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需要熟练使用主流的数据挖掘(或统计分析)工具如Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Software(SAS)、SPSS、EXCEL等。


经典图书推荐:《概率论与数理统计》、《统计学》推荐David Freedman版、《业务建模与数据挖掘》、《数据挖掘导论》、《SAS编程与数据挖掘商业案例》、《Clementine数据挖掘方法及应用》、《Excel 2007 VBA参考大全》、《IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Statistical Procedures Companion》等。



经典图书推荐:《数据挖掘概念与技术》、《机器学习实战》、《人工智能及其应用》、《数据库系统概论》、《算法导论》、《Web数据挖掘》、《 Python标准库》、《thinking in Java》、《Thinking in C++》、《数据结构》等。

需要深入学习数据挖掘的理论基础,包括关联规则挖掘 (Apriori和FPTree)、分类算法(C4.5、KNN、Logistic Regression、SVM等) 、聚类算法 (Kmeans、Spectral Clustering)。目标可以先吃透数据挖掘10大算法各自的使用情况和优缺点。

相对SAS、SPSS来说R语言更适合科研人员The R Project for Statistical Computing,因为R软件是完全免费的,而且开放的社区环境提供多种附加工具包支持,更适合进行统计计算分析研究。虽然目前在国内流行度不高,但是强烈推荐。

可以尝试改进一些主流算法使其更加快速高效,例如实现Hadoop平台下的SVM云算法调用平台--web 工程调用hadoop集群

for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence,ICDM 等等;还有数据挖掘相关领域期刊:ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from
Data,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringJournal of Machine Learning Research Homepage,IEEE
Xplore: Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on等。

可以尝试参加数据挖掘比赛培养全方面解决实际问题的能力。如Sig KDD ,Kaggle: Go from Big
Data to Big Analytics等。

可以尝试为一些开源项目贡献自己的代码,比如Apache Mahout: Scalable machine learning and data mining ,myrrix等(具体可以在SourceForgeGitHub.上发现更多好玩的项目)。

经典图书推荐:《机器学习》《模式分类》《统计学习理论的本质》《统计学习方法》《数据挖掘实用机器学习技术》《R语言实践》,英文素质是科研人才必备的《Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective》《Scaling up Machine Learning : Parallel and Distributed Approaches》《Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise
Miner : A Case Study Approach》《Python for Data Analysis》等。








Science: How do I become a data scientist?)


Before you begin, you need Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Python.

If your math background is up to multivariable calculus and linear algebra, you'll  have enough background to understand almost all of the probability / statistics / machine learning for the job.

Multivariate Calculushttps://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-resources-for-mastering-multivariable-calculus
Numerical Linear Algebra / Computational Linear Algebra / Matrix Algebra: Linear Algebra

Multivariate calculus is useful for some parts of machine learning and a lot of probability. Linear / Matrix algebra is absolutely necessary for a lot of concepts in machine learning.

You also need some programming background to begin, preferably in Python. Most other things on this guide can be learned on the job (like random forests, pandas, A/B testing), but you can't get away without knowing how to program!

Python is the most important language for a data scientist to learn.Check out 

Why is Python a language of choice for data scientists?

Is Python the most important programming language to learn for aspiring
data scientists & data miners?

For some reasoning behind that.

To learn Python, check out How can I learn to program in Python?

Plug Yourself Into the Community

Check out Meetup to find some that interest you! Attend an interesting talk, learn about data science live, and meet data scientists and other aspirational data scientists!

Start reading data science blogs and following influential data scientists!
What are the best blogs about data?

What is your source of machine learning and data science news? Why?

Data Science: what are some best users/agencies to follow on Twitter,
Facebook, G+, and LinkedIn?

What are the best Twitter accounts about data?

Setup your tools

Install Python, iPython, and related libraries (guide)

Install R and RStudio (I
would say that R is the second most important language. It's good to know both Python and R)

Install Sublime Text

Learn to use your tools

Learn R with swirl

What's the best way to learn to use Sublime Text?

