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2015-03-17 18:46 393 查看

1,环境iMac OS X 10.9.5

2,工具Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052c)



UI AUtoMonkey是一款非常简单的IOS压力测试工具。通过它,你可以向ios设备发送滑动、拖动、旋转、甚至锁屏和解锁指令。原文github地址:https://github.com/jonathanpenn/ui-auto-monkey

            下一步,在选择器中选择“UI Automation”。当我们创建了自动化模板后,就可以测试app的性能了。
            在Scripts面板中,点击“Editor Log”,在下拉列表中选择“Script”,点击“Add”按钮,在下拉列表中选择”Create”,就可以新建一个js脚本。


源码:"use strict";

function UIAutoMonkey() {




    this.config = {


    numberOfEvents: 1000,           //产生随机事件的个数


    delayBetweenEvents: 0.05,    // 事件之间的延迟时间


        // If the following line is uncommented, then screenshots are taken


        // every "n" seconds.


        //screenshotInterval: 5,



        // Events are triggered based on the relative weights here. The event


        // with this highest number gets triggered the most.




        // If you want to add your own "events", check out the event method


        // definitions below.


    eventWeights: {                 //每个事件的触发几率,如果tab事件的值为100、orientation事件的值为1,那么tab事件触发的几率就是orientation的100倍。


    tap: 500,


    drag: 1,            //拖


    flick: 1,           //轻击


    orientation: 1, //定位


    clickVolumeUp: 1,


    clickVolumeDown: 1,


    lock: 1,


    pinchClose: 10,     //捏


    pinchOpen: 10,


    shake: 1            //动摇



        // Probability that touch events will have these different properties


    touchProbability: {     //控制着不同种类的tab事件


    multipleTaps: 0.05,


    multipleTouches: 0.05,


    longPress: 0.05





        // Uncomment the following to restrict events to a rectangluar area of


        // the screen




         frame: {


         origin: {x: 0, y: 0},


         size: {width: 320, height: 480}











// Event Methods

// Any event probability in the hash above corresponds to a related event

// method below. So, a "tap" probability will trigger a "tap" method.


// If you want to add your own events, just add a probability to the hash

// above and then add a corresponding method below. Boom!

// Each event method can call any other method on this UIAutoMonkey object.

// All the methods at the end are helpers at your disposal and feel free to

// add your own.

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.allEvents = {


tap: function() {




                                 { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },




                                 tapCount: this.randomTapCount(),


                                 touchCount: this.randomTouchCount(),


                                 duration: this.randomTapDuration()








drag: function() {




                                        { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },


                                        { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },








flick: function() {




                              { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },


                              { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() }






orientation: function() {


    var orientations = [















    var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % orientations.length;


    var newOrientation = orientations[i];








clickVolumeUp: function() {









clickVolumeDown: function() {





lock: function() {


    this.target().lockForDuration(Math.random() * 3);







pinchClose: function () {




                                              { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },


                                              { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },











pinchOpen: function () {




                                             { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },


                                             { x: this.randomX(), y: this.randomY() },











shake: function() { //摇







// --- --- --- ---

// Helper methods

UIAutoMonkey.prototype.RELEASE_THE_MONKEY = function() {


    // Called at the bottom of this script to, you know...









    for(var i = 0; i < this.config.numberOfEvents; i++) {




        if (this.config.screenshotInterval) this.takeScreenShotIfItIsTime();







UIAutoMonkey.prototype.triggerRandomEvent = function() {


    var name = this.chooseEventName();


    // Find the event method based on the name of the event


    var event = this.allEvents[name];





UIAutoMonkey.prototype.target = function() {


    // Return the local target.


    return UIATarget.localTarget();



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.delay = function(seconds) {


    // Delay the target by `seconds` (can be a fraction)


    // Defaults to setting in configuration


    seconds = seconds || this.config.delayBetweenEvents;





UIAutoMonkey.prototype.chooseEventName = function() {


    // Randomly chooses an event name from the `eventsWeight` dictionary


    // based on the given weights.


    var calculatedEventWeights = [];


    var totalWeight = 0;


    var events = this.config.eventWeights;


    for (var event in events) {


        if (events.hasOwnProperty(event)) {




                                        weight: events[event]+totalWeight,


                                        event: event




            totalWeight += events[event];







    var chosenWeight = Math.random() * 1000 % totalWeight;





    for (var i = 0; i < calculatedEventWeights.length; i++) {


        if (chosenWeight < calculatedEventWeights[i].weight) {


            return calculatedEventWeights[i].event;






    throw "No even was chosen!";



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.screenWidth = function() {


    // Need to adjust by one to stay within rectangle


    return this.target().rect().size.width - 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.screenHeight = function() {


    // Need to adjust by one to stay within rectangle


    return this.target().rect().size.height - 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomX = function() {


    var min, max;





    if (this.config.frame){


        // Limits coordinates to given frame if set in config


        min = this.config.frame.origin.x;


        max = this.config.frame.size.width + min;


    } else {


        // Returns a random X coordinate within the screen rectangle


        min = 0;


        max = this.screenWidth();





    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min) + 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomY = function() {


    var min, max;





    if (this.config.frame){


        // Limits coordinates to given frame if set in config


        min = this.config.frame.origin.y;


        max = this.config.frame.size.height + min;


    } else {


        // Returns a random Y coordinate within the screen rectangle


        min = 0;


        max = this.screenHeight();




    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min) + 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTapCount = function() {


    // Calculates a tap count for tap events based on touch probabilities


    if (this.config.touchProbability.multipleTaps > Math.random()) {


        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % 3 + 1;




    else return 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTouchCount = function() {


    // Calculates a touch count for tap events based on touch probabilities


    if (this.config.touchProbability.multipleTouches > Math.random()) {


        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % 3 + 1;




    else return 1;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomTapDuration = function() {


    // Calculates whether or not a tap should be a long press based on


    // touch probabilities


    if (this.config.touchProbability.longPress > Math.random()) {


        return 0.5;




    else return 0;



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.randomRadians = function() {


    // Returns a random radian value


    return Math.random() * 10 % (3.14159 * 2);



UIAutoMonkey.prototype.takeScreenShotIfItIsTime = function() {


    var now = (new Date()).valueOf();


    if (!this._lastScreenshotTime) this._lastScreenshotTime = 0;


    if (now - this._lastScreenshotTime > this.config.screenshotInterval * 1000) {


        var filename = "monkey-" + (new Date()).toISOString().replace(/[:\.]+/g, "-");




        this._lastScreenshotTime = now;





// Commodity function to call RELEASE_THE_MONKEY directly on UIAutoMonkey

// if you don't need to customize your instance

UIAutoMonkey.RELEASE_THE_MONKEY = function() {


    (new UIAutoMonkey()).RELEASE_THE_MONKEY();




Note: The Automation instrument works only with apps that have been code signed with a development provisioning profile when they are built in Xcode. Apps signed with a distribution provisioning profile cannot be controlled
with the UI Automation programming interface. However, because scripts run outside your app, the app version you are testing can be the same one you submit to the App Store, as long as you rebuild it with the distribution profile.

Important: Simulated actions may not prevent your test device from auto-locking. To ensure that auto-locking does not happen, before running tests on a device, you should set the Auto-Lock setting to Never.

iOS 8 Enhancement: iOS 8 includes a new Enable UI Automation preference under Settings > Developer, which allows third-party developers finer control of when their devices are available to perform automation. For physical
iOS devices, this setting is off by default and must be enabled prior to performing any UI Automation. In the simulator, the setting is enabled by default.

Jonathan Penn
UIAutoMonkeyis available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
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