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伸展树(Splay Tree)

2015-04-13 13:43 211 查看
伸展树是一种平衡二叉树。在伸展树上的一般操作都基于伸展操作:假设想要对一个二叉查找树执行一系列的查找操作,为了使整个查找时间更小,被查频率高的那些条目就应当经常处于靠近树根的位置。于是想到设计一个简单方法, 在每次查找之后对树进行重构,把被查找的条目搬移到离树根近一些的地方。伸展树应运而生。


Left_Rotate(Node &x)//x.right ≠ NIL
Node y = x.right                // set y
x.right = y.left           //turn y's left subtree to x's right subtree
if y.left ≠ NIL
y.left.p = x
y.p = x.p                  //link x's parent to y
if x.p == NIL
//T.root = y
else if x == x.p.left
x.p.left = y
x.p.right = y
y.left = x                 //put x on y's left
x.p = y
//x = y这句代码可以让x重新指向这棵子树的根结点

Right_Rotate(Node &y)//y.left ≠ NIL
Node x = y.left                 // set x
y.left = x.right           //turn x's right subtree to y's left subtree
if x.right ≠ NIL
x.right.p = y
x.p = y.p                  //link y's parent to x
if y.p == NIL
//T.root = x
else if y == y.p.left
y.p.left = x
y.p.right = x
x.right = y                 //put y on x's right
y.p = x
//y = x


void left_rotate(Node* &x){
Node* y =x->right;
x->right = y->left;
y->left = x;
x = y;

void right_rotate(Node* &x){
Node* y =x->left;
x->left = y->right;
y->right = x;
x = y;


void splay( node *x ) {
while( x->parent ) {
if( !x->parent->parent ) {//x的父结点为树根
if( x->parent->left == x ) right_rotate( x->parent );
else left_rotate( x->parent );
else if( x->parent->left == x && x->parent->parent->left == x->parent ) {//左"一字型"
right_rotate( x->parent->parent );
right_rotate( x->parent );
else if( x->parent->right == x && x->parent->parent->right == x->parent ) {//右"一字型"
left_rotate( x->parent->parent );
left_rotate( x->parent );
else if( x->parent->left == x && x->parent->parent->right == x->parent ) {//左右"之自型"(从下至上看)
right_rotate( x->parent );
left_rotate( x->parent );
else {//右左"之自型"(从下至上看)
left_rotate( x->parent );
right_rotate( x->parent );

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