What is the best way to learn SQL? (I don't think there's too much of a need to install it on your computer, but just
learning the syntax will be helpful for the job)

Learn Probability and Statistics

Be sure to go through a course that involves heavy application in R or Python.

Python Application: Think Stats (free
pdf) (Python focus)
R Applications: An
Introduction to Statistical Learning (free pdf)(MOOC)
(R focus)
Print out a copy of The Only Probability Cheatsheet You'll Ever Need

Complete Harvard's Data Science Course

This course is developed in part by a fellow Quora user, Professor Joe Blitzstein

Intro to the class
What is it like to design a data science class?

What is it like to take CS 109/Statistics 121 (Data Science) at Harvard?

Lectures and Slides

(2013) Lecture Videos

(2013) Slides

(2014) Lecture Videos

(2014) Slides

2013 Assignments

Intro to Python, Numpy, Matplotlib (Homework 0) (solutions)

Poll aggregation, web scraping, plotting, model evaluation, and forecasting (Homework
1) (solutions)

Data prediction, manipulation, and evaluation (Homework 2)

Predictive modeling, model calibration, sentiment analysis(Homework 3)

Recommendation engines, Using mapreduce (Homework 4)

Network visualization and analysis (Homework 5) (solutions)

2014 Assignments
Data manipulation, modeling, plotting (Homework 1)(solutions)

2013 Labs

Lab 2: Web Scraping

Lab 3: EDA, Pandas, Matplotlib

Lab 4: Scikit-Learn, Regression, PCA

Lab 5: Bias, Variance, Cross-Validation

Lab 6: Bayes, Linear Regression, and Metropolis Sampling

Lab 7: Gibbs Sampling

Lab 8: MapReduce

Lab 9: Networks

Lab 10: Support Vector Machines

Do most of Kaggle's Getting Started and Playground Competitions

I would NOT recommend doing any of the prize-money competitions. They usually have datasets that are too large, complicated, or annoying, and are not good for learning (Kaggle.com)

Start by learning scikit-learn, playing around, reading through tutorials and forums at Data
Science London + Scikit-learn for a simple, synthetic, binary classification task.

Next, play around some more and check out the tutorials for Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster with a slightly more complicated binary
 task (with categorical variables, missing values, etc.)

Afterwards, try some multi-class classification with Forest Cover Type Prediction.

Now, try a regression task Bike Sharing Demand that involves incorporating timestamps.

Try out some natural language processing with Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews

Finally, try out any of the other knowledge-based competitions that interest you!

Learn More

A/B Testing is just a rebranded version of what pharmaceutical companies have been doing for decades. Learn more about A/B testing here: The
Ultimate Guide To A/B Testing - Smashing Magazine

Visualization - I would recommend picking up ggplot2 in R to make simple yet beautiful graphics, checking out The
Visual Display of Quantitative Information ($), and just browsing DataIsBeautiful • /r/dataisbeautifuland FlowingData for
ideas and inspiration.

User Behavior - This set of blogs posts looks useful and interesting - This Explains Everything " User Behavior

Do Side Projects

What are some good "toy problems" in data science?

How can I start building a recommendation engine?

What are some ideas for a quick weekend Python project?

What is a good measure of the influence of a Twitter user?

Where can I find large datasets open to the public?

What are some good algorithms for a prioritized inbox?

What are some good data science projects?

Code in Public

Create public github respositories, make a blog, and post your work, side projects, Kaggle solutions, insights, and thoughts! This helps you gain visibility, build a portfolio for your resume, and connect with other people working on the same tasks

Check out more specific versions of this question:
How do I become a data scientist as an undergrad?

How do I become a data scientist, almost finishing school and without
the necessary skills?

How do I become a data scientist as a PhD student?

How do I become a data scientist, while currently working in a different job?

