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在WinHTTP中设置WinINet 代理配置

2015-05-14 08:40 393 查看

在WinHTTP中设置WinINet 代理配置

Setting Automatic Proxy on WinHTTP 5.1

在WinHTTP 5.1中设置Automatic Proxy

Applications that port from WinINet to WinHTTP may need to use the same autoproxy settings that they can retrieve under WinINet or Internet Explorer (IE). The WinHTTP version 5.1 API can retrieve and use these proxy settings. In general, WinHTTP specifies
the proxy and proxy bypass servers on a per-session basis when the session is created. These settings can be overridden on a per-request basis.

从WinINet 向 WinHTTP迁移的程序可能需要使用相同的autoproxy设置,它们可以在WinINet下获取或从IE设置里面获取。WinHTTP 5.1 API可以获取和使用这些代理设置.一般情况下,WinHTTP在会话创建后就要为每次请求指定是使用代理或不使用代理。这些设置可以在每次访问设置的基础上重设。

To use the same proxy configuration as WinINet or IE, the WinHTTP client should set proxy settings for the session. In addition, if IE or WinINet are configured to use Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD), the WinHTTP client that uses those settings must set
proxy settings on a per-request basis. The following sections describe how to specify the proxy settings for a session and a request:

要使用和WinINet 或IE相同的代理设置,WinHTTP客户应该为会话设置代理设置。此外如果IE 或WinINet设置为使用WPAD,那么WinHTTP客户端如果要使用它们需要每次都要做设定。下列章节描述了如何为会话和请求指定代理。

Setting the Proxy Configuration on a Session
Setting the Proxy Configuration on a Single Request

Setting the Proxy Configuration on a Session


The Application is Running on a User Account


Before a session is created, the application calls
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser to get the IE proxy settings. The application must be running as a user account to obtain these settings. ThepProxyConfig parameter is a pointer to a

WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG structure that contains the proxy name (lpszProxy) and proxy bypass (lpszProxyBypass) servers. The proxy name and proxy bypass values of theWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG
structure are then used to initialize the WinHTTP session. The session is initialized by callingWinHttpOpen with the
pwszProxyName and pwszProxyBypass parameters obtained from thelpszProxy and
lpszProxyBypass members of the WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG structure.

和不使用代理的目标 (lpszProxyBypass) 。然后使用设好参数的WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG结构体初始化WinHTTP会话。调用WinHttpOpen初始化会话,pwszProxyName
和pwszProxyBypass 参数分别从WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG结构体中的lpszProxy 和lpszProxyBypass中获取。

The Application is Running as a Service


The application must ensure that the registry settings for an individual user are loaded into the registry before callingWinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser.
If these settings are not loaded into the registry,WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser cannot obtain the proxy settings. Registry settings for an individual user can be loaded into the registry by calling theLoadUserProfile
function. If loading the user's registry settings is not an option, the application can callWinHttpOpen with the
WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY specified in thedwAcessType parameter. Specifying the default proxy in the call to
WinHttpOpen tells the WinHTTP API to retrieve the proxy configuration set by using the WinHTTPproxycfg.exe utility.
After the registry settings for an individual user have been loaded, the application follows the steps outlined underThe
application is running on a user account to set the proxy name and proxy bypass servers.

application is running on a user account章节中的步骤来获取代理名称和不使用代理服务器的目标。

Setting the Proxy Configuration on a Single Request


Before the session is created, the application calls
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser to determine if WinINet and IE are configured to use WPAD.WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returns the

WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG structure that contains thefAutoDetect member. A value of
TRUE for this member indicates that WPAD is used, and thelpszAutoConfigUrl member contains the WPAD URL.

在会话被创建前,程序调用WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser函数确定WinINet 和IE是否配置为WPAD。WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser返回WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG结构体,结构体中包含fAutoDetect成员,这个成员设为TURE时表示WPAD可以使用,lpszAutoConfigUrl包含了WPAD

Automatic Proxy Configuration Is Used

应用了Automatic Proxy 配置

If WPAD is used, the application calls
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl to retrieve the proxy for the request. ThelpwszUrl parameter contains the URL that the request is being sent to, and thepAutoProxyOptions parameter contains a pointer to the structure (WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS)
that contains the autoproxy options. The application initializes the WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS structure with the settings returned from theWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG
structure in the call toWinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser. The
WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_CONFIG_URL flag is specified in thedwFlags member of the
WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS structure, and thelpszAutoconfigUrl member contains the proxy auto-configuration URL from theWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG structure. The
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl function returns the proxy name and the proxy bypass list in thelpszProxy and
lpszProxyBypass members of the


After the proxy for the request is obtained from
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl, the application creates the request withWinHttpOpenRequest. Then

WinHttpSetOption is called to set the proxy for the request by specifying the request handle in thehInternet parameter. The
dwOption parameter in the call to WinHttpSetOption should be set to
WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY and thelpBuffer parameter is a pointer to a

WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO structure that contains the proxy and proxy bypass to be used for the request.


Automatic Proxy Configuration Is Not Used

没有使用Automatic Proxy配置

If the call to
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser indicates that autoproxy is not used, the application can simply create the request withWinHttpOpenRequest.
The proxy configuration is the same for the entire session, and per-request changes are not needed.

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标签:  windows WinHTTP proxy