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Android WheelMenu圆形菜单,巧妙实现

2015-05-05 17:59 363 查看




package com.hisun.sinldo.consult.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.ImageView;

public class WheelMenu extends ImageView {

/** 原始和变量大小的图像 */
private Bitmap imageOriginal, imageScaled; // variables for original and
// re-sized image
/** 矩阵进行旋转 */
private Matrix matrix; // Matrix used to perform rotations
/** 视图的高度和宽度 */
private int wheelHeight, wheelWidth; // height and width of the view
/** 车轮的顶部(在当前轮div计算) */
private int top; // the current top of the wheel (calculated in
// wheel divs)
* 变量计数总旋转 一个给定的旋转的车轮在 用户(从action_down到action_up)
* <br/>
* 初始值为:-1 * (divAngle / 2);所以它是负值
private double totalRotation; // variable that counts the total rotation
// during a given rotation of the wheel by the
// user (from ACTION_DOWN to ACTION_UP)
/** 设置车轮的总份数 */
private int divCount; // no of divisions in the wheel
/** 每一份的角度 */
private int divAngle; // angle of each division
/** 目前由用户选择的部分。 */
private int selectedPosition; // the section currently selected by the user.
/** 变量决定是否折断 */
private boolean snapToCenterFlag = true; // variable that determines whether
// to snap the
// wheel to the center of a div or not
private Context context;
private WheelChangeListener wheelChangeListener;

public WheelMenu(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

// initializations
private void init(Context context) {
this.context = context;
selectedPosition = 0;

// initialize the matrix only once
// 初始化矩阵只有一次
if (matrix == null) {
matrix = new Matrix();
} else {

// touch events listener
//		this.setOnTouchListener(new WheelTouchListener());

* Add a new listener to observe user selection changes.
* @param wheelChangeListener
public void setWheelChangeListener(WheelChangeListener wheelChangeListener) {
this.wheelChangeListener = wheelChangeListener;

* Returns the position currently selected by the user. 返回由用户当前选择的位置
* @return the currently selected position between 1 and divCount.
*         当前选定的位置1和divcount之间。
public int getSelectedPosition() {
return selectedPosition;

* Set no of divisions in the wheel menu. 没有设置在车轮菜单区划。
* @param divCount
*            no of divisions.
public void setDivCount(int divCount) {
this.divCount = divCount;

divAngle = 360 / divCount;
totalRotation = -1 * (divAngle / 2);

* Set the snap to center flag. If true, wheel will always snap to center of
* current section. 设置捕捉中心标志。如果是真的,车轮总是捕捉到当前截面中心。
* @param snapToCenterFlag
public void setSnapToCenterFlag(boolean snapToCenterFlag) {
this.snapToCenterFlag = snapToCenterFlag;

* Set a different top position. Default top position is 0.
* 设置不同的顶部位置。默认的顶部位置是0。
* Should be set after {#setDivCount(int) setDivCount}
* method and the value should be greater than 0 and lesser than divCount,
* otherwise the provided value will be ignored.
* 应设置在{#setDivCount(int) * setDivCount}和价值应大于0和小于divcount,否则所提供的值将被忽略。
* @param newTopDiv
public void setAlternateTopDiv(int newTopDiv) {

if (newTopDiv < 0 || newTopDiv >= divCount)
top = newTopDiv;

selectedPosition = top;

* Set the wheel image.
* @param drawableId
*            the id of the drawable to be used as the wheel image.
public void setWheelImage(int drawableId) {
imageOriginal = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),

* We need this to get the dimensions of the view. Once we get those,
* 我们需要把视图的尺寸。一旦我们得到这些, We can scale the image to make sure it's proper,
* 我们可以缩放图片以确保它是正确的, Initialize the matrix and align it with the views
* center. 初始化矩阵,使其与视图的中心。
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

// method called multiple times but initialized just once
// 方法调用多次但初始化一次
if (wheelHeight == 0 || wheelWidth == 0) {
wheelHeight = h;
wheelWidth = w;
// resize the image
Matrix resize = new Matrix();
resize.postScale((float)Math.min(wheelWidth, wheelHeight)
/ (float)imageOriginal.getWidth(),
(float)Math.min(wheelWidth, wheelHeight)
/ (float)imageOriginal.getHeight());
imageScaled = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageOriginal, 0, 0,
imageOriginal.getWidth(), imageOriginal.getHeight(),
resize, false);
// translate the matrix to the image view's center
// 将矩阵的图像视图的中心
float translateX = wheelWidth / 2 - imageScaled.getWidth() / 2;
float translateY = wheelHeight / 2 - imageScaled.getHeight() / 2;
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, translateY);

* get the angle of a touch event. 得到一个触摸事件的角度。
private double getAngle(double x, double y) {
x = x - (wheelWidth / 2d);
y = wheelHeight - y - (wheelHeight / 2d);

switch (getQuadrant(x, y)) {
case 1:
return Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
case 2:
return 180 - Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
case 3:
return 180 + (-1 * Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI);
case 4:
return 360 + Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
return 0;

* get the quadrant of the wheel which contains the touch point (x,y)
* 获取包含触摸点的象限(X,Y轮)
* @return quadrant 1,2,3 or 4
private static int getQuadrant(double x, double y) {
if (x >= 0) {
return y >= 0 ? 1 : 4;
} else {
return y >= 0 ? 2 : 3;

* rotate the wheel by the given angle 转动轮子由给定的角
* @param degrees
*            旋转的角度
* @param what 是否添加旋转的总旋转角度
private void rotateWheel(float degrees, int what) {
matrix.postRotate(degrees, wheelWidth / 2, wheelHeight / 2);

if(what == 0){
// add the rotation to the total rotation
// 添加旋转的总旋转角度
totalRotation = totalRotation + degrees;

