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[湖大热身赛]Flip Five(BFS+状态压缩)

2015-03-14 18:33 621 查看
Flip Five
Time Limit: 2000ms, Special Time Limit:5000ms, Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 13, Accepted users: 8
Problem 13236 : No special judgement
Problem description
This is a logic puzzle in which you have a square grid of 3×3 cells. Each cell is initially either white or black. When you click on a square it flips, or toggles, the color of that square and the colors of its four immediate north, south, east and west
neighbors that exist (they don’t exist if they would be outside the grid).

The problem is to find the minimum number of cell clicks to transform a grid of all white cells into the input grid (which is always possible). You cannot rotate the grid.

The first value in the input file is an integer P (0 < P ≤ 50) on a line by itself giving the number of problems to solve.

For each of the P problems, 3 lines of 3 characters describe the input grid. The characters in the grid descriptions are ‘*’ (for black) and ‘.’ (for white).

For each problem output a single integer giving the minimum number of clicks necessary to transform a grid of all white cells into the pattern given in the input.

Sample Input

Sample Output




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#define LL __int64
#define eps 1e-8
#define pi acos(-1)
using namespace std;
char p[5][5];
struct node{
	int k,t;
	node(int a,int b){k=a,t=b;
queue<node> q;
int vis[3000];
int BFS(){
	while (!q.empty()){
		node a=q.front();
		if (a.k==0) return a.t;
		for (int i=1;i<=3;i++)
			for (int j=1;j<=3;j++){
				int g1=a.k,g2=a.t+1;
				if (i==1){
					if (j==1){
						if (g1 & 1<<1) g1-=1<<1;
						else g1+=1<<1;
						if (g1 & 1<<2) g1-=1<<2;
						else g1+=1<<2;
						if (g1 & 1<<4) g1-=1<<4;
						else g1+=1<<4;
					if (j==2){
						if (g1 & 1<<1) g1-=1<<1;
						else g1+=1<<1;
						if (g1 & 1<<2) g1-=1<<2;
						else g1+=1<<2;
						if (g1 & 1<<3) g1-=1<<3;
						else g1+=1<<3;
						if (g1 & 1<<5) g1-=1<<5;
						else g1+=1<<5;
					if (j==3){
						if (g1 & 1<<3) g1-=1<<3;
						else g1+=1<<3;
						if (g1 & 1<<2) g1-=1<<2;
						else g1+=1<<2;
						if (g1 & 1<<6) g1-=1<<6;
						else g1+=1<<6;
				if (i==2){
					if (j==1){
						if (g1 & 1<<1) g1-=1<<1;
						else g1+=1<<1;
						if (g1 & 1<<5) g1-=1<<5;
						else g1+=1<<5;
						if (g1 & 1<<4) g1-=1<<4;
						else g1+=1<<4;
						if (g1 & 1<<7) g1-=1<<7;
						else g1+=1<<7;
					if (j==2){
						if (g1 & 1<<5) g1-=1<<5;
						else g1+=1<<5;
						if (g1 & 1<<2) g1-=1<<2;
						else g1+=1<<2;
						if (g1 & 1<<4) g1-=1<<4;
						else g1+=1<<4;
						if (g1 & 1<<6) g1-=1<<6;
						else g1+=1<<6;
						if (g1 & 1<<8) g1-=1<<8;
						else g1+=1<<8;
					if (j==3){
						if (g1 & 1<<3) g1-=1<<3;
						else g1+=1<<3;
						if (g1 & 1<<5) g1-=1<<5;
						else g1+=1<<5;
						if (g1 & 1<<6) g1-=1<<6;
						else g1+=1<<6;
						if (g1 & 1<<9) g1-=1<<9;
						else g1+=1<<9;
				if (i==3){
					if (j==1){
						if (g1 & 1<<4) g1-=1<<4;
						else g1+=1<<4;
						if (g1 & 1<<7) g1-=1<<7;
						else g1+=1<<7;
						if (g1 & 1<<8) g1-=1<<8;
						else g1+=1<<8;
					if (j==2){
						if (g1 & 1<<5) g1-=1<<5;
						else g1+=1<<5;
						if (g1 & 1<<7) g1-=1<<7;
						else g1+=1<<7;
						if (g1 & 1<<8) g1-=1<<8;
						else g1+=1<<8;
						if (g1 & 1<<9) g1-=1<<9;
						else g1+=1<<9;
					if (j==3){
						if (g1 & 1<<6) g1-=1<<6;
						else g1+=1<<6;
						if (g1 & 1<<8) g1-=1<<8;
						else g1+=1<<8;
						if (g1 & 1<<9) g1-=1<<9;
						else g1+=1<<9;
				if (vis[g1]==0) q.push(node(g1,g2));
int main(){
	int T;
	while (T--){
		int s=0;
		while (!q.empty()) q.pop();
		for (int i=1;i<=3;i++)
			for (int j=1;j<=3;j++)
				 	if (p[i][j]=='*')
	return 0;
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