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Broadcast receiver Activity

2015-02-27 12:15 120 查看

If you want to catch a broadcasted intent on an Activity, you may get the following error:

02-22 08:18:46.874: E/AndroidRuntime(276): java.lang.RuntimeException:Unable
to instantiate receiver com.helloandroid.broadcasttest.BroadcastTestActivity$MyBroadcastReceiver:




02-22 08:18:46.874: E/AndroidRuntime(276): Caused

This is because you can't instantiate a receiver in an inner class.
Instead of inner receiver, you can manually instantiate a broadcast receiver yourself in the activity.

private BroadcastReceiver myBroadCastReceiver =new BroadcastReceiver()



public void onReceive(Context context,
Intent intent )


Log.d( "Broadcastreceiver: " + intent.getAction() + "
package: "+intent.getPackage() + " @" + System.currentTimeMillis() );



No need to set this receiver in the manifest xml file, register it in the activity's onresume method and unregister in the onpause:

public void onResume() {



registerReceiver(myBroadcastReceiver, newIntentFilter("your.custom.BROADCAST"));


public void onPause() {







Thats all, the receiver will catch the broadcasts, if the activity is on the screen.
To broadcast custom intents, use the following method:

Intent broadCastIntent = new Intent();

broadCastIntent.setAction( "your.custom.BROADCAST" );

broadCastIntent.setPackage("com.helloandroid.broadcasttest" );

ApplicationObject.applicationContext.sendBroadcast(broadCastIntent );

Log.d( "Broadcast sent" );

The setPackage() method set an explicit application package name that limits the components the Intent will resolve to.
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