* 利用延时实现缓慢旋转
* @param degrees
private void rotateDelayedWheel(double degrees){
leftoverRotation = degrees;

everyTimeAngle = degrees / SEND_ROTATE_MSG_NUMBER;

mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(WHAT_ROTATE_WHEEL, ROTATE_INTERVAL_TIME);

private final int WHAT_ROTATE_WHEEL = 0X000001;

private final int ROTATE_INTERVAL_TIME = 20;

private final int SEND_ROTATE_MSG_NUMBER = 15;

private int alreadySendNumber = 0;

private double leftoverRotation = 0d;

private double everyTimeAngle = 0d;

* 消息处理
private Handler mHandler = new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
rotateWheel((float)everyTimeAngle, 1);
if(++alreadySendNumber < SEND_ROTATE_MSG_NUMBER){
mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(WHAT_ROTATE_WHEEL, ROTATE_INTERVAL_TIME);

protected void cancelRotateParameter() {
leftoverRotation = 0d;
everyTimeAngle = 0d;
alreadySendNumber = 0;

//	@Override
//	protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
//		//加上下面的话即可实现listview在scrollview中滑动
//        int expandSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
//		super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, expandSpec);
//	}

private double startAngle;

public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if(event.getY() > getHeight() && event.getX() > getWidth()){
return false;

switch (event.getAction()) {

case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
// get the start angle for the current move event
// 得到当前移动事件的起始角度
startAngle = getAngle(event.getX(), event.getY());


if(alreadySendNumber != 0){

totalRotation = divAngle / 2;

//默认的旋转总角度 + 恢复中没有走的角度(也就是: 需要恢复的总角度(50) - 已经走过的角度(25) = 没有走过的角度(25)) = 偏移后的旋转总角度.
//默认的旋转总角度 - 恢复中没有走的角度(也就是: 需要恢复的总角度(50) - 已经走过的角度(25) = 没有走过的角度(25)) = 偏移后的旋转总角度.
totalRotation = totalRotation - (leftoverRotation - alreadySendNumber * everyTimeAngle);



case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
// get the current angle for the current move event
// 获取当前的当前移动事件的角度
double currentAngle = getAngle(event.getX(), event.getY());

// rotate the wheel by the difference
// 转动轮子的角度
rotateWheel((float) (startAngle - currentAngle), 0);

// current angle becomes start angle for the next motion
// 目前的角变为下次运动的起始角度
startAngle = currentAngle;

case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// get the total angle rotated in 360 degrees
// 得到的总角度旋转
totalRotation = totalRotation % 360;

// represent total rotation in positive value
// 代表正面价值的总转动
if (totalRotation < 0) {
totalRotation = 360 + totalRotation;

// calculate the no of divs the rotation has crossed
// 计算旋转的总的分
int no_of_divs_crossed = (int) ((totalRotation) / divAngle);

// calculate current top
// 计算当前的顶部
top = (divCount + top - no_of_divs_crossed) % divCount;

// for next rotation, the initial total rotation will be the no
// of degrees
// inside the current top
// 下次旋转,初始总旋转将没有度,
// 在当前最高
totalRotation = totalRotation % divAngle;

// snapping to the top's center
// 捕捉到顶部的中心
if (snapToCenterFlag) {

// calculate the angle to be rotated to reach the top's
// center.
// 计算角度被旋转到顶部的中心。
double leftover = divAngle / 2 - totalRotation;

//				rotateWheel((float) (leftover), 1);
// re-initialize total rotation
// 重新初始化总旋转
totalRotation = divAngle / 2;

// set the currently selected option
// 将当前选定的选项
if (top == 0) {
selectedPosition = divCount - 1;// loop around the
// array全数组循环
} else {
selectedPosition = top - 1;

if (wheelChangeListener != null) {


return true;

//	@Override
//	public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
//		return true;
//	}
//	// listener for touch events on the wheel
//	// 触摸事件侦听器的车轮
//	private class WheelTouchListener implements View.OnTouchListener {
//		@Override
//		public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
//			return true;
//		}
//	}

* Interface to to observe user selection changes. 接口的用户选择的变化观察。
public interface WheelChangeListener {
* Called when user selects a new position in the wheel menu.
* 当用户选择一个新的位置在车轮菜单
* @param selectedPosition
*            the new position selected. 新的位置选择
public void onSelectionChange(int selectedPosition);



package com.anupcowkur.wheelmenusample;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.anupcowkur.wheelmenu.WheelMenu;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

private WheelMenu wheelMenu;
private TextView selectedPositionText;
private TextView contentText;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

wheelMenu = (WheelMenu) findViewById(R.id.wheelMenu);


selectedPositionText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.selected_position_text);
selectedPositionText.setText("selected: " + (wheelMenu.getSelectedPosition() + 1));

contentText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.content_text);

wheelMenu.setWheelChangeListener(new WheelMenu.WheelChangeListener() {
public void onSelectionChange(int selectedPosition) {
selectedPositionText.setText("selected: " + (selectedPosition + 1));







package com.hisun.sinldo.consult.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.ScrollView;

public class PatientScrollView extends ScrollView {

public PatientScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

public PatientScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);

public PatientScrollView(Context context) {

* 重写这个方法,解决与WheelMenu的触摸屏事件冲突
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
return false;


自定义ScrollView,就只需要做一件事,就是重写onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev),然后,头疼的事情就解决了,但是好像不知道原理哦


Implement this method to intercept all touch screen motion events. This allows you to watch events as they are dispatched to your children, and take ownership of the current gesture at any point.



内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息