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[转载]在Eclipse中使用 JUnit(Using JUnit With Eclipse IDE)

2015-05-13 21:02 423 查看
This article is going to introduce you to JUnit, a tool for project testing and debugging. After introducing the theory of test-driven development, we'll move on to a step-by-step explanation of how you can create your JUnit tests with the help of the popular Eclipse IDE. 这篇文章将向你介绍Junit,一个用来在项目中进行测试和调试的工具。在介绍完TDD(以测试驱动开发)理论后,将进一步讲解怎样在流行的Eclipse中建立你自己的JUnit测试。向你展示如何测试Hello World这样简单的程序...... 在 Eclipse 中使用 JUnit(翻译)
这篇文章将向你介绍Junit,一个用来在项目中进行测试和调试的工具。在介绍完TDD(以测试驱动开发)理论后,将进一步讲解怎样在流行的Eclipse中建立你自己的JUnit测试。向你展示如何测试Hello World这样简单的程序。




有一个具体步骤(可能指的是《Extreme Programming》)可以被任何一个程序员来参考,而不需要特殊的其他方法。在我们开始写测试之前,这些步骤(章节)应该被首先阅读——怎样组织自动测试。


单元测试:检测模块(也就是类)的正确性。如果对象需要访问外部的数据资源,例如数据库,就需要模拟一个mock objects,但在实际中真实数据与测试环境是不同的。
综合测试:介于用户测试和单元测试之间的桥梁。综合测试帮助测试应用程序的交互性。一般情况下,mock objects不被用于综合测试,它会增加测试时间。同样,综合测试经常依赖特殊的测试环境,例如数据库送来的测试数据。综合测试也需要用到外部类库。例如为J2EE应用程序进行综合测试的类库Cactus。解释这些测试超出了本文的范围,需要更加详细的信息请参考http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/








现在开发我们的“Hello World”例子。按照TDD的规则,应该在代码建立以前先把测试写好。为了能够在某出开始,我们假设未来的类名是HelloWorld,并且有一个方法Say(),这个方法返回String的值(例如“Hello World!”)。


图1. 在Eclipse中建立JUnit测试


import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt
extends TestCase {
public TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt(
String name) {
public void testSay() {
HelloWorld hi = new HelloWorld();
assertEquals("Hello World!", hi.say());
public static void main(String[] args) {



图2. JUnit中失败的测试

public class HelloWorld {
public String say() {
return("Hello World!");


图3. JUnit中成功的测试

现在,我们想再让测试失败一次,但原因不同。这有助于展示JUnit测试中不同的报错信息。修改assertEquals()代码,把“Hello World!”变成“Hello Me!”。当再次运行JUnit时,结果变成了红条,在JUnit窗口的底部输出了失败原因,参看图4。

图4. JUnit中的ComparisonError

最后,我想说一下关于测试是开发过程中的必要部分的话题。测试代码一直是开发中的重要部分。经过近几年的发展,已得到了很大的提高,这要归功于强大的理论研究(比如“expectations-based development”等等),和快速发展的测试工具包,还有测试过程的改进。如果你对这篇文章感兴趣,那请你花一些时间来正式的学习一下测试理论吧,这对你的工作很有用。
Alexander Prohorenko 一名UNIX系统管理员、网络安全管理员。
[align=left] Olexiy Prohorenko 一名Java开发者居住在乌克兰的Dniepropetrovsk。
译者:Rosen Jiang

Using JUnit With Eclipse IDE

[align=left]by Alexander Prohorenko and Olexiy Prohorenko
02/04/2004 [/align]
This article is going to introduce you to JUnit, a tool for project testing and debugging. After introducing the theory of test-driven development, we'll move on to a step-by-step explanation of how you can create your JUnit tests with the help of the popular Eclipse IDE. We'll show how something as simple as a Hello World program can be exposed to a JUnit test.
Many books have already been written about automated testing, but very few of them pay attention to the question of how to organize such tests. As more tests are written, it becomes harder to know where to put a test or even what to call it. This has become a significant issue with the rise of test-driven development (TDD), which has been popularized by Extreme Programming (XP). You can think of TDD as "development through testing."
The major provisions of TDD are:
Before writing any code fragment, an automated test must be written to check the functioning of this code. Since the code does not exist yet, it initially fails the test.
After the test begins to pass, duplicate code must be removed.
Such an approach can be used by any programmer and does not require the use of a specific methodology. But before we get into writing tests, it would be desirable to first look at how to organize the automated tests.
There several different kinds of tests we should consider:
Related Reading
Extreme Programming Pocket Guide
By chromatic

