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HBase source code. StoreFile

2015-03-14 10:04 369 查看
先直接粗暴的介绍在configuration中关于StoreFile的设置, 下文表达的格式为:"属性名: 默认值", 从设置中, 我们大概也可以窥探处, StoreFile可能涉及的操作.


hbase.hstore.compaction.min: 3 (以前名为: hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold)

如果HStore中的StoreFile的数目超过这个数目, 会触发小型的compaction, 不会阻塞更新. 例如默认情况下, 超过3份StoreFile会将3份StoreFile重写成1份. 显然数字设得越大, compaction发生不会那么频繁, 但一旦发生compaction可能需要更长的时间.

hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles: 10 

如果HStore中的StoreFile的数目超过这个数目, 会触发compaction, 会阻塞更新. 或者超过hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime所设定的等待时间后才允许更新.

hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime: 90000(单位ms, 因为没有说明, 所以是个人猜测)

就是当compaction发生之后, 允许阻塞更新的时间, 当超过时间的话(而且compaction未完成), 就不再阻塞, 允许更新. 

hbase.hstore.compaction.max: 10

触发小型compaction的StoreFile的最大数目, 可以理解为这个参数是用来控制一个小型compaction的时间上限.

hbase.hstore.compaction.min.size: 134217728 (单位字节, 默认: 128M)

只要StoreFile的大小小于这个数值都可以被小型compaction合并. 这个数值可能需要被减小, 特别在写入非常繁重的情形. 因为每个被compaction后的新的StoreFile仍然可能在这个值以下, 所以又可以被更进一步的compaction. 不过在很多情况, 默认值足够应用在很多场景.

hbase.hstore.compaction.max.size: 9223372036854775807 (单位字节, 默认是LONG.MAX_VALUE)

如果StoreFile的大小超过这个值, 将不会参与到compaction中去.

hbase.hstore.compaction.ratio: 1.2F

如果hbase.hstore.compaction.min.size这个参数定义了符合compaction的StoreFile的大小. 如果大于这个设定好的数字, 则通过这个参数来决定是否参与compaction. 例如这里默认是size*1.2的大小. 参数设定在1.0F~1.4F之间为建议. 其实调节这个参数是一个读写平衡的取舍. 如果把值设大了, 例如1.4F, 那么对写操作来提升代价或成本, 因为你需要对更大的StoreFile进行compaction. 与此同时, 在读操作的时候, 可以通过扫描更少的StoreFile就完成了读操作(假设你不打算利用BloomFilters).
也可以通过设定为1.0, 从而减少写操作的代价, 然而用Bloom filter来控制在读过程中需要触碰的StoreFile的数量. 在很多情况下, 默认参数足够使用.

hbase.hstore.compaction.ratio.offpeak: 5.0F

效果跟上面那个参数相同, 但是这个是非高峰期的相对空闲的时间的compaction参数. 不过需要hbase.offpeak.start.hour and hbase.offpeak.end.hour两个参数都被打开才行.

hfile.block.cache.size: 0.4

StoreFile允许占用分配给block cache的堆内存的最大比值, 默认是40%. 设为0相当于停止给StoreFile分配block cache, 不建议, 因为至少需要分配足够来存储StoreFile的索引.

hbase.regionserver.storefile.refresh.period: 0 (单位ms)

这是HBase 1.0的新功能的新参数哦!!! 这是secondary regions刷新StoreFile的周期. 设0, 即默认是关闭. 一旦secondary region刷新了region中的files, 就会看到来自于primary region的新的StoreFiles (来自flush 和 compactions). 但是太频繁的刷新会导致NameNode很大压力. 刷新的时间不能超过HFile的TTL(time to live, hbase.master.hfilecleaner.ttl可设置),
刷新请求会被拒绝. 当调节这个参数的时候, 也建议需要将hbase.master.hfilecleaner.ttl的参数也调大)


如果StoreFile中只含有已经过期的rows, 那么这个StoreFile会在小型compaction中被删除. 设为false或者非0数字都可以关掉这个功能.


1. StoreFile的生成是通过MemStore的flush.

2. 每个HStore中存在一个MemStore和很多个StoreFile, 每个StoreFile里面存放的是一个table中某个region的某个column family下的所有row

3. 为了减少StoreFile的size的大小, 可以考虑使用compression, compression会对column family进行compress. 减少StoreFile的size有利于减少I/O. 还有就是不建议Version的最多版本的这个值太大, 因为这个版本值太多也会显著增加StoreFile的size的大小, 应该折中选择.

4. 更StoreFile密切相关的操作有Compaction(compaction里面还多了一种交striped compaction, 暂时未了解), Bloom Filter和Bulkload operation, 这些部分在之后另外分别写文章, 进行阐述

5. StoreFile其实不完全等同于HFile, HFile是Hadoop File System的存储格式, StoreFile是对HFile的稍作包装或者说扩充, 提供或补充了一些方法接口, 以达到更好符合HBase的读写模式. 所以HFile有的信息StoreFile基本可以提供, StoreFile还会提供一些HFile并不支持的信息, 例如memStore的最大timestamp.

7. StoreFile要对HFile的读写都需要另外开reader和writer从file system中拿到HFile再进行操作. (HFile的部分会另外讲, HFile在HBase 1.0之后默认使用V3, 在V2的基础上加上了些安全模块)


根据上面的一些描述, 我们可以推断StoreFile的提供的一些方法和内部具有的成员:

既然需要读或写HFile, 必不可少成员: 


cacheInfo(因为BlockCache里面有StoreFile的一些信息, 别忘了), 

fileInfo一些记录这个StoreFile的信息, 例如在HDFS中的路径 , 还有这个column family中的某个qualifier的路径(一个column family可以有多个qualifier, 提醒谨记!), 还有StoreFile的类型. 这里需要特别说明, 个人理解是, 因为HBase添加了region replica这个革命性功能, 其他secondary region重primary region那里更新就需要读这个StoreFile, 但是这个StoreFile并不属于那个secondary
region的, 所以这个StoreFile对secondary region而言是reference的. 还有其他类型, 例如是不是major compaction产生的, 是不是被排除出去了不用参加minor compaction的. 其实这些上面都有提到.

sequenceId, metadata. 这是都是HFile的成员, 必须有 


reader. 用于读取HFile. (作者说将reader改为私有, writer是非成员的这种奇怪的模式是因为一般而言, StoreFile都是读多写一次的模式)


构造方法, 不解释.






