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[转] 学习HTML/JavaScript/PHP 三者的关系以及各自的作用

2015-03-24 13:59 656 查看
1.What is HTML?

When you write a normal document using a word processor like Microsoft Word/Office, your text is saved in a file with a special format. It is not simply saved as the string of words you typed since the document needs to preserve things like the font you chose, the size of the text, which words are in bold, which italics, and so on. The special format includes not only your words, but all these extra information so that the next time Word opens your document, it can display the document with the exact appearance you created earlier.


In the same way, web pages are simply strings of words put in a special format that web browsers are able to display. While the format of Word documents is simply called "Word format" (or "doc format"), loosely speaking, one might say that web pages are formatted using "HTML". Take the paragraph of text in the box below for example:

This is an example paragraph to illustrate what HTML is, for the purpose of explaining common terms like HTML, JavaScript and PHP.

If you were to peek into the raw code for the above words, you will see the following:

This is an example paragraph to illustrate what HTML is, for the purpose of <a href="http://www.thesitewizard.com/html-tutorial/what-is-html.shtml">explaining common terms like HTML, JavaScript and PHP</a>.

Notice that it is more or less like the text given earlier, except that there is additional information embedded. For example, the portion that says
<a href="http://www.thesitewizard.com/html-tutorial/what-is-html.shtml">
(which I placed in a different font above to make it easier to spot) tells the web browser that what follows, until
is reached, is to be regarded as a link pointing at the web address http://www.thesitewizard.com/html-tutorial/what-is-html.shtml
When the web browser sees this information, it makes the words "explaining common terms like... [etc]" appear as the blue underlined text that represents a clickable link. The rest of the text is just displayed as-is.

2. What are JavaScript and PHP

Since the HTML/CSS combination is analogous to the data found in a Word document, it is good only for displaying information.

If you want your web pages to do different things depending on the situation, you will need a programming language. For example, some websites want to provide a membership facility where people can log into the site, and access certain information. Other sites provide a feedback form so that visitors can contact them. All these things require facilities that a simple document format cannot do.

Programs written in JavaScript run in the web browser itself, so if your website has a JavaScript program, the program will be automatically fetched by your visitor's browser and executed on his/her computer.

的程序, 这段程序就会被返回给用户。然后你的浏览器把这段程序表示出来。

PHP and Perl programs, on the other hand, run
on the computer where your website is located, that is, on
your web host's
computer. After the PHP or Perl program does what it needs to do,
it sends the result to the visitor's web browser, which merely
displays the results.


JavaScript, PHP and Perl are three of the most
commonly-used programming languages on the Internet. They are used
by websites to carry out more complicated operations.


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