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2015-04-07 09:26 295 查看
int main(){
    int array[4][3] = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9},{10,11,12}};
    int (*p)[3] = NULL;
    p = array;  // p is same as array,the use of p is same as array.
                //so p is the two-devision pointer same as array
    int *p1 = &array[0][0]; //p1 is the one-devision pointer
    int *p2 = array[0];
    //int **p3 = array;  this is wrong. the array's kind is int(*)[3]
    //but p3 is int**
    printf("%d  ",*array[0]);//out:1
 think array is the one-devsion array
    //so (*p) is the header pointer of the one-devision array
    //so (*p)[1],(*p)[2]......(*p)[i] is right
    printf("%d  ",(*p)[0]);//out:1
    printf("%d  ",(*p)[1]);//out:2
    printf("%d  ",(*p)[2]);//out:3
    printf("(*p)[3]:%d  ",(*p)[3]);//out:4
    printf("(*p)[4]:%d  ",(*p)[4]);//out:5
    printf("(*p)[5]:%d  ",(*p)[5]);//out:6

    //think p is same totaly as array
    //*p pointing the zero row
    //*(p+1) pointing the one row
    //*(p+2) pointing the two row
    //*(p+3) pointing the three row
    //and array is four rows, so *(p+4) is overflow
    printf("%d  ",(*(p+1))[0]);   //out:4
    printf("%d  ",(*(p+2))[0]);   //out:7
    printf("%d  ",*(p+3)[0]);   //out:10
    printf("%d  ",*(p+3)[1]);   //overflow
    printf("%d  ",(*(p+3))[1]);   //11
    printf("%d  ",(*(array+3))[1]);//11
    printf("%d  ",*(array+3)[1]);//overflow
    printf("*(array+3)[0]: %d  ",*(array+3)[0]); //10
    printf("*(array+3)[1]: %d \n ",*(array+3)[1]); //overflow
    printf("%d  \n",*(*(p+3)+1));                   //out:11 
    printf("*(array[3*3+1]):%d  \n",*(array[3*3+1])); //overflow
    printf("*array[3*3+1]:%d  \n",*array[3*3+1]); //overflow
    //printf("*array[3*3+1]:%d  ",**array[3*3+1]); // is wrong **array[3*3+1]
    printf("%d  \n",*p[3*3+1]);  //overflow
    printf("*(array[3]+1):%d  \n",*(array[3]+1));  //11
    printf("%d \n ",*(p+4)[0]);   //overflow

   /*all below is wrong. p1 is the pointer pointing array[0][0]
    *  pi++ pointing array[0][1] and so on .the adder is sizeof(int)
    printf("%d  ",(*p1)[0]);//out:1
    printf("%d  ",(*p1)[1]);//out:2
    printf("%d  ",(*p1)[2]);//out:3
    printf("(*p1)[3]:%d  ",(*p1)[3]);//out:4
    printf("(*p1)[4]:%d  ",(*p1)[4]);//out:5
    printf("(*p1)[5]:%d  ",(*p1)[5]);//out:6
    printf("%d  ",*(p1+1)[0]);   //out:4
    printf("%d  ",*(p1+2)[0]);   //out:7
    printf("%d  ",*(p1+3)[0]);   //out:10
   int i = 0;
        printf("%d  ",*(p1+i));       

    // for p2=array[0]
    printf("%d  ",*p2);//1
    printf("%d  ",*p2+10); //11 
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+1));//2
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+2));//3
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+3));//4
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+4));//5
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+5));//6
    printf("%d  ",*(p2+6));//7
    printf("%d  ", *p2++); //1
    printf("%d  ",*p2);



访问二维数组array[i][j]的方法有3种:*(array[i]+j) array[i][j] *(*(array+i)+j)

当int (*p)[3]=array时,p和array是一样的,都是行指针,则在行指针进行加法运算时,是行间的移动,例如array+i 和p+i,是跨行的移动

int *p1=&array[0][0] 此时p1是一维指针,则现在将二维数组看作一个一维数组,然后p1的移位操作来进行逐个元素进行访问。


还要注意的是:int *a[3] 说明的先后顺序是:p-->[3]-->*-->int 先说明数组,再说明指针;这是一个指针数组(指针数组,数组存储的是指针,将在下一篇文章中讲解)


printf("%d  ",*(p+3)[1]);   //overflow
printf("%d  ",(*(p+3))[1]);   //11
printf("%d  ",(*(array+3))[1]);//11
printf("%d  ",*(array+3)[1]);//overflow

printf("*array[3*3+1]:%d \n",*array[3*3+1]); //overflow

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