创建reader, 打开reader, 关闭reader, 删除reader.

大致如此, 还有一些比较特别没想到的方法, 下面会列出source code, 有兴趣的人可以看, 1k多行啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~你们可以不用看, 但我必须看啊啊啊啊!(其实我是被老板逼出来的演员) 希望能找到bug, 然后能给apache hbase贡献几行code, 这是菜鸟的最大乐趣,

ps: 上次在DefaultMemStore上面找到bug被commit了!!!!!!!其实修改方式只是一个等号而已!~哈哈哈哈哈~但是作者写错被我发现了!!!

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;

import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HDFSBlocksDistribution;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.KVComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.FSDataInputStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileWriterV2;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.Compactor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilterFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilterWriter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableUtils;

import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;

* A Store data file.  Stores usually have one or more of these files.  They
* are produced by flushing the memstore to disk.  To
* create, instantiate a writer using {@link StoreFile.WriterBuilder}
* and append data. Be sure to add any metadata before calling close on the
* Writer (Use the appendMetadata convenience methods). On close, a StoreFile
* is sitting in the Filesystem.  To refer to it, create a StoreFile instance
* passing filesystem and path.  To read, call {@link #createReader()}.
* <p>StoreFiles may also reference store files in another Store.
* The reason for this weird pattern where you use a different instance for the
* writer and a reader is that we write once but read a lot more.
public class StoreFile {
static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StoreFile.class.getName());

// Keys for fileinfo values in HFile

/** Max Sequence ID in FileInfo */
public static final byte [] MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY = Bytes.toBytes("MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY");

/** Major compaction flag in FileInfo */
public static final byte[] MAJOR_COMPACTION_KEY =

/** Minor compaction flag in FileInfo */
public static final byte[] EXCLUDE_FROM_MINOR_COMPACTION_KEY =

/** Bloom filter Type in FileInfo */
public static final byte[] BLOOM_FILTER_TYPE_KEY =

/** Delete Family Count in FileInfo */
public static final byte[] DELETE_FAMILY_COUNT =

/** Last Bloom filter key in FileInfo */
private static final byte[] LAST_BLOOM_KEY = Bytes.toBytes("LAST_BLOOM_KEY");

/** Key for Timerange information in metadata*/
public static final byte[] TIMERANGE_KEY = Bytes.toBytes("TIMERANGE");

/** Key for timestamp of earliest-put in metadata*/
public static final byte[] EARLIEST_PUT_TS = Bytes.toBytes("EARLIEST_PUT_TS");

private final StoreFileInfo fileInfo;
private final FileSystem fs;

// Block cache configuration and reference.
private final CacheConfig cacheConf;

// Keys for metadata stored in backing HFile.
// Set when we obtain a Reader.
private long sequenceid = -1;

// max of the MemstoreTS in the KV's in this store
// Set when we obtain a Reader.
private long maxMemstoreTS = -1;

public long getMaxMemstoreTS() {
return maxMemstoreTS;

public void setMaxMemstoreTS(long maxMemstoreTS) {
this.maxMemstoreTS = maxMemstoreTS;

// If true, this file was product of a major compaction.  Its then set
// whenever you get a Reader.
private AtomicBoolean majorCompaction = null;

// If true, this file should not be included in minor compactions.
// It's set whenever you get a Reader.
private boolean excludeFromMinorCompaction = false;

/** Meta key set when store file is a result of a bulk load */
public static final byte[] BULKLOAD_TASK_KEY =
public static final byte[] BULKLOAD_TIME_KEY =

* Map of the metadata entries in the corresponding HFile
private Map<byte[], byte[]> metadataMap;

// StoreFile.Reader
private volatile Reader reader;

* Bloom filter type specified in column family configuration. Does not
* necessarily correspond to the Bloom filter type present in the HFile.
private final BloomType cfBloomType;

* Constructor, loads a reader and it's indices, etc. May allocate a
* substantial amount of ram depending on the underlying files (10-20MB?).
* @param fs  The current file system to use.
* @param p  The path of the file.
* @param conf  The current configuration.
* @param cacheConf  The cache configuration and block cache reference.
* @param cfBloomType The bloom type to use for this store file as specified
*          by column family configuration. This may or may not be the same
*          as the Bloom filter type actually present in the HFile, because
*          column family configuration might change. If this is
*          {@link BloomType#NONE}, the existing Bloom filter is ignored.
* @throws IOException When opening the reader fails.
public StoreFile(final FileSystem fs, final Path p, final Configuration conf,
final CacheConfig cacheConf, final BloomType cfBloomType) throws IOException {
this(fs, new StoreFileInfo(conf, fs, p), conf, cacheConf, cfBloomType);

* Constructor, loads a reader and it's indices, etc. May allocate a
* substantial amount of ram depending on the underlying files (10-20MB?).
* @param fs  The current file system to use.
* @param fileInfo  The store file information.
* @param conf  The current configuration.
* @param cacheConf  The cache configuration and block cache reference.
* @param cfBloomType The bloom type to use for this store file as specified
*          by column family configuration. This may or may not be the same
*          as the Bloom filter type actually present in the HFile, because
*          column family configuration might change. If this is
*          {@link BloomType#NONE}, the existing Bloom filter is ignored.
* @throws IOException When opening the reader fails.
public StoreFile(final FileSystem fs, final StoreFileInfo fileInfo, final Configuration conf,
final CacheConfig cacheConf,  final BloomType cfBloomType) throws IOException {
this.fs = fs;
this.fileInfo = fileInfo;
this.cacheConf = cacheConf;

if (BloomFilterFactory.isGeneralBloomEnabled(conf)) {
this.cfBloomType = cfBloomType;
} else {
LOG.info("Ignoring bloom filter check for file " + this.getPath() + ": " +
"cfBloomType=" + cfBloomType + " (disabled in config)");
this.cfBloomType = BloomType.NONE;

