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(ZT)List of XML and HTML character entity references

2015-04-15 11:57 537 查看
original url from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_entity_references
The XML specification does not use the term "character entity" or "character entity reference". The XML specification defines five "predefined entities" representing special characters, and requires that all XML processors honor them. The entities can be
explicitly declared in a DTD, as well, but if this is done, the replacement text must be the same as the built-in definitions. XML also allows other named entities of any size to be defined on a per-document basis.

The table below lists the five XML predefined entities. The "Name" column mentions the entity's name. The "Character" column shows the character. To render the character, the format
is used; for example,
renders as &. The "Unicode code point" column cites the character via standard UCS/Unicode "U+" notation, which shows the character's code point in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the code point is then shown in parentheses. The "Standard"
column indicates the first version of XML that includes the entity. The "Description" column cites the character via its canonical UCS/Unicode name, in English.

NameCharacterUnicode code point (decimal)StandardDescription
quot"U+0022 (34)XML 1.0double
quotation mark
amp&U+0026 (38)XML 1.0ampersand
apos'U+0027 (39)XML 1.0apostrophe
lt<U+003C (60)XML 1.0less-than sign
gt>U+003E (62)XML 1.0greater-than sign
The HTML 4 DTDs define 252 named entities, references to which act as mnemonic aliases for certain Unicode characters. The HTML 4 specification requires the use of the standard DTDs and does not allow users to define additional entities.

In the table below, the "Standard" column indicates the first version of the HTML DTD that defines the character entity reference. HTML 4.01 does not provide any new character references.

To use one of these character entity references in an HTML or XML document, enter an ampersand followed by the entity name and a semicolon, e.g., &
NameCharacterUnicode code point (decimal)StandardDTD[a]Old ISO subset[b]Description[c]
quot"U+0022 (34)HTML 2.0HTMLspecialISOnumquotation mark
(APL quote)
amp&U+0026 (38)HTML 2.0HTMLspecialISOnumampersand
apos'U+0027 (39)XHTML 1.0HTMLspecialISOnumapostrophe
(apostrophe-quote); see
lt<U+003C (60)HTML 2.0HTMLspecialISOnumless-than sign
gt>U+003E (62)HTML 2.0HTMLspecialISOnumgreater-than sign
nbspU+00A0 (160)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumno-break space (non-breaking space)[d]
iexcl¡U+00A1 (161)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnuminverted exclamation mark
cent¢U+00A2 (162)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumcent sign
pound£U+00A3 (163)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumpound sign
curren¤U+00A4 (164)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumcurrency sign
yen¥U+00A5 (165)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumyen sign
(yuan sign)
brvbar¦U+00A6 (166)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumbroken bar (broken vertical bar)
sect§U+00A7 (167)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumsection sign
uml¨U+00A8 (168)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOdiadiaeresis
(spacing diaeresis); see
Germanic umlaut
copy©U+00A9 (169)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumcopyright symbol
ordfªU+00AA (170)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumfeminine
ordinal indicator
laquo«U+00AB (171)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumleft-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing
not¬U+00AC (172)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumnot sign
shyU+00AD (173)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumsoft hyphen
(discretionary hyphen)
reg®U+00AE (174)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumregistered sign (registered trademark symbol)
macr¯U+00AF (175)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOdiamacron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar)
deg°U+00B0 (176)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumdegree symbol
plusmn±U+00B1 (177)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumplus-minus sign
(plus-or-minus sign)
sup2²U+00B2 (178)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumsuperscript two (superscript digit two, squared)
sup3³U+00B3 (179)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumsuperscript three (superscript digit three, cubed)
acute´U+00B4 (180)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOdiaacute accent
(spacing acute)
microµU+00B5 (181)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnummicro sign
paraU+00B6 (182)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumpilcrow sign
(paragraph sign)
middot·U+00B7 (183)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnummiddle dot
(Georgian comma, Greek middle dot)
cedil¸U+00B8 (184)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOdiacedilla (spacing cedilla)
sup1¹U+00B9 (185)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumsuperscript one (superscript digit one)
ordmºU+00BA (186)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnummasculine
ordinal indicator
raquo»U+00BB (187)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumright-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet)
frac14¼U+00BC (188)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumvulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter)
frac12½U+00BD (189)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumvulgar fraction one half (fraction one half)
frac34¾U+00BE (190)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumvulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters)
iquest¿U+00BF (191)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnuminverted question mark
(turned question mark)
AgraveÀU+00C0 (192)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with
grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave)
AacuteÁU+00C1 (193)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with
acute accent
AcircÂU+00C2 (194)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with
AtildeÃU+00C3 (195)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with