How can I apply for Data Scientist job without holding a PhD?

How do I become a data scientist in India?

How do I become a data scientist without going to college/having a degree?

Think like a Data Scientist

In addition to the concrete steps I listed above to develop the skillset of a data scientist, I include seven challenges below so you can learn to think like a data scientist and develop the right attitude
to become one.

(1) Satiate your curiosity through data

As a data scientist you write your own questions and answers. Data scientists are naturally curious about the data that they're looking at, and are creative with ways to approach and solve whatever problem needs to be solved.

Much of data science is not the analysis itself, but discovering an interesting question and figuring out how to answer it.

Here are two great examples:
Hilary: the most poisoned baby name in US history

A Look at Fire Response Data

Challenge: Think of a problem or topic you're interested in and answer it with data!

(2) Read news with a skeptical eye

Much of the contribution of a data scientist (and why it's really hard to replace a data scientist with a machine), is that a data scientist will tell you what's important and what's spurious. This persistent skepticism is healthy in all sciences, and is especially
necessarily in a fast-paced environment where it's too easy to let a spurious result be misinterpreted.

You can adopt this mindset yourself by reading news with a critical eye.Many news articles have inherently flawed main premises. Try these two articles. Sample answers are available in the comments.

Easier: You Love Your iPhone. Literally.

Harder: Who predicted Russia’s military intervention?

Challenge: Do this every day when you encounter a news article. Comment on the article and point out the flaws.

(3) See data as a tool to improve consumer products

Visit a consumer internet product (probably that you know doesn't do extensive A/B testing already), and then think about their main funnel. Do they have a checkout funnel? Do they have a signup funnel? Do they have a virility mechanism? Do they have an engagement

Go through the funnel multiple times and hypothesize about different ways it could do better to increase a core metric (conversion rate, shares, signups, etc.). Design an experiment to verify if your suggested change can actually change the core metric.

Challenge: Share it with the feedback email for the consumer internet site!

(4) Think like a Bayesian

To think like a Bayesian, avoid the Base rate fallacy. This means to form new beliefs you must incorporate both newly observed information AND prior
information formed through intuition and experience.

Checking your dashboard, user engagement numbers are significantly down today. Which of the following is most likely?

1. Users are suddenly less engaged

2. Feature of site broke

3. Logging feature broke

Even though explanation #1 completely explains the drop, #2 and #3 should be more likely because they have a much higher prior probability.

You're in senior management at Tesla, and five of Tesla's Model S's have caught fire in the last five months. Which is more likely?

1. Manufacturing quality has decreased and Teslas should now be deemed unsafe.

2. Safety has not changed and fires in Tesla Model S's are still much rarer than their counterparts in gasoline cars.

While #1 is an easy explanation (and great for media coverage), your prior should be strong on #2 because of your regular quality testing. However, you should still be seeking information that can update your beliefs on #1 versus #2 (and still find ways
to improve safety). Question for thought: what information should you seek?

Challenge: Identify the last time you committed the Base rate fallacy. Avoid committing the fallacy from now on.

(5) Know the limitations of your tools

“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” - Miles Kington

Knowledge is knowing how to perform a ordinary linear regression, wisdom is realizing how rare it applies cleanly in practice.

Knowledge is knowing five different variations of K-means clustering, wisdom is realizing how rarely actual data can be cleanly clustered, and how poorly K-means clustering can work with too many features.

Knowledge is knowing a vast range of sophisticated techniques, but wisdom is being able to choose the one that will provide the most amount of impact for the company in a reasonable amount of time.

You may develop a vast range of tools while you go through your Coursera or EdX courses, but your toolbox is not useful until you know which tools to use.

Challenge: Apply several tools to a real dataset and discover the tradeoffs and limitations of each tools. Which tools worked best, and can you figure out why?

(6) Teach a complicated concept

How does Richard Feynman distinguish which concepts he understands and which concepts he doesn't?

