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AT&T Assembly for Linux and Mac (sys_write)

2015-04-15 22:11 639 查看
Write() in C : (sys_write.c)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
printf("Hello Landpack\n");
return 0;

Write() in AT&T for Linux:(sys_write.s)

.section .data

_data:  .ascii "Hello Landpack\n"

len = .-_data

.section .text

.globl  _start


movl    $4,     %eax    #for write
movl    $_data, %ecx    #The address of data
movl    $len,   %edx    #The len of string
movl    $0,     %ebx    #exit with 0
int     $0x80

movl    $1,     %eax    #sys_exit
movl    $0,     %ebx    #exit with 0
int     $0x80

Write() in AT&T for Mac: (sys_write.s):

.globl _main


pushq   %rbp
#movq   %rsp,   %rbp
leaq    _data(%rip),%rdi
callq   _puts
xorl    %eax,   %eax
popq    %rbp

.section    _TEXT,_cstring,cstring_literals


.ascii  "Hello Landpack"

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