AumlÄU+00C4 (196)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with
AringÅU+00C5 (197)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring)
AEligÆU+00C6 (198)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE)
CcedilÇU+00C7 (199)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter C with
EgraveÈU+00C8 (200)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter E with
grave accent
EacuteÉU+00C9 (201)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter E with
acute accent
EcircÊU+00CA (202)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter E with
EumlËU+00CB (203)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter E with
IgraveÌU+00CC (204)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter I with
grave accent
IacuteÍU+00CD (205)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter I with
acute accent
IcircÎU+00CE (206)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter I with
IumlÏU+00CF (207)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter I with
ETHÐU+00D0 (208)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter Eth
NtildeÑU+00D1 (209)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter N with
OgraveÒU+00D2 (210)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with
grave accent
OacuteÓU+00D3 (211)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with
acute accent
OcircÔU+00D4 (212)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with
OtildeÕU+00D5 (213)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with
OumlÖU+00D6 (214)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with
times×U+00D7 (215)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnummultiplication sign
OslashØU+00D8 (216)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash)
UgraveÙU+00D9 (217)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter U with
grave accent
UacuteÚU+00DA (218)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter U with
acute accent
UcircÛU+00DB (219)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter U with
UumlÜU+00DC (220)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter U with
YacuteÝU+00DD (221)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter Y with
acute accent
THORNÞU+00DE (222)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin capital letter
szligßU+00DF (223)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German
agraveàU+00E0 (224)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with
grave accent
aacuteáU+00E1 (225)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with
acute accent
acircâU+00E2 (226)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with
atildeãU+00E3 (227)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with
aumläU+00E4 (228)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with
aringåU+00E5 (229)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter a with ring above
aeligæU+00E6 (230)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae)
ccedilçU+00E7 (231)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter c with
egraveèU+00E8 (232)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter e with
grave accent
eacuteéU+00E9 (233)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter e with
acute accent
ecircêU+00EA (234)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter e with
eumlëU+00EB (235)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter e with
igraveìU+00EC (236)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter i with
grave accent
iacuteíU+00ED (237)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter i with
acute accent
icircîU+00EE (238)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter i with
iumlïU+00EF (239)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter i with
ethðU+00F0 (240)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter eth
ntildeñU+00F1 (241)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter n with
ograveòU+00F2 (242)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with
grave accent
oacuteóU+00F3 (243)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with
acute accent
ocircôU+00F4 (244)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with
otildeõU+00F5 (245)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with
oumlöU+00F6 (246)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with
divide÷U+00F7 (247)HTML 3.2HTMLlat1ISOnumdivision sign (obelus)
oslashøU+00F8 (248)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash)
ugraveùU+00F9 (249)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter u with
grave accent
uacuteúU+00FA (250)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter u with
acute accent
ucircûU+00FB (251)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter u with
uumlüU+00FC (252)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter u with
yacuteýU+00FD (253)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter y with
acute accent
thornþU+00FE (254)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter
yumlÿU+00FF (255)HTML 2.0HTMLlat1ISOlat1Latin small letter y with
OEligŒU+0152 (338)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOlat2Latin capital ligature oe[e]
oeligœU+0153 (339)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOlat2Latin small ligature oe[e]
ScaronŠU+0160 (352)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOlat2Latin capital letter s with
scaronšU+0161 (353)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOlat2Latin small letter s with
YumlŸU+0178 (376)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOlat2Latin capital letter y with
fnofƒU+0192 (402)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechLatin small letter f with hook (function, florin)
circˆU+02C6 (710)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubmodifier letter
circumflex accent
tilde˜U+02DC (732)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOdiasmall tilde
AlphaΑU+0391 (913)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Alpha
BetaΒU+0392 (914)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Beta
GammaΓU+0393 (915)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Gamma
DeltaΔU+0394 (916)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Delta
EpsilonΕU+0395 (917)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Epsilon