Feynman was a truly great teacher. He prided himself on being able to devise ways to explain even the most profound ideas to beginning students. Once, I said to him, "Dick, explain to me, so that I can understand it, why spin one-half particles obey Fermi-Dirac
statistics." Sizing up his audience perfectly, Feynman said, "I'll prepare a freshman lecture on it." But he came back a few days later to say, "I couldn't do it. I couldn't reduce it to the freshman level. That means we don't really understand it." - David
L. Goodstein, Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun

What distinguished Richard Feynman was his ability to distill complex concepts into comprehendible ideas. Similarly, what distinguishes top data scientists is their ability to cogently share their ideas and explain their analyses.

Check out Edwin Chen's answers to these questions for examples of cogently-explained technical concepts:
Is there any summary of top models for the Netflix prize?

What is a good explanation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation?

What is Least Angle Regression and when should it be used?

Challenge: Teach a technical concept to a friend or on a public forum, like Quora or YouTube.

(7) Convince others about what's important

Perhaps even more important than a data scientist's ability to explain their analysis is their ability to communicate the value and potential impact of the actionable insights.

Certain tasks of data science will be commoditized as data science tools become better and better. New tools will make obsolete certain tasks such as writing dashboards, unnecessary data wrangling, and even specific kinds of predictive

However, the need for a data scientist to extract out and communicate what's important will never be made obsolete. With increasing amounts of data and potential insights, companies will always need data scientists (or people in data science-like
roles), to triage all that can be done and prioritize tasks based on impact.

The data scientist's role in the company is the serve as the ambassador between the data and the company. The success of a data scientist is measured by how well he/she can tell a story and make an impact. Every other skill is
amplified by this ability.

Challenge: Tell a story with statistics. Communicate the important findings in a dataset. Make a convincing presentation that your audience cares about.

Any feedback on this post is appreciated - in the comments, as a suggested edit, or in a private message.

If you liked this material, please consider following:

1) Me! William Chen

2) My personal blog, Storytelling with Statistics

3) Learn Data Science, where I am curating material on Quora that is relevant for anyone seeking to become a data scientist!

The best way to become a data scientist is to learn - and do - data science. There are a many excellent courses and tools available online that can help you get there. 

Here is an incredible list of resources compiled by Jonathan Dinu, Co-founder of Zipfian Academy, which trains data scientists and data engineers in San Francisco via
immersive programs, fellowships, and workshops.

EDIT: I've had several requests for a permalink to this answer. See here: A Practical Intro to Data Science
from Zipfian Academy 

EDIT2: See also: "How to Become a Data Scientist" on SlideShare:http://www.slideshare.net/ryanor...


Python is a great programming language of choice for aspiring data scientists due to its general purpose applicability, a gentle (or firm)
learning curve, and — perhaps the most compelling reason — the rich ecosystem of resourcesand libraries actively
used by the scientific community. 


When learning a new language in a new domain, it helps immensely to have an interactive environment to explore and to receive immediate feedback. IPython provides an interactive REPL which also allows you to integrate a wide variety of frameworks (including R)
into your Python programs. 


Data scientists are better at software engineering than statisticians and better at statistics than any software engineer. As such, statistical inference underpins much of the theory behind data analysis and a solid foundation of statistical methods and probability
serves as a stepping stone into the world of data science.

edX: Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: A basic introductory statistics course. 

Coursera Statistics, Making Sense of Data: A applied Statistics course that teaches the complete pipeline of statistical analysis 

MIT: Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis: Introduction to probability, sampling,
regression, common distributions, and inference. 