* Clone
* @param other The StoreFile to clone from
public StoreFile(final StoreFile other) {
this.fs = other.fs;
this.fileInfo = other.fileInfo;
this.cacheConf = other.cacheConf;
this.cfBloomType = other.cfBloomType;

* @return the StoreFile object associated to this StoreFile.
*         null if the StoreFile is not a reference.
public StoreFileInfo getFileInfo() {
return this.fileInfo;

* @return Path or null if this StoreFile was made with a Stream.
public Path getPath() {
return this.fileInfo.getPath();

* @return Returns the qualified path of this StoreFile
public Path getQualifiedPath() {
return this.fileInfo.getPath().makeQualified(fs);

* @return True if this is a StoreFile Reference; call after {@link #open()}
* else may get wrong answer.
public boolean isReference() {
return this.fileInfo.isReference();

* @return True if this file was made by a major compaction.
public boolean isMajorCompaction() {
if (this.majorCompaction == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("This has not been set yet");
return this.majorCompaction.get();

* @return True if this file should not be part of a minor compaction.
public boolean excludeFromMinorCompaction() {
return this.excludeFromMinorCompaction;

* @return This files maximum edit sequence id.
public long getMaxSequenceId() {
return this.sequenceid;

public long getModificationTimeStamp() throws IOException {
return (fileInfo == null) ? 0 : fileInfo.getModificationTime();

* Only used by the Striped Compaction Policy
* @param key
* @return value associated with the metadata key
public byte[] getMetadataValue(byte[] key) {
return metadataMap.get(key);

* Return the largest memstoreTS found across all storefiles in
* the given list. Store files that were created by a mapreduce
* bulk load are ignored, as they do not correspond to any specific
* put operation, and thus do not have a memstoreTS associated with them.
* @return 0 if no non-bulk-load files are provided or, this is Store that
* does not yet have any store files.
public static long getMaxMemstoreTSInList(Collection<StoreFile> sfs) {
long max = 0;
for (StoreFile sf : sfs) {
if (!sf.isBulkLoadResult()) {
max = Math.max(max, sf.getMaxMemstoreTS());
return max;

* Return the highest sequence ID found across all storefiles in
* the given list.
* @param sfs
* @return 0 if no non-bulk-load files are provided or, this is Store that
* does not yet have any store files.
public static long getMaxSequenceIdInList(Collection<StoreFile> sfs) {
long max = 0;
for (StoreFile sf : sfs) {
max = Math.max(max, sf.getMaxSequenceId());
return max;

* Check if this storefile was created by bulk load.
* When a hfile is bulk loaded into HBase, we append
* '_SeqId_<id-when-loaded>' to the hfile name, unless
* "hbase.mapreduce.bulkload.assign.sequenceNumbers" is
* explicitly turned off.
* If "hbase.mapreduce.bulkload.assign.sequenceNumbers"
* is turned off, fall back to BULKLOAD_TIME_KEY.
* @return true if this storefile was created by bulk load.
boolean isBulkLoadResult() {
boolean bulkLoadedHFile = false;
String fileName = this.getPath().getName();
int startPos = fileName.indexOf("SeqId_");
if (startPos != -1) {
bulkLoadedHFile = true;
return bulkLoadedHFile || metadataMap.containsKey(BULKLOAD_TIME_KEY);

* Return the timestamp at which this bulk load file was generated.
public long getBulkLoadTimestamp() {
byte[] bulkLoadTimestamp = metadataMap.get(BULKLOAD_TIME_KEY);
return (bulkLoadTimestamp == null) ? 0 : Bytes.toLong(bulkLoadTimestamp);

* @return the cached value of HDFS blocks distribution. The cached value is
* calculated when store file is opened.
public HDFSBlocksDistribution getHDFSBlockDistribution() {
return this.fileInfo.getHDFSBlockDistribution();

* Opens reader on this store file.  Called by Constructor.
* @return Reader for the store file.
* @throws IOException
* @see #closeReader(boolean)
private Reader open() throws IOException {
if (this.reader != null) {
throw new IllegalAccessError("Already open");

// Open the StoreFile.Reader
this.reader = fileInfo.open(this.fs, this.cacheConf);

// Load up indices and fileinfo. This also loads Bloom filter type.
metadataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.reader.loadFileInfo());

// Read in our metadata.
byte [] b = metadataMap.get(MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY);
if (b != null) {
// By convention, if halfhfile, top half has a sequence number > bottom
// half. Thats why we add one in below. Its done for case the two halves
// are ever merged back together --rare.  Without it, on open of store,
// since store files are distinguished by sequence id, the one half would
// subsume the other.
this.sequenceid = Bytes.toLong(b);
if (fileInfo.isTopReference()) {
this.sequenceid += 1;

if (isBulkLoadResult()){
// generate the sequenceId from the fileName
// fileName is of the form <randomName>_SeqId_<id-when-loaded>_
String fileName = this.getPath().getName();
// Use lastIndexOf() to get the last, most recent bulk load seqId.
int startPos = fileName.lastIndexOf("SeqId_");
if (startPos != -1) {
this.sequenceid = Long.parseLong(fileName.substring(startPos + 6,
fileName.indexOf('_', startPos + 6)));
// Handle reference files as done above.
if (fileInfo.isTopReference()) {
this.sequenceid += 1;

b = metadataMap.get(HFileWriterV2.MAX_MEMSTORE_TS_KEY);
if (b != null) {
this.maxMemstoreTS = Bytes.toLong(b);

b = metadataMap.get(MAJOR_COMPACTION_KEY);
if (b != null) {
boolean mc = Bytes.toBoolean(b);
if (this.majorCompaction == null) {
this.majorCompaction = new AtomicBoolean(mc);
} else {
} else {
// Presume it is not major compacted if it doesn't explicity say so
// HFileOutputFormat explicitly sets the major compacted key.
this.majorCompaction = new AtomicBoolean(false);

this.excludeFromMinorCompaction = (b != null && Bytes.toBoolean(b));