ZetaΖU+0396 (918)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Zeta
EtaΗU+0397 (919)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Eta
ThetaΘU+0398 (920)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Theta
IotaΙU+0399 (921)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Iota
KappaΚU+039A (922)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Kappa
LambdaΛU+039B (923)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Lambda
MuΜU+039C (924)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Mu
NuΝU+039D (925)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Nu
XiΞU+039E (926)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Xi
OmicronΟU+039F (927)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Omicron
PiΠU+03A0 (928)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Pi
RhoΡU+03A1 (929)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Rho
SigmaΣU+03A3 (931)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Sigma
TauΤU+03A4 (932)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Tau
UpsilonΥU+03A5 (933)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Upsilon
PhiΦU+03A6 (934)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Phi
ChiΧU+03A7 (935)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolGreek capital letter Chi
PsiΨU+03A8 (936)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Psi
OmegaΩU+03A9 (937)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek capital letter Omega
alphaαU+03B1 (945)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter alpha
betaβU+03B2 (946)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter beta
gammaγU+03B3 (947)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter gamma
deltaδU+03B4 (948)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter delta
epsilonεU+03B5 (949)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter epsilon
zetaζU+03B6 (950)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter zeta
etaηU+03B7 (951)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter eta
thetaθU+03B8 (952)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter theta
iotaιU+03B9 (953)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter iota
kappaκU+03BA (954)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter kappa
lambdaλU+03BB (955)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter lambda
muμU+03BC (956)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter mu
nuνU+03BD (957)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter nu
xiξU+03BE (958)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter xi
omicronοU+03BF (959)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWGreek small letter omicron
piπU+03C0 (960)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter pi
rhoρU+03C1 (961)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter rho
sigmafςU+03C2 (962)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter final sigma
sigmaσU+03C3 (963)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter sigma
tauτU+03C4 (964)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter tau
upsilonυU+03C5 (965)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter upsilon
phiφU+03C6 (966)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter phi
chiχU+03C7 (967)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter chi
psiψU+03C8 (968)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter psi
omegaωU+03C9 (969)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek small letter omega
thetasymϑU+03D1 (977)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWGreek theta symbol
upsihϒU+03D2 (978)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWGreek Upsilon with hook symbol
pivϖU+03D6 (982)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOgrk3Greek pi symbol
enspU+2002 (8194)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpuben space[d]
emspU+2003 (8195)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubem space[d]
thinspU+2009 (8201)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubthin space[d]
zwnjU+200C (8204)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEW
RFC 2070
zero-width non-joiner
zwjU+200D (8205)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEW
RFC 2070
zero-width joiner
lrmU+200E (8206)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEW
RFC 2070
left-to-right mark
rlmU+200F (8207)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEW
RFC 2070
right-to-left mark
ndashU+2013 (8211)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpuben dash
mdashU+2014 (8212)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubem dash
lsquoU+2018 (8216)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOnumleft single
quotation mark
rsquoU+2019 (8217)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOnumright single
quotation mark
sbquoU+201A (8218)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEWsingle low-9
quotation mark
ldquoU+201C (8220)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOnumleft double
quotation mark
rdquoU+201D (8221)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOnumright double
quotation mark
bdquoU+201E (8222)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEWdouble low-9
quotation mark
daggerU+2020 (8224)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubdagger, obelisk
DaggerU+2021 (8225)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubdouble dagger, double obelisk
bullU+2022 (8226)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOpubbullet
(black small circle)[f]
hellipU+2026 (8230)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpubhorizontal ellipsis
(three dot leader)
permilU+2030 (8240)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISOtechper mille sign
primeU+2032 (8242)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechprime
(minutes, feet)
PrimeU+2033 (8243)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechdouble prime
(seconds, inches)
lsaquoU+2039 (8249)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISO proposedsingle left-pointing angle quotation mark[g]
rsaquoU+203A (8250)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialISO proposedsingle right-pointing angle quotation mark[g]
olineU+203E (8254)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWoverline (spacing overscore)
fraslU+2044 (8260)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWfraction slash (solidus)