While R is the de facto standard for performing statistical analysis, it has quite a high learning curve and there are other areas of data science for which it is not well suited. To avoid learning a new language for a specific problem domain, we recommend
trying to perform the exercises of these courses with Python and its numerous statistical libraries. You will find that much of the functionality of R can be replicated with NumPy,
@SciPy, @Matplotlib, and @Python
Data Analysis Library


Well-written books can be a great reference (and supplement) to these courses, and also provide a more independent learning experience. These may be useful if you already have some knowledge of the subject or just need to fill in some gaps in your understanding:

O'Reilly Think Stats: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Python programmers

Introduction to Probability: Textbook for Berkeley’s Stats 134 class, an introductory treatment of probability with complementary exercises. 

Berkeley Lecture Notes, Introduction to Probability: Compiled lecture notes of above textbook, complete with exercises. 

OpenIntro: Statistics: Introductory text book with supplementary exercises and labs in an online portal. 

Think Bayes: An simple introduction to Bayesian Statistics with Python code examples. 


A solid base of Computer Science and algorithms is essential for an aspiring data scientist. Luckily there are a wealth of great resources online, and machine learning is one of the more lucrative (and advanced) skills of a data scientist.

Coursera Machine Learning: Stanford’s famous machine learning course taught by Andrew Ng.

Coursera: Computational Methods for Data Analysis: Statistical methods and data analysis applied to physical, engineering, and biological sciences.

MIT Data Mining: An introduction to the techniques of data mining and how to apply ML algorithms to garner

Edx: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: The first half of Berkeley’s popular AI course that
teaches you to build autonomous agents to efficiently make decisions in stochastic and adversarial settings. 

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming: MIT’s introductory course to the theory and application of Computer Science.

UCI: A First Encounter with Machine Learning: An introduction to machine learning concepts focusing on the intuition and explanation
behind why they work. 

A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining: A web based book complete with code samples (in Python) and exercises. 

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python: An introduction to computer science with code examples in Python — covers algorithm
analysis, data structures, sorting algorithms, and object oriented design. 

An Introduction to Data Mining: An interactive Decision Tree guide (with hyperlinked lectures) to learning data mining and ML. 

Elements of Statistical Learning: One of the most comprehensive treatments of data mining and ML, often used as a university textbook. 

Stanford: An Introduction to Information Retrieval: Textbook from a Stanford course on NLP and information retrieval with sections on text
classification, clustering, indexing, and web crawling. 


One of the most under-appreciated aspects of data science is the cleaning and munging of data that often represents the most significant time sink during analysis. While there is never a silver bullet for such a problem, knowing the right tools, techniques,
and approaches can help minimize time spent wrangling data.

School of Data: A Gentle Introduction to Cleaning Data: A hands on approach to learning to clean data, with plenty of exercises and web resources. 

Predictive Analytics: Data Preparation: An introduction to the concepts and techniques of sampling data, accounting
for erroneous values, and manipulating the data to transform it into acceptable formats. 

OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine): A powerful tool for working with messy data, cleaning, transforming, extending it with web services, and linking to databases. Think
Excel on steroids. 

Data Wrangler: Stanford research project that provides an interactive tool for data cleaning and transformation. 

sed - an Introduction and Tutorial: “The ultimate stream editor,” used to process files with regular expressions often used for substitution. 

awk - An Introduction and Tutorial: “Another cornerstone of UNIX shell programming” — used for processing rows and columns of information. 


The most insightful data analysis is useless unless you can effectively communicate your results. The art of visualization has a long history, and while being one of the most qualitative aspects of data science its methods and tools are well documented.

UC Berkeley Visualization: Graduate class on the techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations. 

Rice University Data Visualization: A treatment of data visualization and how to meaningfully present information from the perspective of Statistics. 

Harvard University Introduction to Computing, Modeling, and Visualization: Connects
the concepts of computing with data to the process of interactively visualizing results. 

Tufte: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information: Not freely available, but perhaps the most influential text for the subject of data visualization.
A classic that defined the field.

School of Data: From Data to Diagrams: A gentle introduction to plotting and charting data, with exercises.

Predictive Analytics: Overview and Data Visualization: An introduction to the process of predictive modeling, and a
treatment of the visualization of its results.

