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8 Monitoring Performance and Troubleshooting

2015-05-04 16:46 489 查看
8 Monitoring Performance and Troubleshooting

The Global Cache Block Access Latency chart shows data for two different types of data block requests: current and consistent-read (CR) blocks. When you update data in the database, Oracle Database must locate the most recent version of the data block that
contains the data, which is called the current block. If you perform a query, then only data committed before the query began is visible to the query. Data blocks that were changed after the start of the query are reconstructed from data in the undo segments.
The reconstructed data is made available to the query in the form of a consistent-read block.


当前块:发生在更新数据库的时候,如果更新数据到数据库,oracle需要知道包含这个数据的数据库的最近的版本,这就叫做current block.


Concurrent read and write activity on shared data in a cluster is a frequently occurring activity. Depending on the service requirements, this activity does not usually cause performance problems. However, when global cache requests cause a performance problem,
optimizing SQL plans and the schema to improve the rate at which data blocks are located in the local buffer cache, and minimizing I/O is a successful strategy for performance tuning. If the latency for consistent-read and current block requests reaches 10
milliseconds, then your first step in resolving the problem should be to go to the Cluster Cache Coherency page for more detailed information.


Using CRSCTL to Diagnose Cluster Issues

About the Oracle Clusterware Alert Log

The Oracle Clusterware should be the first place to look for serious errors. It often contains references to other diagnostic logs that provide detailed information on a specific component. The location of the Oracle Clusterware log file is CRS_home/log/hostname/alerthostname.log,
where CRS_home is the directory in which Oracle Clusterware was installed and hostname is the host name of the local node.


Running the Oracle Clusterware Diagnostics Collection Script

To run the Oracle Clusterware Diagnostics Collection script:

In a command window, log in to the operating system as the root user.

Run the diagcollection.pl script from the operating system prompt as follows, where Grid_home is the home directory of your Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation:

# Grid_home/bin/diagcollection.pl --collect


[root@elvis111 bin]# ./diagcollection.pl --collect

Production Copyright 2004, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved

Cluster Ready Services (CRS) diagnostic collection tool

The following CRS diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.

crsData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz -> logs,traces and cores from CRS home. Note: core files will be packaged only with the --core option. 

ocrData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz -> ocrdump, ocrcheck etc 

coreData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz -> contents of CRS core files in text format

osData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz -> logs from Operating System

lsInventory_elvis111_20150504_0728 ->Opatch lsinventory details

Collecting crs data

/bin/tar: log/elvis111/gipcd/gipcd.log: file changed as we read it

/bin/tar: log/elvis111/agent/crsd/orarootagent_root/orarootagent_root.log: file changed as we read it

Collecting OCR data 

Collecting information from core files

warning: exec file is newer than core file.

Cannot access memory at address 0x642520726f727265

warning: exec file is newer than core file.

Cannot access memory at address 0x642520726f727265

Collecting lsinventory details

The following diagnostic archives will be created in the local directory.

acfsData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz -> logs from acfs log.

Collecting acfs data

Collecting OS logs

Collecting sysconfig data

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      11933011 May  4 07:29 crsData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root         25331 May  4 07:30 ocrData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root         58268 May  4 07:30 coreData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root          7634 May  4 07:31 lsInventory_elvis111_20150504_0728

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root           847 May  4 07:31 acfsData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root        133061 May  4 07:31 osData_elvis111_20150504_0728.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root         29113 May  4 07:31 sysconfig_elvis111_20150504_0728.txt


Enabling Debugging of Oracle Clusterware Components

To enable debugging of Oracle Clusterware components:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the root user.

2.Use the following command to obtain the module names for a component, where component_name is crs, evm, css or the name of the component for which you want to enable debugging:

# crsctl lsmodules component_name

For example, viewing the modules of the css component might return the following results:

# crsctl lsmodules css

The following are the CSS modules :: 





[root@elvis111 grid]# crsctl lsmodules css

List CSSD Debug Module: CLSF

List CSSD Debug Module: CSSD

List CSSD Debug Module: GIPCCM

List CSSD Debug Module: GIPCGM

List CSSD Debug Module: GIPCNM

List CSSD Debug Module: GPNP

List CSSD Debug Module: OLR

List CSSD Debug Module: SKGFD

[root@elvis111 grid]# crsctl lsmodules crs

List CRSD Debug Module: AGENT

List CRSD Debug Module: AGFW

List CRSD Debug Module: CLSFRAME

List CRSD Debug Module: CLSVER

List CRSD Debug Module: CLUCLS

List CRSD Debug Module: COMMCRS

List CRSD Debug Module: COMMNS

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSAPP

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCCL

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCEVT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCOMM

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSD

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSEVT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSMAIN

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSOCR

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSPE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSPLACE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRES

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRPT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRTI

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSSE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSSEC

