROR: No restore file could be found."
echoerr ""
exit 1

f_save() {
# Save a backup.
echo ""
# Make sure the BAKDIR exists. If not, create it.
if ! [[ -d "$BAKDIR" ]] ; then
echo "$BAKDIR does not exist, so creating it."
mkdir "$BAKDIR"
chmod o-rwx "$BAKDIR"
# Remove old backups prior to the new save. We only keep one backup at a time.
echo -n "Removing old backups..."
rm -rf /safebackups/safebackup-*.tar.gz
echo " Done"
# Save the new backup.
sysupgrade -b "$SAVEFILE"
echo "sysupgrade backup saved to $SAVEFILE"
echo ""

f_restore() {
# Restore the backup.
echo ""
echo "Restoring sysupgrade backup from file: $RESTOREFILE"
sysupgrade -r "$RESTOREFILE"
echo " Done"
echo ""

f_fullrestore() {
# Wipe the overlay flash, and restore from backup.
# This is a complicated and dangerous process. This is mostly based on what the sysupgrade script does.
# FIXME: ext-root problems? Reference notes.
echo ""
echo "Wiping overlay and restoring sysupgrade backup from file: $RESTOREFILE"
echoerr "WARNING: Network access will be lost during this process and the host will be rebooted."
echo ""
# Copy the safe backup to /tmp
cp "$RESTOREFILE" "$SYSUPGRADE_CONF_TAR" || { echoerr "ERROR: Unable cp restore file to /tmp" ; exit 1 ; }
# Source required functions.
source /lib/functions.sh
for EACH in /lib/upgrade/*.sh ; do source "$EACH" ; done
# run_hooks will disable the process watchdog and do other important tasks.
run_hooks "" $sysupgrade_pre_upgrade
# No idea what this does, and may not be needed at all.
ubus call system upgrade
# Kill off all non-critical processes.
kill_remaining TERM ; sleep 3 ; kill_remaining KILL
# This is the important part. This runs the ramfs, pivots root, erases the overlay, and restores the config backup.
# WARNING: Remember that when we do run_ramfs, we lose access to the old filesystem, possibly functions, envrionment, etc.
run_ramfs 'mtd -e rootfs_data jffs2write $SYSUPGRADE_CONF_TAR rootfs_data ; reboot -f'
# Nothing from here on our matters. We've already rebooted.
# SYSUPGRADE_CONF_TAR is restored on reboot by /lib/preinit/80_mount_root and erased by /etc/init.d/done
echo " Done"
echo ""

case "$1" in
save )
restore )
fullrestore )
echo ""
echo "Usage: $MYNAME save|restore|fullrestore"
echo "  WARNING: fullrestore implies a overlay wipe and reboot"
echo ""
exit 1





warning: 该脚本不是Openwrt通用脚本,仅作参考,需要根据不用的路由器做出对应修改
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