D3.js: Data-Driven Documents — Declarative manipulation of DOM elements with data dependent functions (with Python

Vega: A visualization grammar built on top of D3 for declarative visualizations in JSON. Released by the dream team at Trifacta,
it provides a higher level abstraction than D3 for creating “ or SVG based graphics.

Rickshaw: A charting library built on top of D3 with a focus on interactive time series graphs. 

Modest Maps: A lightweight library with a simple interface for working with maps in the browser (with ports to multiple languages).

Chart.js: Very simple (only six charts) HTML5 “ based plotting library with beautiful styling and animation. 


When you start operating with data at the scale of the web (or greater), the fundamental approach
and process of analysis must change. To combat the ever increasing amount of data, Google developed the MapReduceparadigm.
This programming model has become the de facto standard for large scale batch processing since the release of Apache Hadoop in 2007, the open-source MapReduce framework.

UC Berkeley: Analyzing Big Data with Twitter: A course — taught in close collaboration with Twitter — that focuses on the tools and algorithms for data
analysis as applied to Twitter microblog data (with project based curriculum).

Coursera: Web Intelligence and Big Data: An introduction to dealing with large quantities of data from the web; how the tools and techniques for acquiring, manipulating,
querying, and analyzing data change at scale.

CMU: Machine Learning with Large Datasets: A course on scaling machine learning algorithms
on Hadoop to handle massive datasets.

U of Chicago: Large Scale Learning: A treatment of handling large datasets through dimensionality reduction, classification, feature parametrization,
and efficient data structures.

UC Berkeley: Scalable Machine Learning: A broad introduction to the systems, algorithms, models, and optimizations necessary at scale.

Mining Massive Datasets: Stanford course resources on large scale machine learning and MapReduce with accompanying book.

Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce: An introduction to algorithms for the indexing and processing of text that teaches you to “think
in MapReduce.”

Hadoop: The Definitive Guide: The most thorough treatment of the Hadoop framework, a great tutorial and
reference alike.

Programming Pig: An introduction to the Pig framework for programming data flows on Hadoop.


Data Science is an inherently multidisciplinary field that requires a myriad of skills to be a proficient practitioner. The necessary curriculum has
not fit into traditional course offerings, but as awareness of the need for
individuals who have such abilities is growing, we are seeing universities and private companies creating custom classes.

UC Berkeley: Introduction to Data Science: A course taught by Jeff Hammerbacher and Mike Franklin that highlights each of the varied skills that a Data Scientist must be proficient

How to Process, Analyze, and Visualize Data: A lab oriented course that teaches you the entire pipeline of data science; from acquiring datasets and analyzing them
at scale to effectively visualizing the results.

Coursera: Introduction to Data Science: A tour of the basic techniques for Data Science including SQL and NoSQL databases, MapReduce on Hadoop, ML algorithms,
and data visualization.

Columbia: Introduction to Data Science: A very comprehensive course that covers all aspects of data science, with an humanistic treatment of the field.

Columbia: Applied Data Science (with book):
Another Columbia course — teaches applied software development fundamentals using real data, targeted towards people with mathematical backgrounds.

Coursera: Data Analysis (with notes and lectures):
An applied statistics course that covers algorithms and techniques for analyzing data and interpreting the results to communicate your findings.

An Introduction to Data Science: The companion
textbook to Syracuse University’s flagship course for their new Data Science program.

Kaggle: Getting Started With Python For Data Science: A guided tour of setting up a development environment, an introduction to making
your first competition submission, and validating your results.


Data science is infinitely complex field and this is just the beginning.

 If you want to get your hands dirty and gain experience working with these tools in a collaborative environment, check out our programs athttp://zipfianacademy.com

There's also a great SlideShare summarizing these skills: How to Become a Data Scientist

You're also invited to connect with us on Twitter @zipfianacademy and let us know if you want to learn more about any of these topi
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