BloomType hfileBloomType = reader.getBloomFilterType();
if (cfBloomType != BloomType.NONE) {
if (hfileBloomType != cfBloomType) {
LOG.info("HFile Bloom filter type for "
+ reader.getHFileReader().getName() + ": " + hfileBloomType
+ ", but " + cfBloomType + " specified in column family "
+ "configuration");
} else if (hfileBloomType != BloomType.NONE) {
LOG.info("Bloom filter turned off by CF config for "
+ reader.getHFileReader().getName());

// load delete family bloom filter

try {
byte [] timerangeBytes = metadataMap.get(TIMERANGE_KEY);
if (timerangeBytes != null) {
this.reader.timeRangeTracker = new TimeRangeTracker();
Writables.copyWritable(timerangeBytes, this.reader.timeRangeTracker);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Error reading timestamp range data from meta -- " +
"proceeding without", e);
this.reader.timeRangeTracker = null;
return this.reader;

* @return Reader for StoreFile. creates if necessary
* @throws IOException
public Reader createReader() throws IOException {
if (this.reader == null) {
try {
this.reader = open();
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
} catch (IOException ee) {
throw e;

return this.reader;

* @return Current reader.  Must call createReader first else returns null.
* @see #createReader()
public Reader getReader() {
return this.reader;

* @param evictOnClose whether to evict blocks belonging to this file
* @throws IOException
public synchronized void closeReader(boolean evictOnClose)
throws IOException {
if (this.reader != null) {
this.reader = null;

* Delete this file
* @throws IOException
public void deleteReader() throws IOException {
this.fs.delete(getPath(), true);

public String toString() {
return this.fileInfo.toString();

* @return a length description of this StoreFile, suitable for debug output
public String toStringDetailed() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", isReference=").append(isReference());
sb.append(", isBulkLoadResult=").append(isBulkLoadResult());
if (isBulkLoadResult()) {
sb.append(", bulkLoadTS=").append(getBulkLoadTimestamp());
} else {
sb.append(", seqid=").append(getMaxSequenceId());
sb.append(", majorCompaction=").append(isMajorCompaction());

return sb.toString();

public static class WriterBuilder {
private final Configuration conf;
private final CacheConfig cacheConf;
private final FileSystem fs;

private KeyValue.KVComparator comparator = KeyValue.COMPARATOR;
private BloomType bloomType = BloomType.NONE;
private long maxKeyCount = 0;
private Path dir;
private Path filePath;
private InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes;
private HFileContext fileContext;
public WriterBuilder(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf,
FileSystem fs) {
this.conf = conf;
this.cacheConf = cacheConf;
this.fs = fs;

* Use either this method or {@link #withFilePath}, but not both.
* @param dir Path to column family directory. The directory is created if
*          does not exist. The file is given a unique name within this
*          directory.
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public WriterBuilder withOutputDir(Path dir) {
this.dir = dir;
return this;

* Use either this method or {@link #withOutputDir}, but not both.
* @param filePath the StoreFile path to write
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public WriterBuilder withFilePath(Path filePath) {
this.filePath = filePath;
return this;

* @param favoredNodes an array of favored nodes or possibly null
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public WriterBuilder withFavoredNodes(InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes) {
this.favoredNodes = favoredNodes;
return this;

public WriterBuilder withComparator(KeyValue.KVComparator comparator) {
this.comparator = comparator;
return this;

public WriterBuilder withBloomType(BloomType bloomType) {
this.bloomType = bloomType;
return this;

* @param maxKeyCount estimated maximum number of keys we expect to add
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public WriterBuilder withMaxKeyCount(long maxKeyCount) {
this.maxKeyCount = maxKeyCount;
return this;

public WriterBuilder withFileContext(HFileContext fileContext) {
this.fileContext = fileContext;
return this;
* Create a store file writer. Client is responsible for closing file when
* done. If metadata, add BEFORE closing using
* {@link Writer#appendMetadata}.
public Writer build() throws IOException {
if ((dir == null ? 0 : 1) + (filePath == null ? 0 : 1) != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either specify parent directory " +
"or file path");

if (dir == null) {
dir = filePath.getParent();

if (!fs.exists(dir)) {

if (filePath == null) {
filePath = getUniqueFile(fs, dir);
if (!BloomFilterFactory.isGeneralBloomEnabled(conf)) {
bloomType = BloomType.NONE;

if (comparator == null) {
comparator = KeyValue.COMPARATOR;
return new Writer(fs, filePath,
conf, cacheConf, comparator, bloomType, maxKeyCount, favoredNodes, fileContext);

* @param fs
* @param dir Directory to create file in.
* @return random filename inside passed <code>dir</code>
public static Path getUniqueFile(final FileSystem fs, final Path dir)
throws IOException {
if (!fs.getFileStatus(dir).isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException("Expecting " + dir.toString() +
" to be a directory");
return new Path(dir, UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""));

public Long getMinimumTimestamp() {
return (getReader().timeRangeTracker == null) ?
null :

* Gets the approximate mid-point of this file that is optimal for use in splitting it.
* @param comparator Comparator used to compare KVs.
* @return The split point row, or null if splitting is not possible, or reader is null.
byte[] getFileSplitPoint(KVComparator comparator) throws IOException {
if (this.reader == null) {
LOG.warn("Storefile " + this + " Reader is null; cannot get split point");
return null;
// Get first, last, and mid keys.  Midkey is the key that starts block
// in middle of hfile.  Has column and timestamp.  Need to return just
// the row we want to split on as midkey.
byte [] midkey = this.reader.midkey();
if (midkey != null) {
KeyValue mk = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(midkey, 0, midkey.length);
byte [] fk = this.reader.getFirstKey();
KeyValue firstKey = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(fk, 0, fk.length);
byte [] lk = this.reader.getLastKey();
KeyValue lastKey = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(lk, 0, lk.length);
// if the midkey is the same as the first or last keys, we cannot (ever) split this region.
if (comparator.compareRows(mk, firstKey) == 0 || comparator.compareRows(mk, lastKey) == 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("cannot split because midkey is the same as first or last row");
return null;
return mk.getRow();
return null;