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSTIMER

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSUI

List CRSD Debug Module: CSSCLNT

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRAPI

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRASM

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRCAC

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRCLI

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRMAS

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRMSG

List CRSD Debug Module: OCROSD

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRRAW

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRSRV

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRUTL

List CRSD Debug Module: SuiteTes

List CRSD Debug Module: UiServer

[root@elvis111 grid]# 

3.Use CRSCTL as follows, where component_name is the name of the Oracle Clusterware component for which you want to enable debugging, module is the name of module, and debugging_level is a number from 1 to 5:

# crsctl debug log component module:debugging_level

For example, to enable the lowest level of tracing for the CSSD module of the css component, you would use the following command:

# crsctl debug log css CSSD:1

Enabling and Disabling Oracle Clusterware Daemons

When the Oracle Clusterware daemons are enabled, they start automatically when the node is started. To prevent the daemons from starting automatically, you can disable them using crsctl commands.

To enable automatic startup for all Oracle Clusterware daemons:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the root user.

2.Run the following CRSCTL command:

# crsctl enable crs

To disable automatic startup for all Oracle Clusterware daemons:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the root user.

2.Run the following CRSCTL command:

# crsctl disable crs


Using the Cluster Verification Utility to Diagnose Problems


This section contains the following topics:

Verifying the Existence of Node Applications

Verifying the Integrity of Oracle Clusterware Components

Verifying the Integrity of the Oracle Cluster Registry

Verifying the Integrity of Your Entire Cluster

Checking the Settings for the Interconnect

Enabling Tracing








To verify the existence of node applications:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the user who owns the Oracle Clusterware software installation.

2.Use the comp nodeapp command of CVU, using the following syntax:

cluvfy comp nodeapp [ -n node_list] [-verbose]

where node_list represents the nodes to check.


[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodeapp -n elvis111,elvis112 -verbose

Verifying node application existence 

Checking node application existence...

Checking existence of VIP node application (required)

  Node Name     Required                  Running?                  Comment   

  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------

  elvis112      yes                       yes                       passed    

  elvis111      yes                       yes                       passed    

VIP node application check passed

Checking existence of NETWORK node application (required)

  Node Name     Required                  Running?                  Comment   

  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------

  elvis112      yes                       yes                       passed    

  elvis111      yes                       yes                       passed    

NETWORK node application check passed

Checking existence of GSD node application (optional)

  Node Name     Required                  Running?                  Comment   

  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------

  elvis112      no                        no                        exists    

  elvis111      no                        no                        exists    

GSD node application is offline on nodes "elvis112,elvis111"

Checking existence of ONS node application (optional)

  Node Name     Required                  Running?                  Comment   

  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------

  elvis112      no                        yes                       passed    

  elvis111      no                        yes                       passed    

ONS node application check passed

Verification of node application existence was successful. 

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ 

3.If the cluvfy command returns the value of UNKNOWN for a particular node, then CVU cannot determine whether a check passed or failed. Determine if the failure was caused by one of the following reasons:

The node is down.

Executable files that CVU requires are missing in the CRS_home/bin directory or the Oracle_home/bin directory.

The user account that ran CVU does not have permissions to run common operating system executable files on the node.

The node is missing an operating system patch or required package.

The kernel parameters on that node were not configured correctly and CVU cannot obtain the operating system resources required to perform its checks.

Verifying the Integrity of Oracle Clusterware Components

You use the CVU comp crs command to verify the existence of all the Oracle Clusterware components.

To verify the integrity of Oracle Clusterware components:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the user who owns the Oracle Clusterware software installation.

2.Use the comp crs command of CVU, using the following syntax:

cluvfy comp crs [ -n node_list] [-verbose]

where node_list represents the nodes to check.

Verifying the Integrity of the Oracle Cluster Registry

You use the CVU comp ocr command to verify the integrity of the Oracle Clusterware registry.

To verify the integrity of the Oracle Clusterware registry:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the user who owns the Oracle Clusterware software installation.

2.Use the comp ocr command of CVU, using the following syntax:

cluvfy comp ocr [ -n node_list] [-verbose]

where node_list represents the nodes to check.

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp crs -n elvis111,elvis112 -verbose

Verifying CRS integrity 

Checking CRS integrity...

Clusterware version consistency passed

The Oracle Clusterware is healthy on node "elvis112"

The Oracle Clusterware is healthy on node "elvis111"

CRS integrity check passed

Verification of CRS integrity was successful. 

Verifying the Integrity of Your Entire Cluster

You use the CVU comp clu command to check that all nodes in the cluster have the same view of the cluster configuration.

To verify the integrity of your cluster:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the user who owns the Oracle Clusterware software installation.

2.Use the comp clu command of CVU, using the following syntax:

cluvfy comp clu [-verbose]

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp clu -verbose

Verifying cluster integrity 

Checking cluster integrity...

  Node Name                           




Cluster integrity check passed

Verification of cluster integrity was successful. 