Table of Contents
Unit tests: These serve to check the correctness of several modules (i.e., classes). If the object needs access to some external data source, like a database, these are simulated with mock objects, but only in cases in which re-creating the actual data source would be difficult in a test environment.

Customer's tests: These are functional, system, and acceptance tests. All of them check the behavior of the system as a whole. In the XP methodology, these tests are written by the customer, given the program skeleton.

Integration tests: These are like a cross between the customer tests and unit tests. Integration tests help test the interaction of several levels of the application. Typically, mock objects are not used in integration testing, which may increase testing time. Also, integration tests often demand the presence of a special test environment, such as a database seeded with test data. Integration tests may also use special external libraries. An example of such a library for the integration of J2EE applications is Cactus. Explanation of these tests is going beyond of this article, and requires much detailed theory information, so you just take it as information that such kind of tests exists.

Developer's tests: These are just tests that developers use to verify whole code, new pieces of code, and/or new functions. For each developer, it is important to generate new tests to check code whenever possible. Organizing these tests can be as important as organizing the code base itself.

For the rest of this article, when I say "test," I will mean developer's test.
During development, a programmer sometimes asks himself or herself: is there a test for the given behavior of the system and if it exists, where it can be found? A classic example is basic bug fixing, in which the mistake is found, but not by automated tests. The sequence of events that results from this situation might be:
Look for a test for the given functionality (it's probable that the test is already written, but contains a mistake).
If such test is not present, or it does not cover a situation in which there is a mistake, we will need to write a new test that reveals it.
Now we need to be convinced that the new test does not pass.
Fix the bug.
Run the test.
Confirm that it passes.
Certainly, variations of this process are possible, but the idea should be clear: you only correct a mistake when you have a test that reveals the mistake.
Now, let's consider how a developer would solve this situation. To search through existing functionality tests:
We can take advantage of certain integrated development environments (IDEs) that allow us to search for places in which corrected classes and methods are used.
Create a known error situation and inspect what fragment of code is in error.
Last but not least, write the test and place it in one of the existing test classes. If you make a mistake arranging your test and duplicate test code, hopefully you or one of your colleagues will eventually notice the duplication and correct it.
We are almost ready to create our test, so now we have to choose a name for our test. You could say, "It's not even a problem: just put the word "Test" before your class name, and that's it!" But not so fast! Let me just show how this approach can run into trouble:
When using TDD, the class or method to be tested may not exist yet.
It's also possible that one test can cover several methods, or even several classes.
These are just the most common problems; there are many more.
Let me offer one recommendation on naming your tests: the name of a test class should convey that this class is a test class, and indicate what exactly it checks, whether or not it repeats the name of a tested class. That's easy. Don't worry if such a name turns out too long or ugly. It describes itself, and that is the idea.
We will create our first test with the help of the JUnit tool in the Eclipse IDE. I assume that you have already downloaded a recent version of this product, but if not, you can always get it from the official site. We need JUnit, which you can download from its official site, too. Download it and unzip somewhere on your disk, where you are keeping your Java libraries.
Run Eclipse IDE. We will create a new workplace project, so click File -> New -> Project, then choose Java and click Next. Type in a project name -- for example, ProjectWithJUnit. Click Finish. The new project will be generated in your IDE. Let's configure our Eclipse IDE, so it will add the JUnit library to the build path. Click on Project -> Properties, select Java Build Path, Libraries, click Add External JARs and browse to directory where your JUnit is stored. Pick junit.jar and click Open. You will see that JUnit will appear on your screen in the list of libraries. By clicking Okay you will force Eclipse to rebuild all build paths.
We are ready to start developing our "Hello World" example. Let's follow TDD rules and create the test even before we have any kind of code. For the sake of having somewhere to start, we will assume that our future code class will be named HelloWorld and that it will have the method say(), which will return some String value ("Hello World," for example).
To create such a test, right-click on the ProjectWithJUnit title, select New -> Other, expand the "Java" selection, and choose JUnit. On the right column of the dialog, choose Test Case, then click Next. This is illustrated by Figure 1.