* A StoreFile writer.  Use this to read/write HBase Store Files. It is package
* local because it is an implementation detail of the HBase regionserver.
public static class Writer implements Compactor.CellSink {
private final BloomFilterWriter generalBloomFilterWriter;
private final BloomFilterWriter deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter;
private final BloomType bloomType;
private byte[] lastBloomKey;
private int lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyLen;
private KVComparator kvComparator;
private Cell lastCell = null;
private long earliestPutTs = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
private Cell lastDeleteFamilyCell = null;
private long deleteFamilyCnt = 0;

/** Bytes per Checksum */
protected int bytesPerChecksum;

TimeRangeTracker timeRangeTracker = new TimeRangeTracker();
/* isTimeRangeTrackerSet keeps track if the timeRange has already been set
* When flushing a memstore, we set TimeRange and use this variable to
* indicate that it doesn't need to be calculated again while
* appending KeyValues.
* It is not set in cases of compactions when it is recalculated using only
* the appended KeyValues*/
boolean isTimeRangeTrackerSet = false;

protected HFile.Writer writer;

* Creates an HFile.Writer that also write helpful meta data.
* @param fs file system to write to
* @param path file name to create
* @param conf user configuration
* @param comparator key comparator
* @param bloomType bloom filter setting
* @param maxKeys the expected maximum number of keys to be added. Was used
*        for Bloom filter size in {@link HFile} format version 1.
* @param favoredNodes
* @param fileContext - The HFile context
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
private Writer(FileSystem fs, Path path,
final Configuration conf,
CacheConfig cacheConf,
final KVComparator comparator, BloomType bloomType, long maxKeys,
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes, HFileContext fileContext)
throws IOException {
writer = HFile.getWriterFactory(conf, cacheConf)
.withPath(fs, path)

this.kvComparator = comparator;

generalBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory.createGeneralBloomAtWrite(
conf, cacheConf, bloomType,
(int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer);

if (generalBloomFilterWriter != null) {
this.bloomType = bloomType;
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Bloom filter type for " + path + ": " +
this.bloomType + ", " + generalBloomFilterWriter.getClass().getSimpleName());
} else {
// Not using Bloom filters.
this.bloomType = BloomType.NONE;

// initialize delete family Bloom filter when there is NO RowCol Bloom
// filter
if (this.bloomType != BloomType.ROWCOL) {
this.deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory
.createDeleteBloomAtWrite(conf, cacheConf,
(int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer);
} else {
deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter = null;
if (deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter != null) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Delete Family Bloom filter type for " + path + ": "
+ deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter.getClass().getSimpleName());

* Writes meta data.
* Call before {@link #close()} since its written as meta data to this file.
* @param maxSequenceId Maximum sequence id.
* @param majorCompaction True if this file is product of a major compaction
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
public void appendMetadata(final long maxSequenceId, final boolean majorCompaction)
throws IOException {
writer.appendFileInfo(MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(maxSequenceId));

* Add TimestampRange and earliest put timestamp to Metadata
public void appendTrackedTimestampsToMetadata() throws IOException {
appendFileInfo(EARLIEST_PUT_TS, Bytes.toBytes(earliestPutTs));

* Set TimeRangeTracker
* @param trt
public void setTimeRangeTracker(final TimeRangeTracker trt) {
this.timeRangeTracker = trt;
isTimeRangeTrackerSet = true;

* Record the earlest Put timestamp.
* If the timeRangeTracker is not set,
* update TimeRangeTracker to include the timestamp of this key
* @param cell
public void trackTimestamps(final Cell cell) {
if (KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode() == cell.getTypeByte()) {
earliestPutTs = Math.min(earliestPutTs, cell.getTimestamp());
if (!isTimeRangeTrackerSet) {

private void appendGeneralBloomfilter(final Cell cell) throws IOException {
if (this.generalBloomFilterWriter != null) {
// only add to the bloom filter on a new, unique key
boolean newKey = true;
if (this.lastCell != null) {
switch(bloomType) {
case ROW:
newKey = ! kvComparator.matchingRows(cell, lastCell);
case ROWCOL:
newKey = ! kvComparator.matchingRowColumn(cell, lastCell);
case NONE:
newKey = false;
throw new IOException("Invalid Bloom filter type: " + bloomType +
" (ROW or ROWCOL expected)");
if (newKey) {
* http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Cib_A77V54U/StZMrzaKufI/AAAAAAAAADo/ZhK7bGoJdMQ/s400/KeyValue.png * Key = RowLen + Row + FamilyLen + Column [Family + Qualifier] + TimeStamp
* 2 Types of Filtering:
*  1. Row = Row
*  2. RowCol = Row + Qualifier
byte[] bloomKey;
int bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen;

switch (bloomType) {
case ROW:
bloomKey = cell.getRowArray();
bloomKeyOffset = cell.getRowOffset();
bloomKeyLen = cell.getRowLength();
case ROWCOL:
// merge(row, qualifier)
// TODO: could save one buffer copy in case of compound Bloom
// filters when this involves creating a KeyValue
bloomKey = generalBloomFilterWriter.createBloomKey(cell.getRowArray(),
cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), cell.getQualifierArray(),
cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
bloomKeyOffset = 0;
bloomKeyLen = bloomKey.length;
throw new IOException("Invalid Bloom filter type: " + bloomType +
" (ROW or ROWCOL expected)");
generalBloomFilterWriter.add(bloomKey, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen);
if (lastBloomKey != null
&& generalBloomFilterWriter.getComparator().compareFlatKey(bloomKey,
bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen, lastBloomKey,
lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyLen) <= 0) {
throw new IOException("Non-increasing Bloom keys: "
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(bloomKey, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen)
+ " after "
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(lastBloomKey, lastBloomKeyOffset,
lastBloomKey = bloomKey;
lastBloomKeyOffset = bloomKeyOffset;
lastBloomKeyLen = bloomKeyLen;
this.lastCell = cell;

private void appendDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(final Cell cell)
throws IOException {
if (!CellUtil.isDeleteFamily(cell) && !CellUtil.isDeleteFamilyVersion(cell)) {

