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SharePoint 2013 支持 Windows Phone 设备(configurationsupport Windows Phone devices)

2015-02-25 22:10 435 查看
SharePoint 2013 支持 Windows Phone 设备(configurationsupport Windows Phone devices)

对于移动设备 很普及的今天来说,使用手机,平板浏览网页在一个移动设备现在如此普遍,SharePoint站点必须为可读性和易用性优化在智能手机和平板电脑等移动设备。

使用设备在SharePoint 2013频道,您可以以多种方式呈现一个发布网站通过使用不同的设计目标不同的设备。

* Figure 1. Using device channels across different device platforms


如图 所示,您可以指定一个特定的常规桌面浏览网站的主页,和一个移动主设备重定向页面。是否移动或默认主页面呈现取决于配置、激活装置通道。具体地说,它取决于设备包含规则子串,提供设备通道创建过程。

To create a device channel

1.  Start Design Manager. (For example, on the Settings menu, choose Design Manager.)

2.  In the numbered list, select Manage Device Channels.

3.  On the Design Manager: Manage Device Channels page, choose Create a channel.

4.  On the Device Channels – New Item page, in the Name text box, enter a name for the device channel.

5.  In the Alias text box, enter an alias for the device channel. The alias must be alphanumeric characters and may not contain spaces. You will use the alias to refer to the device channel in code and in other contexts.

6.  In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the devices or browsers that the channel will capture.

7.  In the Device Inclusion Rules text box, enter the user agent substrings for the channel. A request for a webpage will use this channel if any of the strings that you provide match the user agent string of the request.

8.  If you are ready to make the channel available to render pages, select the Active check box.

Choose Save.

Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj862343#create
Device Channels in SharePoint 2013

In the past few years the usage of mobile devices grown vastly. Mobile devices and their capabilities improved a lot. Following are the few of the scenarios that mobile devices are differentiate with computer desktops.


     Small Screen

     Limited bandwidth

     Device dependent capabilities

One of the new features in SharePoint 2013 is device channels. By using device channels SharePoint 2013 can support mobile devices. Device channels allows us to define number of channels, we can map them to devices under agent matches or custom logic and associated
master pages to each channel.

Device channels works for only publishing sites with mobile support enabled. So we have to enable the publishing feature on Site collection level and site level to use device channels.

How to Configure Device Channels: We can configure the device channels by defining new channels in the site. We can do this by navigating to site settings, in the look and feel section select device channels link

In the Device Channels list we can manage the device channels for our site collection. SharePoint will manage the request for the device as the list order in the device channels.

While creating new device channel we need to enter the Alias and Device Inclusion Rules and Active or not. Here Alias is the Unique ID number of the channel that managed by SharePoint. Through device Inclusion Rules property, we can include the number of strings
matched for the visitor's browser user agent string. Active property will used to check that Device Channel is active or not.

While defining device inclusion rules we can create a fallback channel for all the mobile devices that didn't match specific device. We can define fall back device channel by setting $FALLBACKMOBILEUSERAGENTS. We can check the device recognized or not by
determining .httpContext.Current.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice property value.

We need to associate a master page after configuring the device channel by navigating Site Settings -> Look and feel -> Master Page

对于每个设备通道我们需要配置不同的主页。SharePoint 2013还提供我们设备通道控制,允许显示内容基于当前应用设备的通道。我们可以指定设备频道内容应该通过指定设备可见渠道使用IncludeChannels属性。我们可以指定多个设备通道为逗号分隔的字符串。映射到主设备的渠道页面存储在/ _catalogs masterpage / __DeviceChannelMappings。aspx文件。

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