Figure 1. Creating a JUnit test in the Eclipse IDE
Type in the name of our yet-to-be written class HelloWorld into the Test class field, and choose a name for our Test case -- for example, TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt (yes, it looks too long, but it clearly indicates what it does.) Click on Finish.
The code for TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt.java is as follows:
import junit.framework.TestCase;  public class TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt     extends TestCase {     public TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt(         String name) {         super(name);     }     public void testSay() {         HelloWorld hi = new HelloWorld();         assertEquals("Hello World!", hi.say());     }     public static void main(String[] args) {         junit.textui.TestRunner.run(             TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt.class);     } }
This code is not complex; it's just a bit unusual. However, let's examine it in detail. We extend JUnit's TestCase class, which is defined in JUnit's javadocs as "a fixture to run multiple tests." JUnit also has TestSuite, which is a set of related test cases, but we will not work with in this article.
[align=left]To create our own simple test case, we need to follow these steps: [/align]
Create an instance of junit.framework.TestCase.
Define tests that return void and whose name begins with the string "test" (such as testWasTransactionSuccessful(), testShow(), etc.).

TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt.java meets both of these criteria: it subclasses TestCase and has a method called testSay(). This method uses an assertEquals() call, which compares the value which we expect to receive against the value returned by say().
The main() method is used to run the tests and present their output. JUnit's TestRunner executes our tests, and provides both graphical and textual output. We use the textual version because that's what Eclipse IDE supports and it's absolutely suitable for us. Once executed, the textual version of the test shows the result as text output and Eclipse IDE uses that to create its own graphic presentation.
So, according TDD provisions, once we run our test we should see that it failed. Let's try. Click Run -> Run as -> JUnit Test (remember that TestThatWeGetHelloWorldPrompt.java should be highlighted in Package Explorer). In the left window, instead of Package Explorer, you will see the JUnit window, which shows a red bar, the failed tests, and details of those failures, as seen in Figure 2. If you do not automatically see it, just click on JUnit label (on the bottom left), which is one of the layers of this screen.

Figure 2. Failed test in JUnit
Perfect! It really fails. Now we can create working code in our project: right-click the ProjectWithJUnit title in the left Package Explorer window, then choose New -> Class. Choose a name for the class — we've assumed it to be HelloWorld. Do not check off any of checkboxes on the bottom of the dialog window, just click Finish. Below is the code for HelloWorld.java:
public class HelloWorld {     public String say() {         return("Hello World!");     } }
It's very simple and merits no commentary. So let's test it and see the results. Run our test the same way as described above, and in the left JUnit window you will see a green bar, as seen in Figure 3. The green bar means that our test was successful.

Figure 3. Successful test in JUnit
Now we want to try to make it fail once again, but for a different reason. This will help show how JUnit test covers and reports different errors. Edit the assertEquals() to change the expected return value from "Hello World!" to, for example, "Hello Me!". When you run this JUnit test again, the bar will be red, and at the bottom of the left JUnit window you will see an explanation of what failed, as illustrated by Figure 4.

Figure 4. ComparisonError running JUnit
In conclusion, I would like to mention a few thoughts about testing as a necessary part of the development process. Testing code was always an integral part of any development. But it has been advanced over the last few years, thanks to powerful methodologies (such as "expectations-based development," etc.), accelerated testing toolkits, and the development of better testing processes. If you have found this article interesting, take some time to study formal testing methodology, and use it in your work.
Alexander Prohorenko is a certified professional, who holds Sun Certified System Administrator and Sun Certified Java Programmer certifications.
Olexiy Prohorenko is a燬un Certified Enterprise Architect whose areas of interests include Web software architecture and development of software爓ith frequently changing requirements.
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