// increase the number of delete family in the store file
if (null != this.deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter) {
boolean newKey = true;
if (lastDeleteFamilyCell != null) {
newKey = !kvComparator.matchingRows(cell, lastDeleteFamilyCell);
if (newKey) {
cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
this.lastDeleteFamilyCell = cell;

public void append(final Cell cell) throws IOException {

public Path getPath() {
return this.writer.getPath();

boolean hasGeneralBloom() {
return this.generalBloomFilterWriter != null;

* For unit testing only.
* @return the Bloom filter used by this writer.
BloomFilterWriter getGeneralBloomWriter() {
return generalBloomFilterWriter;

private boolean closeBloomFilter(BloomFilterWriter bfw) throws IOException {
boolean haveBloom = (bfw != null && bfw.getKeyCount() > 0);
if (haveBloom) {
return haveBloom;

private boolean closeGeneralBloomFilter() throws IOException {
boolean hasGeneralBloom = closeBloomFilter(generalBloomFilterWriter);

// add the general Bloom filter writer and append file info
if (hasGeneralBloom) {
if (lastBloomKey != null) {
writer.appendFileInfo(LAST_BLOOM_KEY, Arrays.copyOfRange(
lastBloomKey, lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyOffset
+ lastBloomKeyLen));
return hasGeneralBloom;

private boolean closeDeleteFamilyBloomFilter() throws IOException {
boolean hasDeleteFamilyBloom = closeBloomFilter(deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter);

// add the delete family Bloom filter writer
if (hasDeleteFamilyBloom) {

// append file info about the number of delete family kvs
// even if there is no delete family Bloom.

return hasDeleteFamilyBloom;

public void close() throws IOException {
boolean hasGeneralBloom = this.closeGeneralBloomFilter();
boolean hasDeleteFamilyBloom = this.closeDeleteFamilyBloomFilter();


// Log final Bloom filter statistics. This needs to be done after close()
// because compound Bloom filters might be finalized as part of closing.
if (StoreFile.LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
StoreFile.LOG.trace((hasGeneralBloom ? "" : "NO ") + "General Bloom and " +
(hasDeleteFamilyBloom ? "" : "NO ") + "DeleteFamily" + " was added to HFile " +


public void appendFileInfo(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws IOException {
writer.appendFileInfo(key, value);

/** For use in testing, e.g. {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.CreateRandomStoreFile}
HFile.Writer getHFileWriter() {
return writer;

* Reader for a StoreFile.
public static class Reader {
static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Reader.class.getName());

protected BloomFilter generalBloomFilter = null;
protected BloomFilter deleteFamilyBloomFilter = null;
protected BloomType bloomFilterType;
private final HFile.Reader reader;
protected TimeRangeTracker timeRangeTracker = null;
protected long sequenceID = -1;
private byte[] lastBloomKey;
private long deleteFamilyCnt = -1;
private boolean bulkLoadResult = false;

public Reader(FileSystem fs, Path path, CacheConfig cacheConf, Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
reader = HFile.createReader(fs, path, cacheConf, conf);
bloomFilterType = BloomType.NONE;

public Reader(FileSystem fs, Path path, FSDataInputStreamWrapper in, long size,
CacheConfig cacheConf, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
reader = HFile.createReader(fs, path, in, size, cacheConf, conf);
bloomFilterType = BloomType.NONE;

Reader() {
this.reader = null;

public KVComparator getComparator() {
return reader.getComparator();

* Get a scanner to scan over this StoreFile. Do not use
* this overload if using this scanner for compactions.
* @param cacheBlocks should this scanner cache blocks?
* @param pread use pread (for highly concurrent small readers)
* @return a scanner
public StoreFileScanner getStoreFileScanner(boolean cacheBlocks,
boolean pread) {
return getStoreFileScanner(cacheBlocks, pread, false,
// 0 is passed as readpoint because this method is only used by test
// where StoreFile is directly operated upon

* Get a scanner to scan over this StoreFile.
* @param cacheBlocks should this scanner cache blocks?
* @param pread use pread (for highly concurrent small readers)
* @param isCompaction is scanner being used for compaction?
* @return a scanner
public StoreFileScanner getStoreFileScanner(boolean cacheBlocks,
boolean pread,
boolean isCompaction, long readPt) {
return new StoreFileScanner(this,
getScanner(cacheBlocks, pread, isCompaction),
!isCompaction, reader.hasMVCCInfo(), readPt);

* Warning: Do not write further code which depends on this call. Instead
* use getStoreFileScanner() which uses the StoreFileScanner class/interface
* which is the preferred way to scan a store with higher level concepts.
* @param cacheBlocks should we cache the blocks?
* @param pread use pread (for concurrent small readers)
* @return the underlying HFileScanner
public HFileScanner getScanner(boolean cacheBlocks, boolean pread) {
return getScanner(cacheBlocks, pread, false);

* Warning: Do not write further code which depends on this call. Instead
* use getStoreFileScanner() which uses the StoreFileScanner class/interface
* which is the preferred way to scan a store with higher level concepts.
* @param cacheBlocks
*          should we cache the blocks?
* @param pread
*          use pread (for concurrent small readers)
* @param isCompaction
*          is scanner being used for compaction?
* @return the underlying HFileScanner
public HFileScanner getScanner(boolean cacheBlocks, boolean pread,
boolean isCompaction) {
return reader.getScanner(cacheBlocks, pread, isCompaction);

public void close(boolean evictOnClose) throws IOException {

* Check if this storeFile may contain keys within the TimeRange that
* have not expired (i.e. not older than oldestUnexpiredTS).
* @param scan the current scan
* @param oldestUnexpiredTS the oldest timestamp that is not expired, as
*          determined by the column family's TTL
* @return false if queried keys definitely don't exist in this StoreFile
boolean passesTimerangeFilter(Scan scan, long oldestUnexpiredTS) {
if (timeRangeTracker == null) {
return true;
} else {
return timeRangeTracker.includesTimeRange(scan.getTimeRange()) &&
timeRangeTracker.getMaximumTimestamp() >= oldestUnexpiredTS;