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ 

Checking the Settings for the Interconnect

To check the settings for the interconnect:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the user who owns the Oracle Clusterware software installation.

2.To verify the accessibility of the cluster nodes, specified by node_list, from the local node or from any other cluster node, specified by srcnode, use the component verification command nodereach as follows:

cluvfy comp nodereach -n node_list [ -srcnode node ] [-verbose]

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodereach -n elvis111,elvis112 -srcnode elvis112 -verbose

Verifying node reachability 

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "elvis112"

  Destination Node                      Reachable?              

  ------------------------------------  ------------------------

  elvis111                              yes                     

  elvis112                              yes                     

Result: Node reachability check passed from node "elvis112"

Verification of node reachability was successful. 

3.To verify the connectivity among the nodes, specified by node_list, through the available network interfaces from the local node or from any other cluster node, use the comp nodecon command as shown in the following example:

cluvfy comp nodecon -n node_list -verbose

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n elvis111,elvis112 -verbose

Verifying node connectivity 

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

  Node Name                             Status                  

  ------------------------------------  ------------------------

  elvis112                              passed                  

  elvis111                              passed                  

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Interface information for node "elvis112"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

Interface information for node "elvis111"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis111[]        elvis111[]        yes             

Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) elvis112,elvis111

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis111:         passed          

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis112[]         elvis111[]         yes             

Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) elvis112,elvis111

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis111:          elvis112:          passed          

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis112[]       elvis111[]       yes             

Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) elvis112,elvis111

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis111:        elvis112:        passed          

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:

elvis112 eth0: eth0: eth0:

elvis111 eth0: eth0:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:

elvis112 eth1:

elvis111 eth1:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:

elvis112 eth1:

elvis111 eth1:


Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for the private interconnect

Checking subnet mask consistency...

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed.

Result: Node connectivity check passed

Verification of node connectivity was successful. 

When you issue the nodecon command as shown in the previous example, it instructs CVU to perform the following tasks:

1.Discover all the network interfaces that are available on the specified cluster nodes.

2.Review the corresponding IP addresses and subnets for the interfaces.

3.Obtain the list of interfaces that are suitable for use as VIPs and the list of interfaces to private interconnects.

4.Verify the connectivity among all the nodes through those interfaces.

When you run the nodecon command in verbose mode, it identifies the mappings between the interfaces, IP addresses, and subnets.

4.To verify the connectivity among the nodes through specific network interfaces, use the comp nodecon command with the -i option and specify the interfaces to be checked with the interface_list argument:

cluvfy comp nodecon -n node_list -i interface_list [-verbose]

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n elvis111,elvis112 -i interface_list -verbose

Verifying node connectivity 

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

  Node Name                             Status                  

  ------------------------------------  ------------------------

  elvis112                              passed                  

  elvis111                              passed                  

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Interface information for node "elvis112"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

Interface information for node "elvis111"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  


PRVG-11049 : Interface "interface_list" does not exist on nodes "elvis112,elvis111"

Check: Node connectivity for interface "interface_list"

Result: Node connectivity failed for interface "interface_list"

Checking subnet mask consistency...

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed.

Result: Node connectivity check failed

Verification of node connectivity was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes. 

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ 

For example, you can verify the connectivity among the nodes racnode1, racnode2, and racnode3, through the specific network interface eth0 by running the following command:

cluvfy comp nodecon -n racnode1,racnode2,racnode3 -i eth0 -verbose

[grid@elvis111 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n elvis111,elvis112 -i eth0 -verbose

Verifying node connectivity 

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

  Node Name                             Status                  

  ------------------------------------  ------------------------

  elvis112                              passed                  

  elvis111                              passed                  

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Interface information for node "elvis112"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:72:C8:E4 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:ED:96:2A 1500  

Interface information for node "elvis111"

 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU   

 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth0    08:00:27:FA:68:C3 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  

 eth1    08:00:27:91:EA:DE 1500  

Check: Node connectivity for interface "eth0"

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis112[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis112[]        elvis111[]        yes             

  elvis111[]        elvis111[]        yes             

Result: Node connectivity passed for interface "eth0"

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

  Source                          Destination                     Connected?      

  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis112:         passed          

  elvis111:         elvis111:         passed          

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Checking subnet mask consistency...

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed.

Result: Node connectivity check passed

Verification of node connectivity was successful. 

Enabling Tracing

CVU does not generate trace files unless you enable tracing. The CVU trace files are created in the CRS_home/cv/log directory. Oracle RAC automatically rotates the log files, and the most recently created log file has the name cvutrace.log.0. You should remove
unwanted log files or archive them to reclaim disk space, if needed.

To enable tracing using CVU:

1.In a command window, log in to the operating system as the root user.

2.Set the environment variable SRVM_TRACE to true.
# set SRVM_TRACE=true; export SRVM_TRACE
Run the command to trace.
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