euroU+20AC (8364)HTML 4.0HTMLspecialNEWeuro sign
imageU+2111 (8465)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsoblack-letter capital I (imaginary part)
weierpU+2118 (8472)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsoscript capital P (power set,
Weierstrass p)
realU+211C (8476)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsoblack-letter capital R (real part symbol)
tradeU+2122 (8482)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumtrademark symbol
alefsymU+2135 (8501)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWalef symbol
(first transfinite cardinal)[h]
larrU+2190 (8592)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumleftwards arrow
uarrU+2191 (8593)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumupwards arrow
rarrU+2192 (8594)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumrightwards arrow
darrU+2193 (8595)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumdownwards arrow
harrU+2194 (8596)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsaleft right arrow
crarrU+21B5 (8629)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolNEWdownwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return)
lArrU+21D0 (8656)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechleftwards double arrow[i]
uArrU+21D1 (8657)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsaupwards double arrow
rArrU+21D2 (8658)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOnumrightwards double arrow[j]
dArrU+21D3 (8659)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsadownwards double arrow
hArrU+21D4 (8660)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsaleft right double arrow
forallU+2200 (8704)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechfor all
partU+2202 (8706)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechpartial differential
existU+2203 (8707)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechthere exists
emptyU+2205 (8709)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsoempty set
(null set); see also
U+8960, ⌀
nablaU+2207 (8711)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechdel or
nabla (vector differential operator)
isinU+2208 (8712)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechelement of
notinU+2209 (8713)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechnot an element of
niU+220B (8715)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechcontains as member
prodU+220F (8719)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsbn-ary product
(product sign)[k]
sumU+2211 (8721)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsbn-ary summation[l]
minusU+2212 (8722)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechminus sign
lowastU+2217 (8727)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechasterisk operator
radicU+221A (8730)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechsquare root
(radical sign)
propU+221D (8733)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechproportional to
infinU+221E (8734)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechinfinity
angU+2220 (8736)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsoangle
andU+2227 (8743)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechlogical and
orU+2228 (8744)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechlogical or
capU+2229 (8745)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechintersection
cupU+222A (8746)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechunion
intU+222B (8747)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechintegral
there4U+2234 (8756)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechtherefore sign
simU+223C (8764)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechtilde operator (varies with, similar to)[m]
congU+2245 (8773)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechcongruent to
asympU+2248 (8776)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsralmost equal to (asymptotic to)
neU+2260 (8800)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechnot equal to
equivU+2261 (8801)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechidentical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to'
leU+2264 (8804)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechless-than or equal to
geU+2265 (8805)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechgreater-than or equal to
subU+2282 (8834)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechsubset of
supU+2283 (8835)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechsuperset of[n]
nsubU+2284 (8836)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsnnot a subset of
subeU+2286 (8838)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechsubset of or equal to
supeU+2287 (8839)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechsuperset of or equal to
oplusU+2295 (8853)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsbcircled plus (direct sum)
otimesU+2297 (8855)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsbcircled times (vector product)
perpU+22A5 (8869)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechup tack (orthogonal to,
sdotU+22C5 (8901)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamsbdot operator[p]
lceilU+2308 (8968)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamscleft ceiling (APL upstile)
rceilU+2309 (8969)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamscright ceiling
lfloorU+230A (8970)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamscleft floor (APL downstile)
rfloorU+230B (8971)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOamscright floor
langU+2329 (9001)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechleft-pointing angle bracket (bra)[q]
rangU+232A (9002)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOtechright-pointing angle bracket (ket)[r]
lozU+25CA (9674)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpublozenge
spadesU+2660 (9824)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpubblack spade suit[f]
clubsU+2663 (9827)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpubblack club suit
heartsU+2665 (9829)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpubblack heart suit
diamsU+2666 (9830)HTML 4.0HTMLsymbolISOpubblack diamond suit[f]

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