* Checks whether the given scan passes the Bloom filter (if present). Only
* checks Bloom filters for single-row or single-row-column scans. Bloom
* filter checking for multi-gets is implemented as part of the store
* scanner system (see {@link StoreFileScanner#seekExactly}) and uses
* the lower-level API {@link #passesGeneralBloomFilter(byte[], int, int, byte[],
* int, int)}.
* @param scan the scan specification. Used to determine the row, and to
*          check whether this is a single-row ("get") scan.
* @param columns the set of columns. Only used for row-column Bloom
*          filters.
* @return true if the scan with the given column set passes the Bloom
*         filter, or if the Bloom filter is not applicable for the scan.
*         False if the Bloom filter is applicable and the scan fails it.
boolean passesBloomFilter(Scan scan,
final SortedSet<byte[]> columns) {
// Multi-column non-get scans will use Bloom filters through the
// lower-level API function that this function calls.
if (!scan.isGetScan()) {
return true;

byte[] row = scan.getStartRow();
switch (this.bloomFilterType) {
case ROW:
return passesGeneralBloomFilter(row, 0, row.length, null, 0, 0);

case ROWCOL:
if (columns != null && columns.size() == 1) {
byte[] column = columns.first();
return passesGeneralBloomFilter(row, 0, row.length, column, 0,

// For multi-column queries the Bloom filter is checked from the
// seekExact operation.
return true;

return true;

public boolean passesDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(byte[] row, int rowOffset,
int rowLen) {
// Cache Bloom filter as a local variable in case it is set to null by
// another thread on an IO error.
BloomFilter bloomFilter = this.deleteFamilyBloomFilter;

// Empty file or there is no delete family at all
if (reader.getTrailer().getEntryCount() == 0 || deleteFamilyCnt == 0) {
return false;

if (bloomFilter == null) {
return true;

try {
if (!bloomFilter.supportsAutoLoading()) {
return true;
return bloomFilter.contains(row, rowOffset, rowLen, null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Bad Delete Family bloom filter data -- proceeding without",

return true;

* A method for checking Bloom filters. Called directly from
* StoreFileScanner in case of a multi-column query.
* @param row
* @param rowOffset
* @param rowLen
* @param col
* @param colOffset
* @param colLen
* @return True if passes
public boolean passesGeneralBloomFilter(byte[] row, int rowOffset,
int rowLen, byte[] col, int colOffset, int colLen) {
// Cache Bloom filter as a local variable in case it is set to null by
// another thread on an IO error.
BloomFilter bloomFilter = this.generalBloomFilter;
if (bloomFilter == null) {
return true;

byte[] key;
switch (bloomFilterType) {
case ROW:
if (col != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Row-only Bloom filter called with " +
"column specified");
if (rowOffset != 0 || rowLen != row.length) {
throw new AssertionError("For row-only Bloom filters the row "
+ "must occupy the whole array");
key = row;

case ROWCOL:
key = bloomFilter.createBloomKey(row, rowOffset, rowLen, col,
colOffset, colLen);

return true;

// Empty file
if (reader.getTrailer().getEntryCount() == 0)
return false;

try {
boolean shouldCheckBloom;
ByteBuffer bloom;
if (bloomFilter.supportsAutoLoading()) {
bloom = null;
shouldCheckBloom = true;
} else {
bloom = reader.getMetaBlock(HFile.BLOOM_FILTER_DATA_KEY,
shouldCheckBloom = bloom != null;

if (shouldCheckBloom) {
boolean exists;

// Whether the primary Bloom key is greater than the last Bloom key
// from the file info. For row-column Bloom filters this is not yet
// a sufficient condition to return false.
boolean keyIsAfterLast = lastBloomKey != null
&& bloomFilter.getComparator().compareFlatKey(key, lastBloomKey) > 0;

if (bloomFilterType == BloomType.ROWCOL) {
// Since a Row Delete is essentially a DeleteFamily applied to all
// columns, a file might be skipped if using row+col Bloom filter.
// In order to ensure this file is included an additional check is
// required looking only for a row bloom.
byte[] rowBloomKey = bloomFilter.createBloomKey(row, rowOffset, rowLen,
null, 0, 0);

if (keyIsAfterLast
&& bloomFilter.getComparator().compareFlatKey(rowBloomKey,
lastBloomKey) > 0) {
exists = false;
} else {
exists =
bloomFilter.contains(key, 0, key.length, bloom) ||
bloomFilter.contains(rowBloomKey, 0, rowBloomKey.length,
} else {
exists = !keyIsAfterLast
&& bloomFilter.contains(key, 0, key.length, bloom);

return exists;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error reading bloom filter data -- proceeding without",
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Bad bloom filter data -- proceeding without", e);

return true;

