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c语言 vs2013 安全检查

2015-04-07 19:52 274 查看


#include <stdio.h>


#define MSG "You must have many talents.Tell me some."//一个符号字符号常量

#define LIM 5

#define LINELEN 81

int main(void)


    char name[LINELEN];

    char talents[LINELEN];

    int i;

    const char m1[40] = "Limit yourself to one line's worth.";

    const char m2[] = "If you can't think of anything. fake it.";

    const char *m3 = "\nEnough about me - what's your name?";

    const char *mytal[LIM] = { "Adding numbers swiftly",

        "Multiplying accurately", "Stashing data",

        "Following instructions to the letter",

        "Understanding the C language" };

    printf("Hi! I'm Clyde the Computer.""I have many talents.\n");

    printf("Let me tell you some of them.\n");

    puts("What's were they? Ah, yes, here's a partial list.");

    for (i = 0; i < LIM; i++)




    printf("Well, %s, %s\n", name, MSG);

    printf("%s\n%s\n", m1, m2);


    puts("Let's see if I've got that list:");


    printf("Thanks for the information, %s.\n", name);


    return 0;

这样的代码在VS2013中是错误的,必须加上#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS而且必须加在代码的最顶端 不然还是会报错。

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标签:  c语言 编程 计算机 vs