* Checks whether the given scan rowkey range overlaps with the current storefile's
* @param scan the scan specification. Used to determine the rowkey range.
* @return true if there is overlap, false otherwise
public boolean passesKeyRangeFilter(Scan scan) {
if (this.getFirstKey() == null || this.getLastKey() == null) {
// the file is empty
return false;
if (Bytes.equals(scan.getStartRow(), HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW)
&& Bytes.equals(scan.getStopRow(), HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW)) {
return true;
KeyValue smallestScanKeyValue = scan.isReversed() ? KeyValueUtil
.createFirstOnRow(scan.getStopRow()) : KeyValueUtil.createFirstOnRow(scan
KeyValue largestScanKeyValue = scan.isReversed() ? KeyValueUtil
.createLastOnRow(scan.getStartRow()) : KeyValueUtil.createLastOnRow(scan
boolean nonOverLapping = (getComparator().compareFlatKey(
this.getFirstKey(), largestScanKeyValue.getKey()) > 0 && !Bytes
.equals(scan.isReversed() ? scan.getStartRow() : scan.getStopRow(),
|| getComparator().compareFlatKey(this.getLastKey(),
smallestScanKeyValue.getKey()) < 0;
return !nonOverLapping;

public Map<byte[], byte[]> loadFileInfo() throws IOException {
Map<byte [], byte []> fi = reader.loadFileInfo();

byte[] b = fi.get(BLOOM_FILTER_TYPE_KEY);
if (b != null) {
bloomFilterType = BloomType.valueOf(Bytes.toString(b));

lastBloomKey = fi.get(LAST_BLOOM_KEY);
byte[] cnt = fi.get(DELETE_FAMILY_COUNT);
if (cnt != null) {
deleteFamilyCnt = Bytes.toLong(cnt);

return fi;

public void loadBloomfilter() {

private void loadBloomfilter(BlockType blockType) {
try {
if (blockType == BlockType.GENERAL_BLOOM_META) {
if (this.generalBloomFilter != null)
return; // Bloom has been loaded

DataInput bloomMeta = reader.getGeneralBloomFilterMetadata();
if (bloomMeta != null) {
// sanity check for NONE Bloom filter
if (bloomFilterType == BloomType.NONE) {
throw new IOException(
"valid bloom filter type not found in FileInfo");
} else {
generalBloomFilter = BloomFilterFactory.createFromMeta(bloomMeta,
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Loaded " + bloomFilterType.toString() + " "
+ generalBloomFilter.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " metadata for " + reader.getName());
} else if (blockType == BlockType.DELETE_FAMILY_BLOOM_META) {
if (this.deleteFamilyBloomFilter != null)
return; // Bloom has been loaded

DataInput bloomMeta = reader.getDeleteBloomFilterMetadata();
if (bloomMeta != null) {
deleteFamilyBloomFilter = BloomFilterFactory.createFromMeta(
bloomMeta, reader);
LOG.info("Loaded Delete Family Bloom ("
+ deleteFamilyBloomFilter.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ") metadata for " + reader.getName());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Block Type: " + blockType.toString()
+ "is not supported for Bloom filter");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error reading bloom filter meta for " + blockType
+ " -- proceeding without", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Bad bloom filter meta " + blockType
+ " -- proceeding without", e);

private void setBloomFilterFaulty(BlockType blockType) {
if (blockType == BlockType.GENERAL_BLOOM_META) {
} else if (blockType == BlockType.DELETE_FAMILY_BLOOM_META) {

* The number of Bloom filter entries in this store file, or an estimate
* thereof, if the Bloom filter is not loaded. This always returns an upper
* bound of the number of Bloom filter entries.
* @return an estimate of the number of Bloom filter entries in this file
public long getFilterEntries() {
return generalBloomFilter != null ? generalBloomFilter.getKeyCount()
: reader.getEntries();

public void setGeneralBloomFilterFaulty() {
generalBloomFilter = null;

public void setDeleteFamilyBloomFilterFaulty() {
this.deleteFamilyBloomFilter = null;

public byte[] getLastKey() {
return reader.getLastKey();

public byte[] getLastRowKey() {
return reader.getLastRowKey();

public byte[] midkey() throws IOException {
return reader.midkey();

public long length() {
return reader.length();

public long getTotalUncompressedBytes() {
return reader.getTrailer().getTotalUncompressedBytes();

public long getEntries() {
return reader.getEntries();

public long getDeleteFamilyCnt() {
return deleteFamilyCnt;

public byte[] getFirstKey() {
return reader.getFirstKey();

public long indexSize() {
return reader.indexSize();

public BloomType getBloomFilterType() {
return this.bloomFilterType;

public long getSequenceID() {
return sequenceID;

public void setSequenceID(long sequenceID) {
this.sequenceID = sequenceID;

public void setBulkLoaded(boolean bulkLoadResult) {
this.bulkLoadResult = bulkLoadResult;

public boolean isBulkLoaded() {
return this.bulkLoadResult;

BloomFilter getGeneralBloomFilter() {
return generalBloomFilter;

long getUncompressedDataIndexSize() {
return reader.getTrailer().getUncompressedDataIndexSize();

public long getTotalBloomSize() {
if (generalBloomFilter == null)
return 0;
return generalBloomFilter.getByteSize();

public int getHFileVersion() {
return reader.getTrailer().getMajorVersion();

public int getHFileMinorVersion() {
return reader.getTrailer().getMinorVersion();

public HFile.Reader getHFileReader() {
return reader;

void disableBloomFilterForTesting() {
generalBloomFilter = null;
this.deleteFamilyBloomFilter = null;

public long getMaxTimestamp() {
return timeRangeTracker == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : timeRangeTracker.getMaximumTimestamp();

* Useful comparators for comparing StoreFiles.
public abstract static class Comparators {
* Comparator that compares based on the Sequence Ids of the
* the StoreFiles. Bulk loads that did not request a seq ID
* are given a seq id of -1; thus, they are placed before all non-
* bulk loads, and bulk loads with sequence Id. Among these files,
* the size is used to determine the ordering, then bulkLoadTime.
* If there are ties, the path name is used as a tie-breaker.
public static final Comparator<StoreFile> SEQ_ID =
Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new GetSeqId()),
Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new GetFileSize()).reverse(),
Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new GetBulkTime()),
Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new GetPathName())

private static class GetSeqId implements Function<StoreFile, Long> {
public Long apply(StoreFile sf) {
return sf.getMaxSequenceId();

private static class GetFileSize implements Function<StoreFile, Long> {
public Long apply(StoreFile sf) {
return sf.getReader().length();

private static class GetBulkTime implements Function<StoreFile, Long> {
public Long apply(StoreFile sf) {
if (!sf.isBulkLoadResult()) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return sf.getBulkLoadTimestamp();

private static class GetPathName implements Function<StoreFile, String> {
public String apply(StoreFile sf) {
return sf.getPath().getName();
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